Israel and Palestine - Work it out !!!

  • 16 years ago
I don't want to comment too much on this video, because to be perfectly honest with you... I am sick of the 'crap' from all sides.
'Sixty bloody years' and you still haven't learnt to be mature enough to appreciate that through 'tolerance and respect toward each other' you can overcome your differences... and that through 'education' rather than 'bloodshed' you can even learn to appreciate each other as fellow human beings.
If you can't learn to get on with each other for your own benefit... then please do it for your children, because the only 'future' you are currently leaving for them, is one similar to that found in Hiroshima... 63 years ago !!!

To the People of Israel... Open your eyes to (and demand an end to) the atrocities that are being committed in your name against the Palestinian People. They are human beings, and they deserve to treated with respect !

To the People of Palestine... You are not helping your cause by allowing Missiles to be fired into Israel, or by not discouraging the use of suicide bombers to kill innocent Israeli Civilians !

As a footnote to the U.S. Government... Stop meddling in International Affairs.
A country that already possesses enough Nuclear Weapons to be able to wipe most of its neighbours off the face of the earth in less than ten minutes, doesn't need your Thirty Billion Dollars in Military Aid.
If you truly want to contribute toward Israel's Future... look for 'more peaceful alternatives' than arming them to the teeth in weapons. You can start by encouraging them to 'respect human rights' rather than repeatedly hiding behind U.S. vetoes of Security Council Resolutions !!!
