Here’s How Archana Puran Singh Celebrated Her Mother’s Birthday

  • 4 years ago
A few days back, actor Archana Puran Singh celebrated her mother’s 90th birthday. Although, due to the global pandemic the family couldn’t celebrate her birthday in grand manner, instead Archana took her mother to buy flowers and plants. Sharing the video, Archana wrote, "Our relationship is all the contradictions of mother and daughter - the love the fights the apologies the arguments the making up the scoldings the kisses the tears the laughter the hugs. No one knows better than you how much I love you. It has been my blessing, honour and pride to have lived with you even after I got married. What would our home have been without your love and care for me, my boys and @iamparmeetsethi who you have loved like your 3rd son? It is your spirit that taught me to be fiery even though you yourself chose to be water rather than fire. Your choices defined many of mine - being there for the kids when they returned home, always giving family first and last priority, being happy with whatever life gave you (and even when it took away), holding on to that inner child in the face of any hardship, being happy with the simplest of things and celebrating the grander ones. I wish a mother's unconditional love could be repaid even an iota. And because I know your love can never be repaid Mom, I will just say that however much you love me, know that I love you a million times more. Even though I may not always show it. But I know you know it."