Requiem for a Dream Director’s Cut Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Celebrating its 20th anniversary with a 4K Ultra HD release, Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream -- with a screenplay by Aronofsky and Hubert Selby Jr., based on Selby's novel -- is a hypnotic film about four people pursuing their visions of happiness. Even as everything begins to fall apart, they refuse to let go, plummeting with their dreams into a nightmarish, gut-wrenching freefall.
directed by Darren Aronofsky
starring Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly, and Marlon Wayans
directed by Darren Aronofsky
starring Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly, and Marlon Wayans
Short film