Night Beat (1931)
1h 1min | Crime, Drama | 27 December 1931 (USA)
A young couple finds themselves mixed up with mobsters planning to rob a warehouse.
Director: George B. Seitz
Writer: Scott Darling
Stars: Jack Mulhall, Patsy Ruth Miller, Walter McGrail
1h 1min | Crime, Drama | 27 December 1931 (USA)
A young couple finds themselves mixed up with mobsters planning to rob a warehouse.
Director: George B. Seitz
Writer: Scott Darling
Stars: Jack Mulhall, Patsy Ruth Miller, Walter McGrail
00:00Put yourself together! You can make it!
00:07Come on Tom.
00:09You're coming to get us!
00:11Well, well.
00:13Oh, what's the difference?
00:17They can't catch me.
00:22I'm going to bring them back.
00:27What's the difference? They can't catch me, Evelyn. I know.
00:32Yes, they can. A couple of weeks in a base hospital and you'll be walking around again.
00:38I should worry.
00:42Then I might hide a little more.
00:50Tell you what, nothing can happen to you.
00:55Well, it has happened to me.
01:01There's something I want to tell you.
01:05If there's anything I can ever do for you, call on Johnny.
02:24She's finished.
02:36She's finished.
02:38Enrico Permetti.
02:39She's a grand.
02:41Come guarda bene.
02:44One, two.
02:50Un momento.
02:54What's the matter? Why do you sit on the window?
03:05That's for good luck.
03:07Good luck?
03:08Good luck.
03:12I'm going to make two.
03:16All right.
03:17Come on, Rosa, you make one.
03:19Come on.
03:23Come on.
03:24Another one now.
03:30This is nice.
03:34Hey, what's the matter? You want to squeeze your finger?
03:37Come on, go upstairs and go to bed.
03:39Come on, you've got to go to school in the morning.
03:41Un momento.
03:43Who discovered America?
03:44Christopher Columbus.
03:47And who was the first president of the United States?
03:50George Washington.
03:51That's good.
03:52Now, who's the greatest Italian in all the world?
03:58Hey, Mussolini.
04:01That's good.
04:03It's smart, eh, mama?
04:05Hey, the lady, you fix her sleeves in the coat, yes?
04:21Hello, boss.
04:23Something I can do for you?
04:24No, just looking around.
04:26Say, nice little place you've got here.
04:28Oh, you like it?
04:30Yeah, how's business?
04:31Oh, business is fine.
04:33Good neighborhood.
04:34Everybody's nice.
04:35That's right.
04:36Everybody's swell.
04:38Just as long as you don't make no bad friends.
04:41Oh, I got no bad friends.
04:43Everybody's like Enrico Pomeric.
04:45That's right.
04:46That's what I dropped in here to talk to you about, Pomeric.
04:49I don't want you to make any mistakes.
04:52And in case you do make any bad friends, I'm here to take care of you.
04:57But I don't understand.
04:59I got no bad friends.
05:01Oh, quit your kidding, Pomeric.
05:03This is a pretty tough neighborhood, and you know it.
05:06Well, maybe.
05:10And if some bird got sore at you,
05:13it wouldn't take much to put this little joint on the fridge, would it?
05:18Why'd it do this?
05:20Well, it's been done.
05:23Tell the cops.
05:25That wouldn't do any good.
05:26A copper wouldn't put his thing on a racket like this.
05:29That's been tried, too.
05:32Now, listen.
05:33I know a pretty big shot in this ward who carries a lot of influence.
05:38And I can fix it so that you'll never have no trouble.
05:43Oh, you want me to buy protection, is that it?
05:48That's the ticket.
05:49Now, say you slip him about 20 bucks a week,
05:53and he'll pass the word along the line to let you alone,
05:56and you'll be left alone.
05:58Check it on there.
06:00That's not a nice word, Pomeric.
06:03You're just buying protection.
06:05Now, all the big companies do it.
06:07Sometimes it's pretty hard for you little guys to get a chance like this.
06:11Well, how about it?
06:13We start collecting, say, next Saturday?
06:16I'm sorry.
06:19I'm sorry!
06:20I beg you!
06:22My place used to be down.
06:37Commerce Daniel.
07:03Yeah, Mr. D.
07:04I want to start with this.
07:05What is it, Hunter?
07:06Well, sir, it seems that Guinea ain't pleased with the treatment he's gettin' downstairs.
07:09Somebody threw a pineapple into his joint, and he sure he knows who's behind it.
07:13Yes, it's that dirty crook up in the corner.
07:15Hmm, I mean Watson Corner.
07:16Yeah, they got him in the office of the Chief of Detectives now.
07:18All right, have him sent up here.
07:20And tell Featherstone I want to talk to him.
07:21Yes, sir.
07:21Come in, tell me about it.
07:22I'll tell you, Mr. Anderson, I can tell you.
07:24You're gonna be surprised at what I'm gonna tell you, you see.
07:27Sit down, tell me about it.
07:28Don't get excited.
07:29No, no, I'm not excited.
07:31I'm a good American citizen.
07:33A long time ago, I come up from the oil country.
07:35I want to be an American.
07:36I take out of my papers.
07:38And now, I'm a 100% American.
07:42That's fine.
07:43Sit down.
07:46I say with the moon, I married a nice little girl.
07:49She work, I...
07:50We have one or two bambinos, sir.
07:52She keep on workin' just the same.
07:53I see.
07:54By the by, I serve enough for money to open a little place, sir.
07:57You see, our own.
07:59I purchase the pants, sir.
08:01She take out of the spot, sir.
08:02Sewin' in the bottle, you understand?
08:04I understand, sir.
08:05Sewin' in the bottle.
08:07Then one day, there's a dirty crook, Hymie White's in the corner.
08:11He come in, and he say, I have to pay $20 a week for protection.
08:16I no pay.
08:17I tell him to go.
08:19Well, I tell him to go.
08:22Two days later, somebody rip the tires out of my car
08:26when I deliver this under arrest, sir.
08:31Then, Hymie White's in the corner.
08:33He come around again.
08:35He said to me, if I no gonna pay him in the morning,
08:38I ain't gonna be sorry.
08:40Make him mad.
08:41I kick him out of my place, sir.
08:43Now tonight, somebody throw something through the window,
08:47and my whole store seems to go poor.
08:52What's that a for?
08:53What's that a for, Mr. D.A., huh?
08:55What's that a for?
08:59That's what's known as the shakedown.
09:01What's the matter, Mr. D.A.?
09:03What's the matter with this country, Mr. D.A.?
09:06I live in the old country to get away from the black hand,
09:08the mafia.
09:10I come into this country, and I draw a kiss
09:13to the goddess of liberty.
09:14I'm free.
09:16I work hard, and my Rosa, she's a worker hard.
09:18And now, I lose my little place, all because I don't want
09:22to pay the money to this dirty crook, the shakedown.
09:27Why is there no honest American living in this country?
09:30Everybody is a pay grifter to the crook and the gangster.
09:36What do you need in this country?
09:38It's a Mussolini.
09:38That's what you need.
09:40You kick out the crooks.
09:41You make it a bigger crook to catch a little crook,
09:44and to feed all our cats to the oil.
09:46Not a bad idea.
09:53That's a you.
09:53Hey, wait a minute.
09:54Wait a minute.
09:55Wait a minute.
09:56Wait a minute.
09:59This man says you try to shake him down for weekly payment.
10:02When he refused, his place was mysteriously blown up.
10:05How about it?
10:06Why, he's screwy.
10:08I offered him protection from the licensed
10:09private detective agency.
10:11Why, this wop lives in a tough neighborhood,
10:13and he should have somebody watching his joint at night.
10:15Liar, liar, liar.
10:17Liar yourself, Giddy.
10:18You're going to be Giddy.
10:19What's a Giddy?
10:20Get away.
10:20You're going to be Giddy.
10:21Hey, quiet.
10:21I'll break your teeth.
10:22Hey, quiet.
10:24How about it, Featherstone?
10:25Lies and corns telling the truth.
10:27He does own a private detective agency.
10:30Here's my card.
10:35I can imagine it.
10:37A two by four joint with a telephone and a desk, huh?
10:47Bail bond.
10:49Oh, all right.
10:52Your bail bond is waiting downstairs.
10:54Thanks a lot, Mr. D.A.
10:56What's the matter?
10:56You going to let him go?
10:57I'm afraid I'll have to.
10:58Oh, no, no, no.
10:59I owe you a job of danger.
11:00Get the gun away.
11:02Get the gun away.
11:02Wait a minute.
11:03Wait a minute.
11:04What's the matter with you?
11:05Get away from me.
11:06Crook of you, dirty bum of you.
11:08Come on.
11:09I'll break your teeth, Doc.
11:11Crook of you.
11:12Arrest that man for assault.
11:16Why, I never laid a hand on him.
11:17How about it, boys?
11:18He sure did.
11:19He certainly did.
11:19Take him downstairs and throw him in a cell.
11:22I can convict him for this.
11:24A nice frame-up, eh?
11:25But it won't work.
11:26This is against the law.
11:27The law?
11:28I'll have the laws framed in this town
11:30so that you and your gang will be thrown out of it.
11:33Our slogan will be, get out or get shot.
11:36That's Mussolini.
11:38Get out to get a shot.
11:40Mussolini, he's saying, give everybody
11:42castor oil or two.
11:44And I may do that, too.
11:45Take him downstairs.
11:46Listen, I'll break you over.
11:47All right.
11:48All right.
11:48All right.
11:49You do a good job of it.
11:50All right.
11:50All right.
11:51All right.
11:51All right.
11:52All right.
11:52All right.
11:53All right.
11:53All right.
11:54All right.
11:55We haven't a thing on that fellow, really.
11:57We'll hold him just the same.
11:59Just as you say.
12:01I'm getting out of this racket.
12:02It's getting too tough for me.
12:04What do you mean, getting tough?
12:06I thought you had it pretty easy.
12:07It isn't going to be easy with Johnny Malinus
12:09and his gang in town.
12:11They're going to muscle in on all the local rackets.
12:13Johnny Malinus?
12:14Yeah, Johnny Malinus.
12:16And you're going to see the greatest little gang war
12:18this part of the country ever saw.
12:20They're going to sprinkle it on you.
12:22You never know what the rest of the country ever saw.
12:25They're going to sprinkle the streets with lead.
12:28Kids are going to get killed.
12:30And I'm getting out.
12:32Johnny Malinus.
12:39So you're quitting the force, huh?
12:43What are you going to do?
12:44Well, I thought I'd open up a private detective
12:46agency myself.
12:48Oh, yes?
12:50What about it?
12:51crook just a minute I was never sure of it and I am at this minute and in your
12:55resignation any time you like and that's just what I'm going to do.
13:05I want you to do something before you go. Bring Johnny Molina here that ought to
13:10be easy everybody knows that Johnny Molina and his gang are at the Pellicer
13:15Hotel OK OK boss.
13:44The thing being the big TV being made
13:48a very big thing. To be
13:53a very big thing to do. To be.
13:57A very big thing.
14:15I don't think I'm going to tell his mother down
14:19a desk asking for you I want to let that guy want to quit.
14:27A. Party at the desk is OK.
14:34Already on the way up here. What do you suppose that mug was. They want to talk
14:40business with it.
14:55Johnny I love big shot.
15:03That. Is just
15:05a little sociable visit I take it.
15:11Don't close the door there's
15:13a couple of your mob tailing us they better be.
15:20We sort of expected you boys to meet us at the train when we came in we were there
15:25all right but you didn't say it.
15:32I'm not going to go around Molina's this is my town what are you doing here I'm
15:36chilly this is anybody's town I'm warning you that this bird ain't big enough for
15:40both of us all right why don't you get out then I promoted it developed it
15:45organized it.
15:58Perhaps the bird is big enough to. What do you say to cutting in on the racket me
16:02and you working together on
16:04a chilly I never split with anyone so that's the way you want to hang that's the
16:09way I want it and that's the way it's going to be OK OK.
16:21That's going to be trouble sure that's going to be trouble you can expect to get
16:24anything but nothing can you now be trouble plenty.
16:31And I guess it's coming sooner than we expected get over there shortly.
16:43Well it looks as though you're expecting somebody. You never can tell.
16:50You're Johnny Molina's and you know I've heard of you to tell you it's just left
16:55here. Kelly Scott Kelly got out the smart crack. The district attorney wants to see
17:02it and. What does it be I want to see me for now I knew chili was in pretty good
17:08in this town but I never thought he was that hot don't find out when we get there
17:13get your head.
17:16The old. Guy the army you may go.
17:25Look what I dug up. Remember that day when. What
17:32a swell little baby that was a mighty you remember that that too that he had on
17:37the right no one to the right I can't it was the left the left.
17:45Well you're the one guy that you'd know and now you're the great big district
17:49attorney of this birthday and you're Johnny Molina at your service I shot Johnny
17:54that's me well we've both gone a long way Johnny since we were over there what are
17:58you going to do money run me out of town. Kelly Scott Kelly is already promised to
18:02do that now Johnny I'm not going to run you out of town I'm going to run Kelly
18:06Scott Kelly out of town you're going to help me oh I am and I'm not you could
18:11size that featherstone up couldn't you he's yellow he's crooked. He's going to
18:16resign. Says that he's going to start
18:19a private detective agency of his own but that's just a blind for another one of
18:23Scott Kelly's racket. I want you to take his place what Johnny Molina said
18:29Dick don't be crazy Johnny you've got to fight and you've got to fight on my side
18:35America has changed. And the little fellow on the street has made up his mind and
18:40it's get out or get shot get out or get shot. Come here.
18:51Look at that. Yes that's my city and it's full of
18:58a lot of little fellows trying to make a living. Trying to raise children. But
19:03arrest beaten and robbed by organized crime.
19:08Julie Scott Kelly a lot of crooked politicians and grafting policemen behind
19:14Marty. I couldn't turn copper Johnny you've got to do something you might just as
19:18well chip in and help me the gangs have got to go all right what can I Johnny I
19:23need you you're the only man for the job get that the only man you know it's one
19:28thing to arrest one of these criminals but it's another to get
19:31a magistrate to hold him and it's still another to convict him I want the yellow
19:36rats of dirty baby killers treated just the same as one gang would treat another I
19:41want them shot. Shot a. Johnny do you remember one night in
19:49France. When you said you do anything in the world for me.
19:55You. Yes I do Marty well.
20:05I know you were Johnny but the audit through money and get me
20:09a badge and then order a dozen coffins.
20:16You'd better order a carload they're cheaper.
20:25And. What do you say boy hello.
20:32What do you want downtown Johnny. Get a lot of that. What's the idea
20:39you're still is the new chief of detectives at this town what do you mean I still
20:44don't get it sure the district attorney is an old pal of mine and he made me
20:48promise him that I would shoot the compelling mob right out of this bird. Way
20:53it's then. What am I. Why the town belong to us
20:59a gang war with the police on our side what could be sweet.
21:06Now tonight's a great time to start they try to knock off
21:09a little what dry cleaner downtown and the little what had high me white and corn
21:15pinch now it's
21:17a thing that the guineas life isn't worth a nickel so I want you Tony to pass the
21:22word out to one of our gang to go out and get one of the compelling mob thing
21:27and find out just when to tell you it's going to bump him off even if you have to
21:31a little rough with compelling man get it leave it to me. Let me see that
21:39boy don't worry you're right like it I went in.
21:52I. Want
22:08Andrea we want you. What this is right no we just want
22:14a little information out of you that's all put on your cue.
22:22To. This way but
22:30it's. Gone gone.
22:33I mean.
22:53I don't want to you know let's have it what's the game. At get me that had high me
22:59white and corn arrest when did he get bumped off the idea when he's going to get
23:05bumped and he's sure he is what is the you. Johnny Molina wants to know all the
23:12new car and he thinks I'll never cause killing still what I know. Johnny wants to
23:17know are you going to kick through what do you think I am not
23:20a chance. So you're not going to talk is that it that's it.
23:30All right boys get in the works.
23:48Well it looks like it.
24:00You want to something please Hey I don't want to go from any. That to me.
24:08Not going to play you know I don't get excited. With the police. To scare me you
24:15beat it up there and say that I tell you to come down your life in danger here my
24:19life what I mean what's in the corner he's out now I mean what's in corn is not
24:25what I mean what's in
24:26a corner he's out now I mean what's in corn is not out now come on get up there
24:31and say that I can't come down all right let me have that coat coat Johnny as
24:37a dummy just made for it. And I'll be fine let's be.
24:47That's fine bring along.
24:53Right down there. I'm not going to look a little natural that's going to play
24:57smoking yeah that's when the explosion looks like it's going to be.
25:08All right.
25:12Come on in here.
25:24Think about it.
25:49We got.
26:19A lot of this I got
26:35a car.
26:35I. Do you
26:43need to. Get out or get shot. Then for
26:49an about a week we'll own this town and what I can and will make well we made
26:54a good start. You boys stick around and I'm going down call them on.
27:28afraid that's OK they didn't have
27:31a chance money was in the bag from the start. Good morning.
27:38Mr Andrews in his office yes he is. Oh I'm sorry I'm
27:45intruding not at all I want to come right in.
27:52Hello hello. I want to present Johnny Molina.
27:58Johnny and I were in France together you've heard me speak of him and this is
28:02Miss Patterson. How do you do how do you do Johnny is my new chief of detectives
28:08in our offense against the gangsters. You fought together in France and you're
28:13fighting together over here why should I read the morning paper Johnny engineered
28:18the whole thing. You know you look different than I expected well you don't.
28:25Know what about it you haven't forgotten that you're taking me to lunch in
28:29the polo game have you not at all to be right with you.
28:40All right I'll be right there. No lunch no polo today. Meeting of the board
28:46upon no getting out of that. And I did so want to go do you realize that this is
28:53the fourth engagement you've broken this week can't help it orders are orders I
28:57know. We have Johnny take you Johnny you take out an order luncheon to the polo
29:04game and they're the ticket but not a word part of your job. And if you ask me
29:10the easiest part well I should say it is how about it Miss Patterson when you go
29:14with me why not Martin's orders what he says goes. Here we go.
29:44There you are playing polo. Looks just like me doesn't. You must think I'm
29:49an awful.
29:53I don't know you well enough to tell you that's what I think about.
30:12I'm not a hell no where on earth have you been dinner has been ready for a half
30:17hour didn't you know Martin was coming I've been to the polo game with Martin's
30:21new chief of detectives Martin I did it should have expected me to be a great
30:26fellow Johnny isn't it oh splendid I like him a lot for one. I think
30:35well I'll be down just as soon as I say.
30:51I want
31:06to congratulate you Malina's this is
31:07a first chance to follow up on is I've had of backing you up I think the first
31:11chance the police have had of getting in the car telling safety department with
31:14this information we can give the income tax people all the ammunition in the world
31:18I say we can.
31:30Hello yes it's better. Why am.
31:37I think he is. Just
31:39a moment. Mr Malina. There's
31:45a telephone call for you oh thank you. I just called you to
31:52remind you that we're going to the football game this afternoon aren't we.
31:58Yes. Certainly. Well I'll be down in front of your
32:05office in my car and have
32:07an hour and I'll be there. But by. Going away
32:14Johnny. Yes money I've got to beat it now see you later.
32:37Oh that's. That's. Yeah football game this afternoon for
32:42a nice call we made yesterday wasn't it. But the federal office got all of it.
32:48About one more fake blow off like that we can step in and take over the business
32:52how about yeah. Maybe. You know the boys are kind of getting restless they miss
32:59that soft sugar Johnny. I wonder what the boys would say and I tell them that I
33:06wasn't going through with this deal. And you decided that well I haven't said
33:13I would and I haven't said I wouldn't I just wonder what they think. I think the
33:19letter blow off the works the boys would never stand for it. Yeah.
33:25Well I'll be seeing you.
34:00Don't. Think you're going to.
34:06Oh, they got him, oh I won a game.
34:25You say it is.
34:31Are you happy?
34:36I'll say I am.
34:39Well, it really was a great game.
34:46Oh, it was grand.
34:48Can you come in for a few minutes?
34:50Well, I can't stay very long because I've got to get downtown.
34:53Just a little while.
34:54All right, just a little while then.
34:56Hello, mother.
34:58Hello, Mr. Molina.
34:59How do you do, Miss Patterson?
35:01Where have you been all afternoon?
35:02Martin's phoned half a dozen times.
35:04Oh, yeah?
35:05He seemed rather upset about something.
35:15Marty knew it was you who called this morning.
35:17He didn't let on, but he knew.
35:20Yes, I'm afraid.
35:25Marty loves you.
35:27I'm afraid so.
35:29You don't love him?
35:34I did once, but I don't now.
35:42Then there's someone else?
35:47What do you think?
36:00Gee, I shouldn't have done that.
36:03I'm sorry.
36:05Why, Johnny?
36:06Well, can't you see?
36:08Marty is my...
36:10Well, I...
36:11I had no right to.
36:12Don't you think I should be the judge of that?
36:14I'm not engaged to Marty.
36:16Well, I have a right to love whom I please, haven't I?
36:19Yes, but...
36:21But what?
36:22You don't know anything about me.
36:24Oh, yes, I do, Johnny.
36:26I know all about you.
36:27Marty told me.
36:28Oh, I know what you've been.
36:30But I also know what you are now.
36:32What you've made of yourself.
36:34I've made a heel of myself.
36:37Listen, Elinor.
36:39I love you more than...
36:43I've got to get out of here.
36:45I've got to think things over.
36:47I'll see you later.
37:16Hello, there.
37:18Oh, hello, Marty.
37:19How are you?
37:22How did you enjoy the game?
37:26Why, it...
37:27It was lovely.
37:31You're rather fond of Johnny, aren't you?
37:34Yes, I am.
37:36I've got to get out of here.
37:38I've got to get out of here.
37:40I've got to get out of here.
37:42I've got to get out of here.
37:44You're rather fond of Johnny, aren't you?
37:49Yes, Marty.
37:50I am.
37:58You know, I came over this evening to ask you to marry me.
38:03That would be impossible now, wouldn't it?
38:06Yes, I suppose so.
38:09I thought you were always rather partial to me.
38:13But I am fond of you, Marty.
38:15I've never been so fond of anyone as you.
38:17Until Johnny came along.
38:19And I admire and respect you tremendously.
38:22Oh, for Pete's sake, don't say that.
38:25Oh, I'm sorry, Eleanor.
38:26I've put you through this mess.
38:29Perhaps I should have spoken sooner, huh?
38:31Johnny's been pleading your case.
38:33You couldn't have a better counsel.
38:35Are you going to marry him?
38:38He hasn't asked me.
38:40Oh, I'm sorry.
38:43I guess I'll be running along.
38:49Goodbye, Marty.
39:38The only way they could have licked it.
39:40Sending you out there on the sticks.
39:42They'll bury you alive.
39:44You think Scarpelli's behind this?
39:46Scarpelli and politics.
39:48The only way they could have tied our hands.
39:54I think I'll duck out of this town, Marty.
39:57It's time for me to move on anyway.
40:08If you're thinking of me, you needn't go.
40:12She's taken the matter out of our hands.
40:15Definitely decided herself.
40:20I'll go on out there on the sticks.
40:21Maybe someday we'll get a break.
40:38Johnny ain't sucker enough to go through with this copper business.
40:41He knows what it's all about.
40:44Well, maybe better if he wants to keep in with the boys.
40:48We'll put it to him straight from the shoulder.
40:51We'll knock this town over and get out quick.
40:54Well, perhaps that's what the boys want.
40:57Course that's what the boys want.
41:02So that's what they want, eh?
41:12What is this, Vince?
41:13The double cross?
41:15Don't get sore, Johnny.
41:17We were perfectly willing to string along with you while you put Scapelli out of business.
41:22And now?
41:24And now it's time for us to make a quick clean up and blow.
41:29There's no percentage for us while you're playing copper out on the sticks someplace.
41:33I see.
41:35If Scapelli is strong enough to have you railroaded out there, he's too strong for us to lick.
41:41Now get this.
41:44I'm going out to the sticks and play copper.
41:47And I'm going to stick out there until Scapelli is licked.
41:51And if the mob doesn't like it, why, they can blow.
41:56So that's the layout, huh?
41:58That's it, Vince.
42:10Well, that's that.
42:12Yep, that's that.
42:14Listen, I'm going to get to Scapelli and tell him that everything is okay for tonight.
42:19We'll join him on that jewelry job.
42:21Well, now I don't know about that.
42:23What do you mean you don't know about that?
42:25Just a minute.
42:26I mean, I don't know, that's all.
42:29Well, make up your mind.
42:55Good morning, Sergeant.
42:56Good morning, sir.
43:01So this is it, eh?
43:02I'm glad to see you, sir.
43:04I'm Grimes.
43:05Here's a reporter who wants to talk to you.
43:08They wanted a statement from you, Captain, regarding your transfer.
43:12Oh, I see.
43:17Yes, he's here now.
43:19Speak, Captain.
43:25This is Tony, boss.
43:27Say, I can't double-cross you like the rest of the mob.
43:31I got to tip you off.
43:33Now, get this.
43:35They've gone over with Chili Scapelli, and they're going to knock over a jewelry store a block from your place tonight.
43:42All right.
43:43Thanks, Tony.
43:51Well, young fella, all I can say is I'm going to try to handle this job out here just as I tried to handle it downtown.
43:58Yes, sir.
44:21All set, Tony?
44:32All set, Tony.
44:34And there are meat.
44:36Listen, you better beat it.
44:37If anyone—
44:38No, that wouldn't make any difference.
44:39If you jump in tonight, Johnny, they'll know I tipped off the leg.
44:46Three o'clock in the morning, and I'm all right.
44:52Three o'clock in the morning, and I helped it out.
45:01Three o'clock in the morning, I'm all right.
45:07Three o'clock in the morning, and I'm all right.
45:15Three o'clock in the morning, I'm all right.
45:22I'll be all right.
45:29Hey, get a load of that drunk.
45:33He won't mess things up for you, will he, Johnny?
45:35Not a bit, Tony.
45:37That's a cop, and he's not as drunk as he looks.
45:39A cop?
45:41Hey, listen, you beat it now, and I'll see you later.
45:47Three o'clock in the morning, and I'm all right.
45:54All right, let it go.
46:06Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
46:36There they are, boys. They're coming down this way.
46:44There they go, boys.
46:55Never mind him. Let's get these others.
47:06You tip them off. You double-cross this.
47:37Scram, you black beast!
47:58Hold on. I'll take care of this.
48:06There they are!
48:10Tony, they got your pal.
48:13Yes, boss. They got me. But if they hadn't, the cops would.
48:19I'm sorry, Tony.
48:21That's all right, boss. You'll have to get along without me now.
48:27But you clean up Chili's gang tonight, and then this town will be yours.
48:34The town is not mine, Tony. It never was going to be mine.
48:38I've been on the level with the DA. I've been a regular cop ever since I took this job.
48:43You mean it, boss? You mean you've been on the up and up with this thing?
48:50You've honestly been trying to clean up the town?
48:55Sure. My line may not have been according to Hoyle, Tony, but it worked.
49:00Look in this warehouse. Go ahead, break the door down. Put some feet on it.
49:19Hey, cop! We got them cornered in an old warehouse up here.
49:22Hey, cop! We got them cornered in an old warehouse up here.
49:53Hello, Mike. Send out the reserves.
49:56We've got Chili's gang cornered in a warehouse at Madison and Tremont.
49:59Send the tear gas squad.
50:05Come on, get in here!
50:07Come on, here they are, folks. Come on, get in here!
50:18Get in there!
50:20Get back! That's no good! Never mind that! Get those windows out of there!
50:24Come on! Get it! Get your hands in! That's the way! Get away from that door!
50:28Get out of that door!
50:36Come on!
50:42Come on, then!
50:49Come on, babies, let's go!
50:56Take it easy, boys.
50:59Take it easy.
51:01Take it easy.
51:06Take it easy.
51:22Jack, cover my entrance with a couple of firsts, will you?
51:25I'm going in there.
51:28Johnny, you can't go in there.
51:30Listen, Marty, I started out to get Scutelli and his mob, and I'm going to finish it.
51:34Sergeant, you stay outside here with the boys. This is a personal matter.
51:38All right, Jack. Do your stuff!
52:04He may need help in there.
52:06My orders are to stay here.
52:08That doesn't mean me.
52:34Come on, boys!
52:52What are you doing here?
52:54I thought you might need some help.
52:56You should have stayed outside.
53:04Come on, Marty!
53:06Take care of yourself.
53:08You go right, and I'll go left. We'll get him.
53:35Come on!
53:55How is he? How is he?
53:57I'm afraid he's done for.
54:00Get a doctor.
54:02Hey, boys, come here, quick.
54:05Easy now, easy.
54:07I give up! I give up!
54:32How is it, old boy?
54:35I'm on my way out, Marty.
54:38You can't fool me.
54:40Got it.
54:43Every time a guy gets in uniform, they take a shot at him.
54:50You can't win all the time.
54:52Back it, Marty.
54:55You can't pull the gang stuff.
54:57And get away with it.
55:03I think it would be a swell idea
55:06if you too
55:08named the first little son of a gun Johnny
55:14than a nice, tidy little war.
55:17Than a nice, tidy little war.