It Looks Like This Review

  • 4 years ago
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It looks like this: Pink, mostly. Puffs of orange just below. The fiercest yellow way ahead?far, far ahead. Red slashed all across. All of it fading to blue, getting deeper and deeper as you go out.A new state, a new city, a new high school. And Mike?s father has already found a church for the family to attend, even if Mike and his plainspoken little sister, Toby, don?t want to go. Mike?s dad also wants him to ditch art for sports, to toughen up, and there?s something uneasy behind his demands. Everything changes when Mike meets Sean, the new kid, and a simple ?hey? turns into games of basketball, partnering on a French project, hanging out after school. A night at the beach. The fierce colors of sunrise. But Mike?s father is always watching. And so is Victor from school, cell phone in hand.