Mind - Prejudice and Identity - with Sadhguru

  • 4 years ago
In search of safety and self-preservation, we identify ourselves with many things. However, Sadhguru explains, once our mind becomes identified, it becomes prejudiced – unable to see reality the way it is. If our intelligence does not become entangled, the spiritual process happens naturally.
Sadhguru: If your mind or your intelligence does not get entangled with any identity including your body, including your own thought process, including your own emotion, spiritual process is very natural. If your intelligence is not entangled with anything, it's very natural for your intelligence to enquire and open up different dimensions of life.

You identify yourself with something in search of security, in search of safety, in ter… in search of self preservation, otherwise it's not doing anything else, please see. It gives you some sense of… false sense of belonging, which you will anyway shed some day. The moment you are identified with something that you are not, your intelligence is freaked. It will go in cycles around that. Whatever you are identified with your intelligence functions only around that, please see. Yes? If you identify yourself with your religion, your nationality, your family it works only around that. It's a certain type of prejudice, isn't it? A prejudiced mind cannot see; a prejudiced mind cannot reveal the reality of life, that's all it is. When I say prejudiced, it's on many different levels. ‘No, no, I am very broad minded, I am not prejudiced.’ Well, you have a broad prejudice, you know. Your mind is functioning with a certain identity. Once there is an identity it is prejudiced.

On a certain day a man died and he went to heaven. There, God himself opened the gates of heaven, welcomed him and God said, ‘See I have a few chores to finish and come; if you could just mind the gate for me for a few minutes, I’ll just come back.’ He felt really great; you know substituting for God. That’s nice. Substituting for God, filling in for God is not a small honor, isn't it? Keeping the gates, but it's okay you are doing God’s job. He was waiting for something to happen and to his distress and amazement his wife appeared at the gates. He said, ‘What, what, what are you doing here. This is not a local bar or something. How did you follow me?’ She said, ‘Well, I was just driving back from the funeral; I crashed the car and here I am.’ Then… when he entered, God had put a test for him. When he came to the gates, God had asked him, ‘See, my son, you have come here that’s fine, but you have to spell a word if you have to enter the heaven.’ So he had thought, ‘Oh my God! Is this old man a school teacher? He is asking for a spelling. Is there’s a… Is there a damn spelling test even here?’ He said… The God said, ‘Don’t you worry; it's a simple word.’ ‘What's the word, fatherFather?’ God said, ‘You have to spell the word, love.