S. Korea expects more than 100 new COVID-19 cases on Sat.

  • 4 years ago
방역 당국, "내일 신규 확진자 100명 넘을 수도"

After around two months of keeping daily cases below 70, South Korea can expect cases to hit the triple digits on Saturday, following the return of South Korean nationals from Iraq.
But, no need for excessive worry says KCDC... vowing to contain any further spread in local communities.
Kim Sungmin reports.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday that the number of newly confirmed cases on Saturday is likely to reach over one hundred..., following the return of Korean construction workers from Iraq.
The chartered flight sent to Iraq arrived at Incheon airport on Friday morning..., bringing back 2-hundred-93 Korean construction workers.
Around 89 of them are found to show symptoms of the virus.
Another set of cases has emerged from the crew of a Russian ship docked at the Busan port.
32 crew members have been belatedly confirmed to be infected along with 5 ship repair workers.
These will also appear in the figures reported on Saturday.
"There is a high possibility that the newly confirmed cases will reach triple-digits..., surpassing a hundred. But even if it turns out to be the case, our headquarters and the government will try our best to contain further infections..., while believing that it was an act to save our nationals from the danger of COVID-19 in Iraq."
The official added that the public should not be frustrated or surprised too much by the sudden hike in the numbers.
As for the distancing policies in local communities, the ban on small gatherings at churches has been lifted as of Friday 6 PM.
However, the government once again said that people should still take precautionary measures like keeping sufficient distance between themselves, and wearing masks.
South Korea reported 41 new cases on Friday.
Of those, 13 were imported cases.
There was one more death, bringing the death toll to 298.
Kim Sung-min, Arirang News.