• 5 years ago


01:33Just got a wire that says you've got a fugitive on board, Fred.
01:37Guess we'll have to give you a train to watch over.
01:39All right, Sheriff, go ahead.
01:41Who is he?
01:42Name is John Brandt.
01:43Sent up for murder and got away.
01:45Brandt, eh?
01:46Oh, yeah.
01:47Read about him in the paper.
01:48Well, I hope you get him, Sheriff.
02:03There he goes!
02:30Hey, back there by the horse, there!
02:51Hey, Sheriff, what about that other way?
03:27He don't know this country very well.
03:36We'll go around the hill and head him off.
03:57All right, let's go, Sheriff, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
04:27go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
04:57go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
05:27go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
05:57go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
06:27go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
06:57go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
07:10Well, I guess, you got me. Come on up stranger, I ain't the law.
07:17You're a pretty smart hombre, and you've got plenty of nerve.
07:24If it strikes me, the boss could use somebody like you.
07:27What's your name?
07:28Smith, ain't it?
07:29That's the handle most of you fast travelers use.
07:34Ah, that's as good as any.
07:38Mine's Jones.
07:41Say, you're pretty near all in, ain't you?
07:44Better come on up with me to the hideout and meet the big chief.
07:47He'll be short a couple of hands.
08:17I'm bringing a new man in to see the chief.
08:38Dick, I'd like for you to know my friend, Mr.
08:40Wait a minute.
08:41Don't tell me.
08:42Let me guess.
08:43Name's Smith, ain't it?
08:44That's right.
09:15I could hold out the whole army with this setup.
09:29Yeah, but if we ever do get in a tight spot, this time we'll run up there and back through
09:32the mountains, and we almost have a getaway.
09:34You wait here a minute.
09:45Well, as long as you brought him in, we've got to do something with him.
10:01Say, we need a new cook.
10:07The last one got hurt bad yesterday.
10:25Hey, Smith!
10:26Come in and clean up this mess.
10:39Well, who's playing?
10:42Wait a minute.
10:43It's our deal.
10:44Deal me in.
10:45Me too.
10:46Not tonight for me, boys.
11:08I saw where that one came from, Chief.
11:14Your eyes is kind of going back on you, ain't they, Jones?
11:17Oh, no, they aren't.
11:19I'll get you for this, Jones!
11:25I'll get you for this, Jones!
11:31I'll get you for this, Jones!
11:37I'll get you for this, Jones!
11:43I'll get you for this, Jones!
11:47I'll get you for this!
11:51I'll get you for this.
12:05You better keep that dude to mind his own business or we'll be needing another cook!
12:17$1,000 reward will be paid for information leading to the capture of John Brandt, sentenced
12:35to the Maryland State Prison when he was found with the body of George Wagner, wealthy clubman
12:41in the Loveless apartment of Mrs. Joseph Conlon. Brandt escaped from prison May 14th and is
12:48thought to have headed west. You know, that's the bird we lost at the lake yesterday. I'll
12:56have to send in a report on him. Funny thing about that case, the husband of the wound
13:03that was mixed up in it, was around these parts too. I got a handbill on him just yesterday.
13:09Might have saved Brandt if he'd only turned up and testified. At least that's what Brandt said at the trial.
13:27I wonder what would have happened if Brandt ever ran across Conlon. I'll bet he would have made
13:32it plenty hot for him.
13:46You sure made that plenty hot for me.
13:51It was mighty fine of you to mix in that fight last night. Wasn't any of your battle, and I won't forget it.
13:57I won't either.
14:02Smith, you get down to the crale and water the horses.
14:05Thought I was supposed to cook.
14:07Get going.
14:14Wait a minute, Jones. I want to talk to you. Just who is this fellow you call Smith? What do you know about him?
14:20Well, I know his name ain't Smith, but he's got plenty of nerve. We could use a little of that around here.
14:26Besides, I know a square guy when I see one. Yeah, he might be a star packer. Some of them are square guys.
14:34So you're worried about him, huh? Well, I'll show you he's all right. You know that safe job down at
14:39Sagebrush we were talking about? Well, Smith and I'll pull that ourselves. Just the two of us.
14:43A star packer wouldn't do that, would he? All right, pick him up down at the crale at noon.
14:49And if you get in a jam, hide out down at Blind Pete's. All right, Chief.
14:56Sure the law won't write in on us? Not a chance. They're all out looking for rustlers.
15:26Were you gentlemen interested in looking at something? I'll say so. Have you any rutabagas?
15:38Why, certainly. Hey, I don't know if we're ever getting here or going.
16:08What time does the next mail get in? At three o'clock.
16:21Will it be on time? It never misses.
16:30Wouldn't you like one of these hat bands? I, uh...
16:33No, I guess that'll be all. Won't there be anything else?
16:38No. Well, maybe my friend here would like something. What will you have?
16:46Why, I'll take the same.
17:15These are the eggs. Be careful with them.
17:19Are you sure you wouldn't care for one of these hat bands? They're special. Yeah, uh...
17:25I'll get one next time. That'll be ten dollars each. My friend will pay for it.
17:32Oh, I'm sorry.
17:54I suppose you want more liniment for that rheumatism of yours.
18:04Well, how'd you guess it, Miss Sally? With you limping like that.
18:09Wait, I think I gave you the wrong bottle. Yeah?
18:30No, this is the right one. I don't know what's the matter with me today.
18:39Look, Dad.
18:56Leave a couple of men in your store with the lights on or your safe will be robbed tonight.
19:02Do you think those fellows who were just here had anything to do with this?
19:06Well, no, they couldn't have written it. Why, I was talking to one of them all the time.
19:11I'd better tell the sheriff. We'll be waiting for them, all right, but without any lights on.
19:35No lights, eh? That's bad. What's that? Nothing. You'd better let me go.
20:05They're right behind us. You get out. Don't wait for me.
20:26Come on, you're all right. You can hide out at blind feet and there won't be no time before you're up and around.
20:35That guy looked mighty familiar to me. I wonder if it could have been...
20:45What about the sheriff? Oh, never mind.
20:48Nobody's trying to trail him in the dark, anyhow.
21:35What's the dope, Pete?
21:49The three o'clock stage is carrying the mine payroll.
21:55That's all Waltz wanted to know.
22:05How's Smith?
22:15We can hardly hold him. Where is he?
22:19He's in there.
22:31Come in.
22:36How are you, partner? Oh, I'm feeling great.
22:39Well, I'd sure be glad to get out of this place.
22:53You'd better wait a while yet, partner. We've got a tough job to do.
23:04We're sticking up the three o'clock stage down by the bend and it ain't no place for invalids.
23:12Well, I'm glad to see you're coming along all right.
23:16Well, so long. I'll be seeing you.
23:24Down by the bend, eh?
23:28Yes, you'll be seeing me.
24:53Just a few minutes, boys, so get ready.
25:23The road agents haven't been very active lately, have they?
25:36Oh, we've got them scared.
25:38Get rid of that gun and don't turn around. I'll throw off that money box.
25:49I'll keep driving straight ahead and don't look back.
25:54This ought to be a good haul.
26:13Here he comes now.
26:44I told you he came up behind us. We didn't even get a look at him.
26:48He must be telling the truth, chief. There ain't a sign on the box anywhere.
26:52All right, get going.
27:00Somebody's pulled a fast one. Say, did you tell Smith about this?
27:07No. Besides, he couldn't have done it anyway. He's out of blind teeth.
27:12Yeah. Well, get an order, boys. We'll split up and see if we can't find this
27:17bird that has such taken ways of mine payroll.
28:03quick, Sally, come out here. It's important.
28:39he could have saved me if he'd wanted, but he let me go to jail.
28:42Well, someday I'll meet him. When I do...
28:48I'm sorry, but why do you have to associate with that gang?
28:52That's just the kind of a place I'll find the man I'm looking for.
28:56And besides, I got a pal that doesn't belong there.
29:00Well, I guess I better be riding. Now, don't forget in the hollow of the tree down by the
29:05forks. Oh, you call the sheriff. You got another note.
29:08Oh, you've lost your hat, Ben. Wait, I'll get you another from the store.
29:28all right
29:50well, I didn't expect to see you here, partner.
29:54How'd the stage job come off? Why, not so good. Somebody beat us to it.
29:59Fact is, the boy's trying to think you did it. Looks funny, too, you being away.
30:03I'd sort of suspect you myself if it hadn't been for the way you did the other night.
30:06Well, maybe I did rob the stage.
30:09Hey, just where were you, anyway? You haven't been over to see Sally, have you?
30:14You know, we're pals and all that. I like you fine, Smith,
30:18but if I thought you were cutting in on Sally...
30:20You don't think you're good enough for her, do you?
30:23Do you think you are? No, I don't.
30:29Maybe you're right. I might have been, though, if a woman hadn't double-crossed me.
30:34It was several years ago. I came out here from Baltimore.
30:40Baltimore? Yeah, why?
30:43I knew somebody in Baltimore once.
30:47I came out here to regain my health. When I went back,
30:52I found my wife in the arms of another man. We fought, and I killed him, Smith.
30:59I got away and headed out here.
31:01I've been a fugitive ever since. Was her name Conlon?
31:08What do you want to know for? I think I read about it in the paper.
31:12Yeah, I suppose it was in all the papers. Funny, I never saw one after I left.
31:24And you never knew what happened after that?
31:26No, I never heard any more about it.
31:34Come on, you need a drink, partner.
31:40You know, we ought to give up this racket, though.
31:44It's going to lead us both to a rope-neck tie one of these days.
31:56Hiya, boys. Here's a note I picked up down at Blind Pete's.
32:10Well, boys, we've struck it rich. The mine's shipping out
32:14a load of gold bullion on the afternoon stage.
32:17Tomorrow, I'm going to retire after this haul.
32:21Not a chance of Walt winning it all back at cards.
32:29I'm afraid of that guy. Oh, he's all right?
32:31Ever since he's been here, somebody's been tipping off the sheriff.
32:34I think he's a stool pigeon. He's got the wrong dope on this bullion shipment, though.
33:52Oh, I'm just going shopping.
33:53Shopping? For what?
33:55Here, hold this.
33:58I'm going shopping for, uh, for eggs.
34:02You know, if I don't have eggs in the morning, you boys will be squawking.
34:08Well, so long.
34:22Chief, I'm beginning to think maybe you were right about Smith.
34:24Oh, well, sure took you a long time to get wise to yourself, didn't it?
34:29He's going down now to tell them about the bullion job, which ain't tomorrow.
34:34We're going to bring that stage up here this afternoon.
34:37The stuff's too heavy to move a horse back.
34:39I'll follow him and find out.
34:41If we come back together, he's all right.
34:43But if I send him back alone...
34:45I'll follow him and find out.
34:46If we come back together, he's all right.
34:49But if I send him back alone...
34:51We know what to do.
35:16You know, I believe that fellow Brad is still alive.
35:19Looked to me like it was him at the door the night of the store hold-up.
35:24He must have gotten out of that lake somehow.
35:27I believe we better take these handbills over and talk to Sally.
36:15Take this to Miss Sally, will you?
36:42And see that she gets it personally.
36:59Sally, a man outside told me to give this to you.
37:13Did you want something, Sheriff?
37:25Why, yes, Miss Sally.
37:26I wanted you to identify a couple of men for me.
37:29Were these the two men who were in the store the day of the hold-up?
37:39I don't think these are the men, Sheriff.
37:43I don't believe I can recognize them.
37:47Well, maybe we're wrong.
37:49Thanks, Miss Sally.
37:57I've known Sally since she was so high.
38:00Kind of hard to believe.
38:02She knows more than she's telling us.
38:04Maybe we ought to trail her.
39:08Hello, Jones.
39:10Where'd you come from?
39:11I just came in to help you carry back them eggs.
39:15Hey, what's eating you?
39:16You aren't acting yourself.
39:20Oh, nothing.
39:22I guess I need a drink.
39:24Pete, fix me a drink.
39:41Oh, John, you've got to get out of here.
39:53The sheriff is after you.
39:54He acted funny when I told him about the stage holdup.
39:56And today he came in and showed me
39:57your picture on reward notice.
39:59Well, that's mighty fine of you to warn me.
40:03All right, Sally.
40:04Put up your hands, boys.
40:05The game's up.
40:12We want you, Brant, and you, Conlon.
40:35Beat it, Jones.
40:41Come on, we'll get a posse.
41:11If they raise a posse, we ain't got a chance mounted like this.
41:15You head for the corral on foot.
41:17Get a horse and make for the abandoned mine
41:18while I circle around and draw off these star packers.
41:20Well, why should you take all the chances?
41:22I know this country better than you do.
41:24I'll meet you at the hideout.
41:25All right, Jones.
41:41So who's gonna handle the horse cart?
41:44Let's go.
41:46Come on, let's hurry, we're late.
41:58Get out, guys.
42:02Are you all ready, boys?
42:11Sure, I'll put it back by tomorrow.
42:33Where is he?
42:34Is it again?
42:35Is he safe?
42:36Where is he?
42:37Is he safe?
42:39Yeah, he's safe, all right.
42:40I'll never get you either.
42:42What a sap I am.
42:44You're right.
42:45You are a sap.
42:47You're the double-crosser.
42:48Why, you've double-crossed the best friend you ever had.
42:51He was sent up for the killing you did.
42:53He came out here to get you.
42:54Instead of that, he stayed here, even
42:55after he knew who you were, and tried to make you go straight.
42:59You've got to stay here.
43:05I'm a bigger sap than I thought I was.
43:08You find the sheriff and head for the abandoned mine.
43:10Why, I'd like to head off Smith before the gang gets here.
43:31Boss, they went that way.
43:40Smith's coming in, and he's alone.
43:43Get your position, boys.
44:11Oh, Sheriff, the boss gang is going to ambush Braddock
44:13at the abandoned mine.
45:10Come on, boys, let's go.
45:40Come on, boys, let's go.
46:10Boss, they're behind us.
46:11We'll get them both.
46:40Looks like they're on all sides of us.
46:42Yeah, we're in a tight spot.
46:45Come on, we've got them.
46:46Hold in on them.
46:51We'll have to make a run for it.
46:52It's not a chance we shouldn't lose.
46:53It's better than if we make a tunnel.
46:55You get in the stage and keep firing.
46:56I'll drive.
48:25They must have gone through this way boys.
48:39There's one of them over there!
49:07You keep on driving, I'll take to the next tree and pick them off one at a time.
49:12All right!
49:36Come on!
50:06Come on!
50:37Put him on a horse, Leonard! Bring him along!
50:40All right, sir!
51:06There's another one up ahead!
51:36Are you all right?
51:53Don't try to move me.
51:55I'm bleeding.
52:09Put him up, boys. You're not going to get away this time.
52:11We're not trying to get away.
52:14Afraid this man's done for, sir.
52:20I'm cheating the rope.
52:22But before I go...
52:25I want to tell you...
52:27I killed George Wagner.
52:30Brant didn't have anything to do with it.
52:33I didn't know.
52:36I'm sorry, partner.
52:41I'm glad.
53:02I always told Jones that word wouldn't make good as a bad man.
53:06Shut up!
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