To Jenin - With love from Israel !!!

  • 16 years ago
Warning... This video is unsuitable for children !

Do we really have to keep on going the way we are, until some idiots start 'nuking everyone' ???

I fully appreciate that Israel has a right to defend itself... but this is ridiculous !!!
What you see in this video, is Israel's response to a 'Suicide Bombing' which killed 30 Israelis during the year 2002.

It is unclear exactly how many Palestinians 'died' as a result of this carnage... however, at least 50 were believed to have been killed, and hundreds more were reported as 'missing'. It perhaps warrants mention that when the Israeli Army finally withdrew from Jenin, they set up a Blockade, and refused access to Humanitarian Aid. This action alone, in preventing Medical Aid from reaching injured Palestinians, would have contributed toward the death toll !

The United Nations announced it would conduct an Investigation to determine whether Israel had 'massacred civilians' in Jenin... however, the Investigation was prevented from taking place, following intervention by the United States in the Security Council.

To quote Shimon Peres...
"The problem with Jenin was that the pictures made it look worse than it actually was !"
Well excuse me, Mr Peres... but what the heck do you expect things to look like, when your tanks and thugs are set upon a Palestinian City ???

I call on the International Community to support my call for such Investigations to be conducted... as it is my belief that in order to ensure an end to the (so called) 'War on Terror' we need to focus our attention on the true source of the problem !!!

Music in this video is an extended remix of the John Farnham song... Help !
