Farewell, Brad Parscale: You Tried, But You Could Not Save Trump From Himself

Wochit Business

by Wochit Business

Brad Parscale can now count himself among the countless Trump administration officials who have faced the wrath of POTUS.
President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign manager is to be demoted to senior campaign adviser and return to a digital strategy role.
According to Gizmodo, the so-called 'digital wizard' certainly had an uphill battle in getting Trump's poll numbers up.
Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic, the economic implosion, myriad scandals, and his threats to have the military shoot protesters make for a tough sell.
Meanwhile, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has been able to coast, largely on his reputation. And he's making mincemeat out of Trump in the polls.
But Parscale has had his own string of unforced errors contributing to his own downfall.
His biggest gaffe was Trump's disastrous rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where TikTok teens tricked campaign staffers into believing a million people would attend.
Instead, 6,200 showed up, mostly without masks. Two weeks later, Tulsa had a huge outbreak of COVID-19.