• 5 years ago
Sherlock Holmes - E27: The Case of the Perfect Husband
30min | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (1954–1955)

Russell Partridge announces to his wife Janet one day that he is in fact a killer who has murdered his six previous wives, and notifies her that she has one day to live and get her affairs in order before he murders her, too. Janet can get no one to believe her tale, except Holmes and Watson, who must devise a plan to trap the killer before Janet's time runs out.

Stars: Ronald Howard, Howard Marion-Crawford, Archie Duncan
00:55warmth and gaiety of a successful party.
00:59The pleasure of friends amongst friends.
01:01The anticipation of new and interesting people to meet.
01:04These are the elements of an enjoyable evening.
01:07These are often the memorable occasions in life.
01:12This is a story that started at a party, gay, joyous, festive.
01:18This is a story of a party that ended with fear and horror.
01:25It was a cry for help Sherlock Holmes will never forget.
01:29It was a lovely party.
01:31Wonderful party, Janet.
01:33Good night, Russell.
01:35No one deserves happiness more than you and Russell.
01:39Thank you, John.
01:41Good night.
01:43Wish that John were just one half as attentive as Russell.
01:46If you ever want to get rid of him, send him to me.
01:49Good night, Louisa.
01:51Good night.
01:53Good night.
01:56Oh, I love them all.
01:59But is it unkind of me to say that I'm glad we're finally alone?
02:03Not unkind at all.
02:09Just leave everything till tomorrow, Susan.
02:11Thank you, madame.
02:13Good night.
02:14Good night.
02:24You've made me very happy this evening, darling.
02:27I really am the luckiest woman in the whole world.
02:30Our first anniversary.
02:32I wanted you to be happy this year.
02:34It couldn't be any other way with you.
02:37It might have been.
02:39There may be a deep and dark side to my nature.
02:42Of course there is, darling.
02:44All interesting men have dark sides to their natures.
02:47Possibly even black.
02:49Almost certainly black.
02:54I'm a murderer.
02:56Of course you are.
02:57More than once.
02:58Innumerable times, I'm sure.
03:00Seven times.
03:02And are you going to murder seven times again?
03:07Once again.
03:11Anyone I know?
03:14Oh, wonderful.
03:17And will you give me warning?
03:19I'm giving you warning.
03:22Will you kill me with...
03:27With kindness?
03:31Like this.
03:39Russell, you're...
03:40Russell, you're...
03:41You're hurting me.
03:48Whatever came over you?
03:50I told you, my darling.
03:52Tomorrow, at exactly nine o'clock,
03:55I will strangle you as I have strangled seven before.
04:05You're serious.
04:07About the art of murder, I am always serious.
04:12I've used it as it suited my convenience.
04:15Death is my only true friend.
04:21Don't talk like that.
04:24You don't believe me now, my dear.
04:28But you'll think about it.
04:31You'll come to know and to fear.
04:34Then you'll fly to the police and tell them what has happened.
04:37They may believe you.
04:39They may not.
04:42And tomorrow, at exactly nine o'clock,
04:45I will kill you.
04:53Good night, my dear.
04:56Oh, yes.
04:58Happy anniversary, my dear.
05:26Suppose you tell us the whole story as it happened.
05:31It might be easier that way.
05:33Of course.
05:35I'm Mrs. Russell Partridge.
05:38Your husband's the art collector?
05:40That's right.
05:41Ah, he's a wonderful man, your husband.
05:43I first had the pleasure of meeting him
05:45when we were guarding the French collection that came over.
05:48He's a wonderful man.
05:50Everyone says so.
05:53Now, tell me what's troubling you, Mrs. Partridge.
05:56You can rest assured that for your own sake,
05:58as well as your husband's,
06:00Scotland Yard will do everything it possibly can.
06:07It was nothing.
06:11I was mistaken.
06:13I can see it now.
06:15Probably the result of too much party last night
06:17and an overactive imagination.
06:20Well, perhaps you care to tell me about it anyway.
06:22It may help to dispel any doubts you have.
06:25It isn't necessary, really.
06:27I'm sorry to have taken so much of your time, Inspector.
06:30I'm sure you're a very busy man.
06:32Mrs. Partridge, I'm very pleased to hear you feel this way now.
06:38What do you mean?
06:40Your husband told me of the incident last night.
06:43He was afraid you wouldn't be able to overcome the delusion.
06:46My husband told you?
06:48Yes, he was here this morning.
06:50What did he tell you?
06:52Only that you were suddenly overcome by the idea
06:55that he intended to harm you.
06:58You're over that now, I see.
07:00My husband told you that?
07:03May I say, Mrs. Partridge,
07:05that in my experience here at Scotland Yard,
07:08I've met many people who thought for a short time
07:10that they were being persecuted.
07:12But it passes.
07:14Your husband will help you, I'm sure.
07:17Thank you, Inspector.
07:31Well, what do you make of that, sir?
07:34Follow her orders.
07:36Very good, sir.
08:06Yes? Oh!
08:09Is this the flat of Mr. Sherlock Holmes?
08:11Yes, but Mr. Holmes has just gone downstairs to the bathroom.
08:15Won't you please come in?
08:18Oh, please excuse me.
08:20Would you like to sit over here?
08:28Would you care for anything?
08:30I have some fresh tea made.
08:32No, thank you.
08:34You say Mr. Holmes will be right back?
08:37Oh, yes. Oh, forgive me.
08:39I'm Dr. Watson.
08:41How do you do? I'm Mrs. Russell Partridge.
08:44Your husband's the art collector?
08:47Oh, I met him not long ago. Wonderful man.
08:52Of course, I'm not much an authority on art myself.
08:55I just like what I like, you know.
08:58But I understand he's one of our leading judges.
09:01Yes, that's true.
09:03Wonderful man. Interesting, too.
09:09I think perhaps I'd better leave.
09:12It's wrong to think that...
09:14What a beautiful day, Watson.
09:16Perfectly exquisite.
09:18We really must make an effort to get out and about more often
09:20and see the beauties that are...
09:22I beg your pardon, madam.
09:24I didn't realize we had a guest.
09:26May I present Mr. Holmes?
09:28This is Mrs. Russell Partridge.
09:30Do forgive the exuberance of my entrance, madam.
09:33I'm delighted to meet you. Won't you sit down?
09:35I think that I...
09:36I realize the situation is a delicate one.
09:39How do you know?
09:40Because you didn't wish it to be known that you'd come here.
09:43So you left your carriage at the corner of the street and walked.
09:46You saw me?
09:47No, no. As a matter of fact, I didn't.
09:49But I observed that the hem of your skirt
09:51has picked up a certain amount of dust from the street.
09:54And though you undoubtedly came by carriage,
09:56because your shoes, which are extremely fashionable ones,
10:00were not meant for comfortable walking.
10:07Mr. Holmes, I need your help.
10:09In what way, Mrs. Partridge?
10:12I believe my husband is going to kill me.
10:15Russell Partridge?
10:19Why do you believe this, Mrs. Partridge?
10:21He told me he would. Last night.
10:24Why, that's impossible.
10:26I had the same reaction at first, Dr. Watson.
10:29It couldn't be true.
10:31Not by Russell.
10:33As everyone tells me, he's such a wonderful man.
10:37And when did he say he was going to do this?
10:40Tonight, at nine.
10:42And then he said...
10:44He said something impossible, Mr. Holmes.
10:53He said I would be the eighth.
10:59Excuse me.
11:02Hello, Inspector. What can I do for you?
11:05Hello, Dr. Watson. I want to speak to Mrs. Partridge.
11:08How do you know she's here?
11:10I had a follow from Scotland Yard.
11:12Oh, I see.
11:13I'm sorry to have to do this, Mrs. Partridge,
11:15but I was afraid you might still think you were in danger.
11:18I see now that you do.
11:21I'm sorry.
11:23But Lestrade, Mrs. Partridge has just told us
11:26that her husband is going to kill her tonight at nine o'clock.
11:29Mr. Partridge came to the yard this morning
11:31to tell me that his wife was going to call on me.
11:34How did he know?
11:36He said you told him you were going to call.
11:38That's not true.
11:40I decided to do it this morning.
11:42It was ten o'clock, I remember.
11:44Mrs. Partridge, at ten o'clock,
11:46your husband was still sitting in my office.
11:49Mr. Holmes, I don't understand.
11:51I don't understand how Russell knew
11:53I would go to see Inspector Lestrade.
11:55I swear I never told him.
11:57Everything I told you is true, exactly as it happened.
12:01Do you believe that?
12:11Oh, excuse me. My name is Partridge.
12:14I believe my wife is here.
12:16Yes, indeed she is. Will you come in?
12:23I'm sorry I'm late.
12:26I'm sorry I'm late, my dear.
12:28I was detained at the gallery.
12:30Are you ready to leave?
12:32How did you know I was here?
12:34How did I know you were here?
12:36Yes, how did you know?
12:38But you said you'd be here.
12:40You told me to meet you here.
12:42Have you forgotten?
12:48I must have forgotten.
12:51Excuse me.
12:56Forgive me for interrupting you, gentlemen,
12:58and thank you for any consideration
13:00you may have shown my wife.
13:02Good day.
13:03Good day.
13:13Well, I'd say that young woman
13:15was heading for a complete nervous breakdown.
13:18I've seen these delusion cases before.
13:23A very interesting man,
13:25and a very distinctive one.
13:27When I went down to the tobacconist,
13:29I wondered why he was standing
13:31at the corner of the street
13:33watching this flat so intently.
13:36And now I think I know why.
13:40Yes, indeed, a very, very interesting man.
13:44Well, Lestrade, there were two incidents
13:47in the romantic life of Russell Partridge.
13:50In the first case, his fiancée ran off with another man
13:53and was never seen again.
14:00She ran off with an American, didn't she?
14:03Was this confirmed or assumed, Lestrade?
14:06Well, I don't know.
14:08I don't know.
14:10Was this confirmed or assumed, Lestrade?
14:13Well, I don't know.
14:15And in the other case, he was left at the altar,
14:18I believe the expression is.
14:20Yes, that's right.
14:22Was that girl ever heard of again?
14:24She ran off with a South American, I believe.
14:27But really, Holmes, it just isn't logical.
14:30If Russell Partridge really intends to kill his wife,
14:33he's not going to tell her about it first.
14:35That'd be putting a rope around his neck.
14:37Would it be?
14:38I don't really believe that.
14:40But it isn't logical, Holmes.
14:42It isn't usual, Lestrade.
14:44But this man is just amusing himself.
14:46He's an insane fanatic.
14:48And unless you get a warrant out for his arrest,
14:50I, for one, won't be responsible.
14:52Now, look here, Holmes, I can't ask for a search warrant
14:55every time a man's left at the altar.
14:57What would you be looking for anyway?
14:59The evidence of the seven other murders
15:01he told his wife he'd committed.
15:03Holmes, you must understand that...
15:06...or the eighth will be on your hands.
15:21Going completely against his own judgment,
15:24Lestrade had the search warrant issued.
15:27And Scotland Yard entered the Partridge house
15:29and searched with the thoroughness and efficiency
15:32that only that organization was capable of.
15:37From basement to attic,
15:39no wall, no object was left without meticulous examination.
15:44Holmes directed the entire investigation.
15:47I have never seen him so intense, so insistent.
15:50And at the end, so completely frustrated.
15:55If Partridge was the criminal Holmes believed,
15:59there was no question he had won.
16:07Oh, uh, naturally, Mr. Partridge,
16:10the Yard will assume responsibility
16:13for putting things back as they were.
16:15Thank you, Inspector.
16:17I do hope you'll forgive us bursting in like this.
16:21It's, uh, Mr. Holmes who...
16:26I understand Mr. Holmes very well.
16:29I suppose I'd feel the same way,
16:32under the circumstances.
16:37What time is it, Watson?
16:39A few minutes after seven.
16:41Five minutes since you last asked me.
16:43It's there, Watson. It's there. I'll swear it's there.
16:45What's there?
16:47The evidence that Mrs. Partridge isn't lying.
16:49But her husband is a murderer.
16:51It's in that house somewhere. I'll swear it.
16:53But you've searched all over the house, Holmes.
16:55You've measured every inch of it.
16:57I know, Watson, but it is there.
16:59I've overlooked something.
17:01I'm afraid I can't tell you.
17:03But unless I can find out what it is,
17:05that girl is going to be murdered in two hours.
17:07He said nine o'clock.
17:09Even if he intends to murder the girl,
17:11he doesn't have to do it on schedule.
17:13But he does. That's part of his disease.
17:15That man works like a clock.
17:17He tempts the police by having the victim
17:19report the murder in advance,
17:21and then he has to complete his game
17:23by murdering on the moment, the exact moment.
17:27Now where are you going?
17:33That I can see, but where?
17:35For a walk.
17:37We believe we've searched every inch of that house.
17:39Now I've got to find the one place that I missed.
18:01Mr. Holmes.
18:03Good evening, Mrs. Partridge.
18:05I realize the entrance is somewhat unconventional,
18:07but then so are the circumstances.
18:09I believe I made the climb unseen.
18:11What are you doing here?
18:13I want to prevent you from doing this.
18:15I can't stay here.
18:17You must.
18:19If I stay here, you'll kill me.
18:21Mrs. Partridge, I know your life is in danger,
18:23but if you leave here, I can't guarantee your safety.
18:25If you stay in here,
18:27I can't guarantee your safety.
18:29If you stay and help me, we may yet have a chance.
18:31A chance?
18:33Yes. It's my theory that your husband will try to...
18:47Hello, my dear.
18:49You were so quiet up here,
18:51I thought perhaps something was wrong.
18:53Are you planning a trip?
18:57Going out, perhaps?
18:59I was.
19:03But then I changed my mind.
19:07Why did you change your mind?
19:09Because I think you're lying.
19:11You're insane, Russell,
19:13but I don't believe you're dangerous.
19:15I shall stay here tonight
19:17and leave in the morning.
19:21I'm glad you feel like that, Janet.
19:23It shows you have great strength of character.
19:27Where did you kill your other seven victims?
19:31In this house.
19:35How did you dispose of their bodies?
19:37The bodies are still here.
19:41But the police searched the house.
19:43I know. I watched them.
19:45Very efficient.
19:47Especially with Mr. Holmes to guide them.
19:51A very clever man, Mr. Holmes.
19:53It was a tremendous temptation
19:55not to tell him where to look.
20:01It's a quarter to nine.
20:05You have 15 minutes.
20:11I'll be back.
20:17Why don't you run away?
20:31Very well done indeed,
20:33Mrs. Partridge.
20:35I must apologize for the oversight.
20:37What do we do now?
20:39Now we wait.
20:47Only one.
21:39At last I remember it.
21:43What is it, Mr. Holmes?
21:45One place I forgot to look.
21:47I'm going to step outside now,
21:49and I want you to count up to ten,
21:51go to the head of the stairs
21:53and then start slowly down.
21:55Will you do that for me?
21:57I'll try.
21:59Don't worry. I'll be there.
22:05Ten seconds, remember?
22:15Ten seconds.
22:37I admire your courage, Janice.
22:39Aren't you afraid?
22:43I think you are afraid.
22:47No, I'm not.
22:51The others were afraid.
22:53Don't take that last step.
22:57How did you get in?
22:59The important thing is that I'm here
23:01and that your wife is safe.
23:03And because of your premature
23:05revelation of yourself,
23:07so am I.
23:09I'm sure it is not against the law of England
23:11to walk up the stairs in one's own house.
23:15my wife is completely unharmed.
23:17And the other seven, Mr. Partridge?
23:19What other seven, Mr. Holmes?
23:23You searched this afternoon.
23:25The other seven exist
23:27in my poor wife's
23:29sick imagination.
23:31Yes, and in mine, too.
23:35I know where they are now.
23:51What's happened?
23:53Get the poker from the fire, Watson.
23:55The poker?
23:57Yes, the poker.
24:09I imagine there is a way
24:11of opening your unique coffin,
24:13Mr. Partridge.
24:15And if not,
24:17Dr. Watson here is more than capable
24:19of breaking it open.
24:39Oh, good Lord!
24:45The mortal remains
24:47of his seven victims, Watson.
24:49Each step a coffin,
24:51and each coffin a monument
24:53to the most insane killer
24:55I have ever met.
25:09THE END
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