Britannia High - song 16 "You got nothing on me" (Claudine)

  • il y a 16 ans
"Britannia High" est une série adolescente britannique de 2008, croisement de "S Club 7" pour l'aspect comédie musicale, et de "Skins" pour le traitement et le ton. D'ailleurs, justement, Mitch Hever, alias Maxxie dans "Skins", joue dans cette série le personnage de Danny. Et Lauren et Claudine lui courent après. Et vu que c'est Lauren qui finit par sortir avec lui, et bien, forcément, Claudine en est très jalouse. De manière générale, elles sont de toute façon rivales, comme l'illustre ce clip. J'adore quand les filles se crèpent le chignon !!!

I see you acting like you know who I am,
You think you got it but you don't understand, you see
Ohh, you got nothing on me!

You got your moves and yeah i do know your type,
You want the glory but you fade in the light, you see
Ohh, You got nothing on me!

I've waited too long to be
I'll run at the top, yeah
And you are too slow, too weak
Bring the tempo up.

Oh oh you better go go,
You better start to run.
This is-yeah-my show
You better jump for cover, ooh
Go, go, 'cause this is sink or swim
You're never gonna win.
And you can say what you wanna, but see
Ohh, honey, ohh, you got nothing on me!

Well look at that I must be freakin you out.
You don't know me, or what I am about, sweetie
Ohh, you got nothing on me!

You had me too hot, too long.
You don't put me off.
And I've gone too far, I won't
Slow down, I won't stop...

Whoa! You better go, go!
You better start to run,
This is my-yeah-show
You better jump for cover. oh!
Go go! 'cause this is sink or swim
You're never gonna win
And you can say what you wanna but see,
Ohh oh, honey, Ohh, go honey, please

Ohh, you got nothing on me
(on me, on me, on me!)

