LED DotStar Display - Intellivision graphics

  • 4 years ago
Quick demo of my little wearable display.

Apologies for the slightly washed out colors (due to camera over-exposure). The colors are brilliant and vivid in real life.

It is composed of:
1. Adafruit's DotStar Matrix 16x16 of 256 RGB LED Pixels (https://www.adafruit.com/product/2735)
2. Raspberry Pi B+
3. Custom circuit using Adafruit's Perma-Proto HAT for Pi Mini Kit - No EEPROM (https://www.adafruit.com/product/2310)
4. Custom C++ software that utilizes the ImageMagick API
5. Various animated GIF files of the Intellivision graphics

Note: the graphics are deliberately blocky to honor the retro gaming console, the Intellivision. Also, the current graphics were originally created for an earlier implementation that used a smaller 8x8 pixel display. The GIFs will later be updated to 16x16 resolution to take advantage of the enhanced screen resolution and show more detailed Intellivision graphics.

Disclaimer #1: The names and logos of Intellivision, Astrosmash, the Intellivision Running Man, and phrases from various Intellivision demo cartridges are owned and/or registered as trademarks by ©Intellivision Productions, Inc. (http://intellivisiongames.com).

Disclaimer #2: This wearable display is not for sale. No profit is being made by me from either the hardware or software. It is a one-off project for myself. If this changes in the future (very unlikely), the Intellivision graphical content would not be included with it unless it was licensed from Intellivision Productions, Inc.
