• 5 years ago
Villagers caught a 15ft long python that was attacking their cows then cooked it on a camp fire.

Moukda Inthilart yelled for help from neighbours when he found the snake in the cow shed in Pakse, southern Laos on August 17.

The farmer said said: "I've never seen a snake as big as this one. It's enormous. It can feed a lot of people."

The farmer, with the help of several villagers, forced the snake away from the cows and killed it using sharp tools in the shed.

There was a struggle for around five minutes while they attacked the reptile before carrying it home to be cooked for dinner.

The snake was tossed into a bonfire made with logs and it was left to cook in the burning embers.

When the snake appeared to be ready, the farmer used a knife to scrape the scales off the reptile to reveal the meat underneath.

He was heard saying in the footage, he said: "Four of us found it in the cowshed, if we did not kill it, it would have killed us and the cattle."

The barbecued snake was eaten for dinner by the farmer and four other neighbours who helped him catch it.
