Only the average artist moves ahead in Bollywood: Shekhar Suman

  • 4 years ago
Should there be a CBI inquiry in Sushant Singh Rajput case? Does Riya believe in ghosts? Why did the family tell lies about Riya's studies? The story behind Sushant's change of flat 6 months ago? After all, what is the connection of Riya and family in Sushant case? Actor Shekhar Suman said on this issue, I was stopped to move forward in films. Here anyone becomes a direct and producer. After all, a 200 crore film is made, so where did this money come from, why was it not investigated? This is so damn in Bollywood, here only the average artist moves forward. He teases artists coming from television. Sushant did not agree in a big producer's film. In Bollywood, only its people are given awards. #JusticeForSushant #DeshKiBahas
