Nicola Adams on Tik Tok Bullying, Keeping Fit at Home & Her New Plant-Based Diet | WH Doing Well

  • 4 years ago
Twice women’s boxing Olympic-champion, Tik Tok aficionado and advocate for spreading a message of tolerance and acceptance, Nicola Adams OBE kicks off our new series 'Doing Well', where we chat with your favourite fitness, sport and celebrity faces about how and why they live the healthy lives they do.

From working out at home to what she now chooses to drink instead of cow’s milk, to the harassment she and her girlfriend face online, Nicola puts it all on the table in this chat with WH's Digital Fitness Writer Morgan Fargo.

*Nicola Adams is part of Alpro's 'Make Yours Oat with Alpro' campaign aimed to encourage more people to make the switch to plant-based alternatives.