Informe cupula Montoneros - Roberto Perdia - Mario Firmenich 2003

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Montoneros guerrilla dome report. Roberto Perdia's Evidence. Military parade on Del Libertador Avenue. Box of honor with President Jorge Rafael Videla, Eduardo Massera and Orlando Agosti. Mario Firmenich's evidence. Flyer with the search for the killers of Pedro Eugenio Aramburu. Testimony of General Juan Domingo Peron in 1974. Placards of Montoneros and other groups in Plaza de Mayo. Guerrilla armed struggle. Photo of Jorge Born during his kidnapping by Montoneros. Photo of the military junta on the day assumed by the government in 1976. Image of Mario Firmenich saluting from a window. Image by Fernando Vaca Narvaja.
Date: 2003
Duration: 2 minutes 21 seconds
Code: BG-0722

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