25min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (1949–1954)
Rookie cop Eddie Stone takes out his anger on suspects after Ruth, his fiancé, tells him she's fallen for another man. For two years he seethes, just hoping for the day the "other man" is brought into the police station. He finally comes face to face with the scoundrel who stole his girl--right after he's been dismissed from the force for brutal conduct.
Stars: Rex Marshall, Robert Emhardt, John Baragrey
Rookie cop Eddie Stone takes out his anger on suspects after Ruth, his fiancé, tells him she's fallen for another man. For two years he seethes, just hoping for the day the "other man" is brought into the police station. He finally comes face to face with the scoundrel who stole his girl--right after he's been dismissed from the force for brutal conduct.
Stars: Rex Marshall, Robert Emhardt, John Baragrey
Short filmTranscript
00:00And now, Autolite and its 96,000 dealers everywhere present, Suspense.
00:56Tell it to your grandmother.
00:58I'm telling it to you.
00:59I might say it's baloney.
01:01I didn't have nothing to do with it.
01:02Come on, start talking.
01:04I can't talk.
01:06I wasn't even here when it happened.
01:08Oh, you wasn't even here.
01:10Well, where were you?
01:11I, uh, I, uh...
01:13Where were you?
01:14I was a thousand miles from here.
01:16I was in New York, yeah, I was in New York.
01:30You were in New York.
01:33Come on, cut it out.
01:35You weren't anywhere near New York.
01:37You weren't anyplace else but right here.
01:39Now come on, start spilling your guts.
01:42I got nothing to spill.
01:47What's going on in there?
01:49Guy got pulled in on a car heist.
01:51What's the matter with that, Denny?
01:52He got a man in the world or something?
01:53Lapping him around again, huh?
01:55Yeah, if a guy don't know, he don't know.
01:57Now, why don't he cut it out?
01:58Very unhappy man, Dineen.
02:00Takes it out on those bums that get dragged in here.
02:03Yeah, well, nobody deserves that unless he's a murderer.
02:05Listen, what are you gonna do?
02:07He's a tough cop.
02:09Yeah, tough cop.
02:29Anybody up here ask for a cop?
02:31Oh, no.
02:32Sorry, must be a mistake.
02:34What do you mean, mistake?
02:35How can there be a mistake?
02:36Down at headquarters, they said somebody up here asked for a cop.
02:39Oh, no, officer.
02:40I'm sure you're wrong.
02:41You see, I'm the only person up here.
02:43And I've got a cop.
02:47Why, officer, stop it.
02:49I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
02:51I'm sorry.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:53I'm sorry.
02:54I'm sorry.
02:55I'm sorry.
02:56I'm sorry.
02:57Officer Stone, they're lovely.
03:00Hey, what's all this?
03:02Well, I thought it was high time the cop on the beat got a taste of little Ruthie's cooking.
03:06So I said to myself, here's this big lug walking his flat feet off all day long.
03:10Why should I drag him downtown to a restaurant?
03:12Very thoughtful.
03:13Go ahead, get started.
03:14Very thoughtful.
03:15But now you're stepped as your flat-footed friend walked today.
03:18Don't tell me they made you police commissioner already.
03:20Only six months on the force?
03:22Well, I spent most of the day in a back room.
03:25Doing what, lifting weights?
03:26Yeah, dead weights.
03:27Mickey knocks them down, I pick them up.
03:29It's called maintaining the peace.
03:31Third degree.
03:32It's horrible.
03:34Well, it's easy to see you're never going to become a good policeman.
03:36You've got to be tough, tough.
03:37That's what Mickey says.
03:40I don't know.
03:41He doesn't like people.
03:42I don't know.
03:43But I'll never be a tough cop.
03:46Oh, what's the story?
03:47That's all.
03:48You better not be.
03:50Don't worry, baby.
03:52I'm not mad at anybody, see?
03:56Eddie, let's get married right away.
03:58Oh, no.
03:59Hold on a minute.
04:00Not so fast.
04:01Soon as we get a little more dough.
04:02Look, I promise you we'll be married in six months.
04:14Sure, and I was sneaking down the alley,
04:16and I run into this guy coming down the other way.
04:19You should have seen his face when he saw me.
04:22He lets out one yowl, and he tries to jump over the wall.
04:26Drops the dough right at my feet.
04:28Of course, Connie.
04:30Hi, Eddie.
04:31Hi, Eddie.
04:32Hey, Stone, I got an extra ticket to the fights tonight.
04:34You like to drag along?
04:35No, you're kidding.
04:36I'm taking a girlfriend to the movies.
04:37Hey, when are you going to marry that dame, Eddie?
04:39I thought it was supposed to be this month.
04:40Well, we decided to put it off a while.
04:42You know, let the bank account grow a little.
04:44You don't play it smart, Eddie.
04:45You spend all your day in an engagement ring.
04:47You've got nothing left to get married with.
04:48I mean, Ruth got it all worked out.
04:51You're taking a big chance, kid.
04:53First thing you know, some character will show up,
04:55and you'll be left alone.
04:57Don't worry.
04:58Ruth will wait.
04:59I got the ring a half size too small.
05:01It'll never come off.
05:21Anybody up here call for a cop?
05:23Come in, Eddie.
05:24Hey, you know, I've been thinking on my way up here.
05:27What do you say we have a real party tonight, huh?
05:30Instead of a moot.
05:32Eddie, wait.
05:34We've got to talk.
05:35What about?
05:36About us.
05:37All right, let's talk about us.
05:38You know, that's my favorite subject.
05:40Say, you know, I won't be pawning that beat very much longer.
05:44A couple of guys got moved up today.
05:45Eddie, isn't there something I've got to say to you?
05:48I know.
05:49I said we'd be married in six months.
05:50It's six months already.
05:51No, Eddie, I've got to tell you.
05:53I'm in love with somebody else.
05:57Well, that's a lousy kind of joke.
06:00I'm sorry, Eddie.
06:01I couldn't help it.
06:02It's the way things happen.
06:05You're still wearing my ring.
06:08I'm sorry, Eddie.
06:09I did love you, Eddie.
06:10Please believe me.
06:11I really did.
06:12But after I met Dave, I...
06:15Hey, who's that?
06:16You don't know him.
06:18No, don't tell me.
06:19I don't want to know.
06:20Not now, anyway.
06:22Oh, kid, I mean...
06:23Wait a minute.
06:24That's some kind of a joke.
06:25I'm sorry, Eddie.
06:27What else can I say?
06:32That's got it.
06:33Check it in at Holland Avenue.
06:43Now, I'll tell you what.
06:56No, I got everything under control here.
07:04Sarge wants us to check up on old man Regan's store around the corner.
07:12Oh, Scotty, for the love of Pete, snap out of it, will you?
07:19How long can a guy go around mooning over a dame?
07:23Oh, skip it, Scotty.
07:24Oh, what are you going to do, keep it up all your life?
07:27Yeah, the rest of my life.
07:30I don't even know who the guy is.
07:31What good's knowing who he is?
07:34I got a reason.
07:54Is he still around, Mickey?
08:14He's in the back room.
08:16They brought in the guy who just knocked over a delicatessen.
08:19Eddie's, um, working over him.
08:21I got a letter for him.
08:22It's from the gal that tossed him over six months ago.
08:26Oh, ain't that a crock, though, all ready to get hitched, ring and all?
08:29Ah, women.
08:30Question is, do I give it to him or don't I?
08:32He's been lowering a pickpocket ever since it happened.
08:34Give it to him.
08:35It's his, ain't it?
08:36You want us to get in trouble with the post office?
08:38Yeah, I guess I better give it to him.
08:43You were recognized running out of that store.
08:45It's a mistake.
08:46I got mistook for somebody else.
08:47You're hard to mistake.
08:48There's a lot of fat men in this town.
08:49Listen, friend, we're trying to be reasonable, see?
08:52A letter for you, Eddie.
08:56Yeah, I saw it.
08:57Last one I got was two months ago.
08:59Dear Eddie, can't we be friends?
09:02Listen, officer, I keep telling you I had nothing to do with it.
09:04Ah, shut up, will you?
09:09It's an invitation.
09:11An invitation to that wedding.
09:14Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson request the honor of your presence
09:17at the marriage of their daughter Ruth to Mr. David Brunner
09:20at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, January 26th.
09:23David Brunner.
09:24Try to forget it, Eddie.
09:26Don't you ever try to forget it.
09:28I just want to get him down here in this room once.
09:31For all I know, it might be some cheap cook she picked up.
09:34It might be somebody lying his head off in this room.
09:37It could even be the...
09:38I hate to butt into your private affairs, copper,
09:40but if you threw it out...
09:41Shut up!
09:42Eddie, take it easy.
09:43Stop talking, see?
09:44You're going to start spilling your guts
09:45before I spill them all over the floor.
09:47Well, I told you, didn't I?
09:48I told you to start talking.
09:51Kid, take it easy.
09:53That's not the guy.
09:54How do I know?
09:55You're going to start talking, see, and start talking soon
09:58while you still got some teeth left in your head.
10:10Hey, what's going on in there?
10:13Eddie thinks that that guy that he's questioning
10:16is the guy that took his dame away from him.
10:21It ain't, but he thinks it is.
10:25He's going to think that every guy he questions
10:27is the guy that stole his dame.
10:31When he meets him, watch out.
10:44He talked.
10:51Now, the second act of Tough Cop, starring Barry Nelson.
10:57I'm hoping that you'll come around.
11:00I wonder what's keeping me up.
11:04I'm hoping that you'll come around.
11:08I wonder what's keeping me up.
11:13Baby, you're bringing me down.
11:16I could go to sleep, I could read a book,
11:19or look for you in lost and found.
11:23Yeah, there are a couple of songwriters.
11:25They're always hanging around here.
11:26They're always telling me how their next one is going to be a big hit.
11:29A couple of bums.
11:31What do you want, another beer?
11:33Hoping that maybe it's you.
11:36When I say hello, some guy wants to know
11:40what program I'm listening to.
11:43Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:45Got a nice story here.
11:47What does it say?
11:49It's an editorial.
11:51Tough Cop, it's called.
11:54Very nice writing.
11:55Very tough writing.
11:57Read it.
11:58Maybe we can set it to music.
12:01About a man named Eddie Stone.
12:04He's tough, the guy says.
12:06I beat him up first, cop.
12:08I shoot him down and then ask questions, cop.
12:11In short, a menace, the man says, this Edward Stone.
12:16Tough cop.
12:18And what's being done about this menace?
12:20Well, that's what the story's about.
12:22The police are being congratulated.
12:26Clever, huh?
12:27Edward Stone is now an ex-cop.
12:30Eddie Stone, ex-cop.
12:32He has been fired, bounced, ejected.
12:37He's now a private citizen, even as you and me.
12:43Yeah, and high time, the man says.
12:46Good riddance, the man says.
12:49Never make a song.
12:51Pops, why don't you get us a couple more beers?
12:53Sam the unfriendly bartender will give us some more credit.
12:57Talk to him, charm him.
12:58Tell him our next tune's a surefire hit.
13:01Yeah, I told him that last week.
13:03What kind of music lover is Sam?
13:06Tough, tough cop.
13:08Maybe we should have been a couple of tough cops
13:10instead of writers of musical comedies that never get written.
13:13Tough, ex-cop.
13:17Ah, Eddie, you know better than that.
13:19Not while I'm on duty.
13:20All right, copper, have a joy.
13:22Eddie, listen.
13:25Why don't you try to get back on the force again in a couple of months?
13:28Come on, talk it over with the captain.
13:30No, I mean it.
13:31You can't go around being sore for the rest of your life.
13:33Yeah, well, I got other things to do.
13:36You can have the police force.
13:40What do you mean by a crack like that?
13:42You heard me.
13:46Break it in!
13:47Break it in!
13:48Break it in!
13:50Come on, break it up!
13:51Officer, this guy here just slugged me for no reason at all.
13:53He steps up and slugs me.
13:54I had plenty of reasons.
13:55The guy called me a deadbeat.
13:56Okay, now take it easy now, take it easy.
13:58Is that right, you hit this guy?
13:59Yeah, I hit him, but I got a good explanation.
14:01Well, never mind the explanation.
14:03You want him arrested?
14:04Oh, now, wait a minute.
14:05Now, look, maybe I'd like to...
14:07If this guy wants to make a complaint, I got to run you in.
14:09He didn't hurt you?
14:10What do you mean he didn't hurt me?
14:11He hit me, didn't he?
14:12What about it?
14:13What about it?
14:14Take him in.
14:15Come on, Mac.
14:16Officer, give me a break.
14:17Let me phone my wife, will you?
14:18I can do that from this day.
14:19Hey, Ivory, do me a favor.
14:20Call Ruth for me, will you?
14:21All right, look, officer, wait a minute.
14:23Just forget about the whole thing.
14:24I don't want to make trouble for her.
14:26No, just forget about it.
14:27That's all.
14:28You want to be arrested?
14:29What's your name, Mac?
14:31Dave Brenner.
14:32OK, Brenner, you get a break this time.
14:34But any more disturbances, I run you in,
14:37whether this guy makes a complaint or not.
14:40Thanks, officer.
14:42Hey, how about a tone, Ivory, huh?
14:44Sure, sir.
14:45My hands are shaking.
14:55What did you say your name was?
14:58Dave Brenner.
15:00And the wives?
15:02What's this all about?
15:03Who are you?
15:04Police department.
15:06You're under arrest.
15:07But that other cop just said.
15:09You got it wrong.
15:10You're coming with me.
15:12You'll find out, brother.
15:14You'll find out.
15:29Hey, she paid her rent, too?
15:31What are you talking about?
15:32How about you, sweetheart?
15:35Hey, darling, is anything the matter?
15:38Hello, Ruth.
15:39Remember me?
15:56Well, how are you?
15:57How'd you meet, Dave?
15:58You know each other?
15:59God, didn't Ruth tell you all about me?
16:01Well, this is amazing.
16:02Almost two years.
16:03You look wonderful, Eddie.
16:04You must be a detective by now.
16:06Well, look, let's sit down.
16:08This isn't a social call.
16:11Your husband assaulted a guy over in a Holland Avenue bar.
16:14Dave, no.
16:17Because I couldn't take it any longer.
16:19That's why.
16:20The guy made a crack in my head.
16:23He said, why don't you get a job, Shakespeare?
16:26And I hit him.
16:27Oh, darling.
16:30Eddie, we've had a pretty rough time of it.
16:33Dave and Ivory just couldn't seem to get a break.
16:35That's all my fault.
16:36I'm nothing but a hacked songwriter.
16:38But I shouldn't have hit the guy.
16:39I know.
16:40Well, this is very touching.
16:44But I'm taking your husband in.
16:46Eddie, do you have to?
16:50That's funny, isn't it?
16:51It's awesome to be over for a bum like that,
16:53and I end up taking him in.
16:55What are you going to do?
16:57I'm going to book him for assault.
16:58I have a heart fellow.
16:59The guy wasn't hurt.
17:00Oh, yes, Eddie, have a heart.
17:01You used to have one.
17:02Yeah, I used to have one.
17:03A great big one.
17:04I wrapped it around a gold ring and put it on your finger.
17:08And you threw it back in my face.
17:10Oh, Eddie.
17:12Don't talk to me about hearts.
17:14Oh, Eddie, now wait.
17:16Wait for what?
17:17Six months I waited.
17:19All the time I was saying to myself,
17:20maybe she'll change her mind.
17:21Maybe she'll think she was wrong.
17:23And then I got an invitation to your wedding.
17:26You know what I've been thinking of since then?
17:29I've been thinking maybe the bump she dumped me for
17:32will be brought down to the precinct.
17:34I kept saying to myself, maybe they'll bring him in.
17:37And when I get him in the back room,
17:41and now I don't have to wait anymore, do I?
17:45Eddie, now stop it.
17:46Stop it.
17:47I love you.
17:53That's another rap against you.
17:54How do you like that?
17:55Assaulting an officer.
17:56That's what you turned out to be, a tough cop.
17:58Yeah, a tough cop.
18:00I found out what you get in this world, loving everybody.
18:02He's a tough cop.
18:04Just couldn't stand a broken engagement.
18:06So you take it out on somebody who never did you any harm.
18:08The guy who was never going to get tough.
18:10You're a coward.
18:11You just couldn't stand being hurt.
18:13What do you know about being hurt?
18:14Whoever hurt you.
18:15Eddie, I made her sit here waiting for me for two years
18:17while I was out getting drunk.
18:19You think you know what it is to be hurt, copper?
18:21You don't even know the meaning of the word.
18:23Eddie, please wait.
18:24Please, won't you go and leave us alone?
18:27Yeah, I'll leave you alone.
18:30But I'm taking him with me.
18:32Oh, Eddie, please, you can't.
18:33Good night, Mrs. Brenner.
18:35Don't wait up for your husband.
18:37He'll be a long time coming home.
18:40Oh, Eddie, please.
18:42Please wait.
18:46Oh, no.
18:47I'm sorry.
18:55OK, OK, you've been walking me around for half an hour.
18:58Why don't you take me in?
18:59Shut up.
19:00I'll tell you when I'm ready to take you in.
19:02Hey, what's this all about?
19:04You are a copper, ain't you?
19:06What do you think I am?
19:07You don't want me to answer that question.
19:09Why don't you call a squad car and take me in?
19:12There's a call box right over there.
19:14Shut up.
19:15I'll give the orders.
19:17Hey, what's your name besides Eddie anyhow?
19:20What do you want to know for?
19:21So that I can make a stick when I get to trial.
19:24Oh, well, don't worry about getting to trial, fella.
19:26That's the least of your worries.
19:27Where are you taking me?
19:28In here.
19:29What for?
19:30Because I said so.
19:31Wise guy.
19:32Good idea.
19:34All right, get moving on.
19:39What are you going to do?
19:40You'll find out.
19:44Come on, let's start running now.
19:45Why should I start running?
19:47You're trying to escape, see?
19:49See, you assaulted me, and now you're trying to run away.
19:51Self-defense on my part, see?
19:54Who's going to know the difference?
19:55Come on, get going.
19:56Say, you're nuts.
19:57Maybe I am, but get going.
19:59You're mad.
20:00I'm home.
20:01Hey, hey, hey!
20:03Hey, Ivory!
20:05Hey, what are you guys doing in here?
20:07Your buddy got a little drunk, that's all.
20:09Load it, Ivory.
20:10Get a cop, will you?
20:11Get a cop?
20:12You already got a cop.
20:13You want to take care of him?
20:14Sure, officer, but just treat him gently.
20:16He's a nice guy, even though he does drink a little too much.
20:18Nighty-night, baby boy.
20:19I'll tell Ruth you're in good hands.
20:21Ivory, Ivory!
20:23Well, it's just between you and me.
20:25I'll let that be your last chance.
20:28All right, get going.
20:35He'll remember.
20:38Tomorrow when they find me, he'll remember.
20:40Shut up.
20:44You're no cop.
20:48I know a cop's revolver when I see one.
20:51You're no cop!
20:54So what?
20:56Come on, get going.
21:02OK, Sarge.
21:06Why don't you guys get together?
21:07First you're going to arrest him, then you're not going to arrest him,
21:09then you're going to arrest him again, then you don't arrest him.
21:11You guys can make a person very nervous.
21:13What are you talking about?
21:14My buddy Dave, a detective, has got him in the alley.
21:17There ain't no plainclothes men on this beat.
21:19There's a tough cop who's got him in the alley.
21:21Tough cop?
21:22Hey, Eddie!
21:23Eddie, come on!
21:24He's trying to kill us!
21:42Good shot.
21:44You hit the bullseye.
21:46Eddie, for crying out loud, what's wrong with you?
21:48Are you going crazy?
21:50Somebody call an ambulance!
21:51Yes, sir!
21:53What about mine?
21:56Where is he?
22:01Tell Ruth.
22:03Tell her I'm not so tough.
22:08They go right through me.
22:11Tell her this.
22:13Tell her.
22:25Is he dead?
22:29Yeah, he's dead, finally.
22:32It's been a long time coming.
22:37Oh, you're the guy, huh?
22:40What guy?
22:41Never mind.
22:42Run along.
22:43Oh, wait a minute.
22:45Tell Ruth what Eddie said.
22:47Maybe she'll tell you the whole story.
23:10Next week on Suspense, a fool's heart with Henry Hall.