• 5 years ago


00:00I'm the lone rider on the great divide, all alone, roaming far and wide, when I can see
00:29when a helping hand is needed, I am ready without fail, I'm the lone rider on the train
00:40See the horse steady riding on the train, run for the blinding rain, there's a job and I must do it, and I'll do it without fail, I'm the lone rider on the train
01:10See the horse steady riding on the train, run for the blinding rain, there's a job and I must do it, and I'll do it without fail, I'm the lone rider on the train
01:40See the horse steady riding on the train, run for the blinding rain, there's a job and I must do it, and I'll do it without fail, I'm the lone rider on the train
02:11Glad you're all so fit to answer my message. You said you had a mighty important announcement to make.
02:17That's right. Did you figure to turn this into a peace party or are you wasting your time?
02:21Well I'm leaving that to your own common sense. Come on in.
02:31Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. We've got to wait for another man.
02:36When I call a man a liar and a thief, I want to say it to his face. Did you drag all of us over here to help him settle a private quarrel?
02:44It's the quarrel of every honest man in the valley. A man we've trusted and called friend has been the cause of all this senseless fighting amongst us ranchers.
02:52It's not hard to start a range war. A calf and its mother with different brands. A herd drifted at night over on another man's range.
03:00That don't make sense. Why should anyone go out of his way to evoke trouble?
03:04Because he's working with Matt Malone and that flock of crooks roosting in Wagon Wheel Gap.
03:08We're pretty soft pickings for rustlers right now, but we can clean up that whole rotten mess in no time if you fellas weren't so busy fighting amongst yourselves.
03:16It cost me the life of one of my boys to find out who was back of all of this, and that man is...
03:25That shot came from the outside.
03:30No mistake in that horse. Belongs to Tom Cavan, an old rider. Some of you go after him. The rest of you come with me. We'll see how bad Jim is hurt.
04:00What's all the excitement? Jim has been killed. Tom Cavan sneaked up to the window and shot him.
04:21Come to figure something like that might happen. Jim had a Corolla camera. It ain't my feud, but I don't hold to shooting a man in the back. I'll help the law hang him.
04:33I don't know that Jim had any kinfolks. I wonder what will happen to the Diamond JB brand.
04:39I've been following around here for quite a long while, and Jim always kind of hinted that I might own it someday. He might have left a will. I'll look and see.
04:49This looks like it might be something of the kind. Yep, the last will and testament.
05:09In the name of Caroline and Bonnie, but not knowing when I might stop a chunk of lead, I do on this day forfeiture.
05:27Yeah, here we are. I leave the Diamond JB ranch, lock, stock and barrel, to my niece, Georgia Deering.
05:35You ain't reading that right. I'm reading what's written down here. Well, it looks like you counted your chickens before the ash.
05:48Sure he's dead. Jim Bowen's dead. He's a jigsaw on this ranch. He's going to get us one by one.
05:56You can go forward the labyrinth. Get back to the barnway below. I'm sure I can. Leave me to it.
06:02What's the matter, Clyde? You're acting kind of jumpy.
06:06Oh, a little bit of a run from the fur of the runway. Of course, I ought to have kicked all his brains out instead of just half of them.
06:12Hey, that niece lives right back in Chicago. What does she know about a cattle ranch?
06:17Well, I don't know. All right, fellas, right over in the corner.
06:22He was murdered by a man named Tom Cameron. In his will, he left you the Diamond JB ranch.
06:28I've inherited a cattle ranch?
06:30Yes, but I don't rightly know whether that's good luck or bad.
06:34You see, that country out there is infested by outlaws, and most of the outfits are fighting amongst themselves.
06:39That's how come your uncle could be murdered.
06:41Well, what am I going to do, Mr. Murdock? I don't know anything about a ranch.
06:45Well, what am I going to do, Mr. Murdock? I don't know anything about a ranch.
06:49Why not sell it? I think I can get you an offer of $15,000 for the Diamond JB ranch.
06:55$15,000? That's a great deal of money.
06:59It's a heap of money, all right.
07:01Now, if you'll just sign this power of attorney, I'll handle everything for you.
07:08What are you waiting for, Miss Dearing?
07:12I don't believe I'll be in a hurry of selling.
07:15You'll never get a better offer.
07:19Mother made me love a country I've never seen.
07:22It'd be a shame to give up without even trying.
07:26Well, don't forget to look me up when you get out there.
07:32Don't forget to look me up when you get out there.
07:39Case Murdock is the name.
07:45Get over here.
07:47You're not the man I was trying to save. Why didn't you bring me to private party?
07:50I only do what the wives want me to do.
07:53Get out of here.
07:56You'd be better off if you'd turn around and go right back to town.
07:59Why do you say that?
08:01I don't know. I forget.
08:03You must have had a reason. How could you say it that way?
08:06I don't think very good sometimes.
08:09The horse kicked me in the head.
08:12Get out of here.
08:13Get out of here.
08:29Put the bag down there, thank you.
08:32Who's in charge here?
08:33I'm Clyde Barton, the foreman.
08:35He's employed work for the office.
08:37I suppose you hardy westerners don't mind a little rain.
08:41But I would have appreciated a little more consideration.
08:51This is all very new to me and I hope I can count on your cooperation.
08:56And there's no reason why everything shouldn't go on just as it did while my uncle was alive.
09:08You'll want a high deal of going down to the bunkhouse.
09:12The new boss who bought a trip over a long-legged cowpook every time she turns around.
09:21See you later, boy.
09:26Good night, Mr. Barton.
09:31You know, I had figured out to be a sour-faced old maid.
09:35But ne'er the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.
09:38Is that important?
09:40Well, it could be.
09:41You know, a woman don't stand any chance in this country unless she's got a man to do her fighting for.
09:46These cow outfits are a fusing with one another.
09:49There's a gang of outlaws over in Wagon Wheel Gap that's got the law whipped to a standstill.
09:54Why are you telling me all this?
09:56Well, you need a husband to do your fighting for you.
10:00I don't know where you could find a better one than Fred and company.
10:10So you think I'm a joker?
10:14I'm sorry.
10:15It struck me funny the idea that I should give my heart and hand and my ranch to the first man I saw.
10:22It may not be so funny when all you've got left is your heart and your hand.
10:52I'm sorry.
11:23What are you doing here?
11:28Sorry, miss, I didn't mean to bother anybody.
11:31I just wanted to get some food.
11:33You've been hurt.
11:34No, I haven't.
11:35I'm all right.
11:36Just let me take a spoon and I'll be on my way.
11:38You're in no condition to be out in that storm.
11:40You go over and clean up and I'll get you something to eat.
11:43Please, don't bother.
11:44Oh, it isn't any bother.
11:45If I can find my way around this kitchen.
11:47You see, I'm a stranger here myself.
11:50Thanks for the meal.
11:52Tell me, how is it I never saw you around here before?
11:56Maybe it's because I just arrived.
11:58My uncle left me this ranch.
12:01He did?
12:03I never knew Jim had any kinfolk.
12:06I guess he didn't brag about us.
12:08He didn't?
12:10He didn't?
12:17I guess he didn't brag about us.
12:19He was angry at Mother because she married a niece to him.
12:22He was much too stubborn ever to make a move toward a reconciliation.
12:26But his death wiped out all past resentment.
12:30Such a terrible way to die.
12:32To be shot in the back by a cowardly assassin.
12:36Yes, I can understand how you feel.
12:39I never thought I'd desire the death of any man.
12:42But a murderer like Tom Cameron deserves no mercy.
12:46It's the way the law feels, too.
12:49Might be wrong, you know.
12:51You know this country fairly well.
12:53As well as anybody, I guess.
12:57Is it dangerous, as they tell me?
13:00I don't know what they've been telling you, but
13:02ranching around here is no Sunday school picnic.
13:05What about this place called Wagon Wheel Gap?
13:09That's a settlement back in the hills.
13:11Run by a fella called Matt Mulholland.
13:14A distant place for all the outlaws and killers.
13:18What do you want?
13:21I smell ham cooking.
13:23Yeah, I portioned the ham.
13:25I thought if there was any left over, I'd...
13:32Are you okay?
13:33You're a ghost.
13:35Mr. John, a ghost.
13:37No, not quite.
13:39You're sure?
13:40A ghost.
13:41Why should he think you're a ghost?
13:43You see, Loco's a little touched in the head sometime.
13:47I heard the judge tell you he used to be hung to the neck
13:50until he was plumbed out.
13:52And when you see a man walking around here,
13:54being hung to the neck, it's bound to be a ghost.
13:57That explains why you were out in the storm.
13:59You tried to steal food.
14:01You're a fugitive of the law.
14:03That's what they say.
14:05There's Tom Cameron, the lone writer.
14:07The man they convicted of shooting Jim Bowman.
14:10You're a murderer.
14:11And seeking shelter in the house of the man that you killed.
14:14Now, wait.
14:16I was convicted of that murder.
14:18I did not kill Jim Bowman.
14:20I don't believe you.
14:21Well, I'm sorry you feel that way about it,
14:23but that's not going to stop me from finding the real murderer.
14:27I can't do that very well after I'm hung, can I?
14:29Stay where you are.
14:31You'll stay in this room while I send Loco
14:33for the men to come and get you.
14:35Don't bother, Loco.
14:36You'll be wasting your time.
14:37You know, I...
14:39I don't think you'll shoot.
14:41I don't think you can get me if you didn't shoot.
14:43So that puts the odds in my favor.
14:45I'll take the gun.
14:46Maybe she won't shoot, but I will.
14:49Don't count on me missing.
14:52The sheriff would be plumb brokenhearted
14:54if you'd miss out on that little hanging day.
14:58Feeling pretty brave, aren't you, Clyde?
15:00Me not armed.
15:01Remember the last time we met?
15:02That ain't got nothing to do with me turning you over
15:04to the sheriff as an escape prisoner.
15:07You know, somebody's trying to save his neck at my expense.
15:10I wonder if it might be you.
15:12You'd have a tough time making anybody believe that,
15:15even if it was true.
15:17Well, I'll take over from here on.
15:19I can see you ain't had much experience
15:21in handling the killers.
15:22Maybe he's telling the truth about not being guilty.
15:24Twelve men on the jury didn't seem to think so.
15:27Start moving.
15:28Come on.
15:29Mr. Rush, it's still raining.
15:31Never mind about that.
15:33You want me to take the end on the poker,
15:35or do you want to go in slow over a pack horse?
15:37Well, I'll go in standing up, all right.
15:39If or when.
15:44Someday, after I prove that I did not kill your uncle,
15:46I hope you and I can be friends.
15:49I have another cup of coffee.
15:51You want a sip of the coffee?
15:52No, don't bother.
15:53I'll help myself.
15:59How about you, Clyde?
16:00Want a cup?
16:01I don't want any.
16:03Sure you don't want any?
16:07Oh, go on.
16:08Take a cup.
16:16How about that shot come from the house?
16:18What's up?
16:19Cameron is here.
16:20He's got a witness.
16:25You know, somehow I hope he escapes
16:28and is able to prove he's innocent.
16:30Maybe he can.
16:32Maybe he can't.
16:33I don't stick out my neck for nobody else.
16:36I ain't that kind of guy.
16:38I ain't that kind of guy.
16:40I ain't that kind of guy.
16:42I ain't that kind of guy.
16:44I ain't that kind of guy.
16:46I ain't that kind of guy.
16:47I ain't that kind of guy.
16:48I ain't that kind of guy.
16:49Why ain't that, old pal?
16:50What do you know that might help prove he's innocent?
16:53I don't know nothing.
16:54Nothing about nothing.
16:55Why are you afraid to tell the truth?
16:57I'm telling the truth.
16:58I don't know nothing.
16:59And nobody else can make me say any different.
17:17Hey, go rustle your own breakfast. I ain't cookin' no flapjacks for no thievin' coyotes.
17:34Ride them, cowboy, ride them. Ride them o'er the prairie. Ride them, cowboy, ride them.
17:41Ride them, cowboy, ride them. Ride them o'er the prairie. Ride them, cowboy, ride them.
17:49Till the sun goes down. Bend your broken saddle. Tend the lowing cattle.
17:57Ride them, cowboy, ride them. And then we'll go to town.
18:02Get along, get along, get along. Sing a song from the west.
18:07Get along, get along, get along. Sing a song from the cowboys of the west.
18:13Ride them, cowboy, ride them. Ride them o'er the prairie. Ride them, cowboy, ride them.
18:21Until the sun goes down. Ride them, cowboy, ride them. Ride them o'er the prairie.
18:29Ride them, cowboy, ride them. Toastin' up your reign. Move on, little doggie. Move on, little doggie.
18:40Ride them, cowboy, ride them. Across the Roman plain.
18:45Get along, get along, get along, get along. Have no fear.
18:50Get along, get along, get along, get along. Around the mountain here.
18:56That can't be anybody else. Hey, partner, we're going to meet our pal.
18:59Ride them o'er the prairie. Ride them, cowboy, ride them. Across the Roman plain.
19:06What's the deal? What's the idea? They gotta meet a pal here.
19:27Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute. Let me help you. Thanks, partner. Thanks.
19:34Dan Redding, what am I doing up here? I ain't going no place now that you're here.
19:39This coyote is going to make me lose my chipper someday.
19:43Ah, Tom, I'm glad to see you this side of that barred window.
19:47I'm going to stay on this side of the barred window, too, until I find the man that rode my horse the day that Jim Bond got killed.
19:53Well, you can count on me to help you. I knew I could.
19:56Now, how's for a cup of coffee? I spilled the last one, you know.
19:59Sure, come on over to the fire. Good to the last drop. Right.
20:09I knowed they wouldn't be able to hold you with no calabouche. Right.
20:15Would have saved me a lot of worry if I could have known that.
20:19Buzzy, Jim Bond left his ranch to a niece. I ran into her last night.
20:25She's a green tenderfoot.
20:27I trust that Clyde Barton about as far as I can throw a bull by the tail.
20:31You better drop around once in a while and see how she's making out.
20:34Ain't you got trouble enough of your own without taking a female tenderfoot under your wing?
20:38No, but you're taking her under your wing.
20:40I ain't doing no such a thing.
20:42I've been stooning and fretting on your account until I most lost my appetite.
20:46And that's plenty for the time being.
20:48She seemed like a right nice sort of a girl, Buzzy.
20:53I think you've got a little love in your heart.
20:58Tom, where are you heading for?
21:00Wagon Wheel Gap.
21:02Amongst that gang of cutthroats?
21:04They've no right to object to my social standing.
21:07I'm as much outside the law as any of them.
21:10I'm looking for a murderer. I can't think of a more likely place to find one.
21:14I guess you're right.
21:19Here comes trouble.
21:20Well, I guess we can give them an argument.
21:22Now put your gun away. I don't want any shooting.
21:24I'll get moving.
21:25If they ask you any questions about me, what are you going to tell them?
21:28I'll give them all the misinformation they want.
21:30Good. I'll see you later.
21:32Why not.
21:44I'm sure he used that powder for Blasted's dump.
21:49Give it to the kids, bitch.
21:50Let's go.
21:53Hey, Marek, how come that filly ain't hold her broker?
21:55Well, I haven't ever had time to bother with her. I just let her run wild.
21:58Well, I got a little spare time. I'll gentler her down for you.
22:02You're a dirty hand, Jim.
22:03I'm not a dirty hand.
22:04I'm not a dirty hand.
22:05I'm not a dirty hand.
22:06I'm not a dirty hand.
22:07I'm not a dirty hand.
22:08I'm not a dirty hand.
22:09I'm not a dirty hand.
22:10I'm not a dirty hand.
22:11I'm not a dirty hand.
22:12I'm not a dirty hand.
22:13Get your dirty hands off me.
22:14Get her off, Joe. She breaks that way.
22:16Don't try to be funny.
22:18I got no use for you no-account saddle tramps.
22:20Now, I want you to let me alone.
22:22Aw, take it easy. I'll have you eaten out of my hand in no time.
22:24Don't you come in here.
22:25Stay out of here.
22:26Stay right there, Trimmy.
22:27I'm funny like you to be so unsociable.
22:29Give me a couple of hobbles, Joe.
22:31She's going to be hard to handle.
22:32You let me alone.
22:37What's the idea?
22:39I just don't like to have other people walk on my feet.
22:42Oh, you don't.
22:51I'll bet you'd be a ring-tailed wolf at any kindergarten party.
22:55I'll bet you'd open your big mouth too wide.
23:13That fella puts up a pretty good fight.
23:16You know, Curly's no setup.
23:42Now, if you boys got anything else you'd rather do, don't let me keep you.
24:12Who asked you to do any fighting for me?
24:27It was my own idea.
24:29Well, I can take care of myself.
24:31I always have.
24:32And I want no favors from you or any other saddle tramps hanging around here.
24:36Oh, you're all alike.
24:38A bunch of gun-slinging, whiskey-guzzling tramps.
24:41Not one of you is worth the power to take the boy your head off.
24:44Next time, I'll thank you to mind your own business.
24:55You boys get busy and clean up the place.
25:07Howdy, stranger.
25:10You people ought to put up a sign to beware of the wildcat.
25:13Seems you don't like some of my customers here.
25:17Well, I can't say they're any too sociable.
25:21Aiming to stop here long?
25:24Make any difference?
25:26We just kind of like to know the business of all strangers here.
25:29That is, if they ain't just passing through.
25:33I don't ask any man his business, and I don't talk about mine.
25:37Oh, I see.
25:38Kind of exclusive, huh?
25:40Well, a fellow on the dodge might feel that way about it.
25:44He might.
25:47And when he gets a place where the law doesn't stand ace high,
25:51it makes folks feel kind of jimpy.
25:55That's right.
25:56It might.
26:00Why don't you tell us how it's there, fellas?
26:02I don't mind if I do.
26:08Just tidying up a bit.
26:10That's always been part of my job.
26:12Why are you afraid to tell all you know about my uncle's death?
26:15I don't know anything.
26:16That isn't true.
26:17I was condemned for another man's crime.
26:21Maybe you're the guilty one.
26:23I didn't do anything.
26:24I didn't do anything.
26:25I'm not guilty.
26:26I'm not guilty.
26:27I'm not guilty.
26:28I'm not guilty.
26:29I'm not guilty.
26:30I'm not guilty.
26:31I'm not guilty.
26:32I'm not guilty.
26:33I'm not guilty.
26:34I'm not guilty.
26:35I'm not guilty.
26:36I didn't do it.
26:37I didn't do it.
26:38But you know who did?
26:39If you weren't a stranger around here, you wouldn't pay any attention to anything that Loco says.
26:44No one ever knows when he's talking sense and when he's talking crazy.
26:48I'm convinced he's shilling the real murderer because he's afraid to tell the truth.
26:52I doubt it.
26:55What are you worrying about Tom Cameron's troubles for?
26:58You don't even know him.
26:59I've talked to him.
27:00He was here.
27:02What was he doing here?
27:03He was hungry and...
27:04Don't let your sympathies run away with your common sense.
27:07There's no doubt about his guilt.
27:09Everyone recognized his horse and the glove was found on the spot where he stood when he fired the shot.
27:24You've got a nerve to show your face on this ranch.
27:27Make tracks and make them fast.
27:29I came to talk to the boss, not a hired hand.
27:35It don't make sense for a friend of Tom Cameron's to talk big around here.
27:40What's the matter?
27:42Oh, this magey old fossil helped Cameron to escape after we had him rounded up.
27:46Giving aid to a criminal is a mighty serious offense in the eyes of the law.
27:51You're just imagining things.
27:52You don't know nothing for sure.
27:54I was just passing by and thought I'd drop in and pay you a little friendly visit.
27:58I'm glad you did.
27:59Won't you come in?
28:00Sure, I'll sit a while.
28:02I appreciate your friendly concern, but I'm sure everything's going to be all right.
28:05If it is, I'll be very much surprised.
28:08Being a woman, you have the privilege of making a mistake or changing your mind.
28:12There's no law against it.
28:21Case Murdoch seems to be sort of put out about something.
28:25Please let me decide who's to be a welcome visitor at my ranch.
28:36They said you were Tom Cameron's friend.
28:38That's right.
28:39No man ever had a better friend.
28:41And getting him out of this mess is the most important thing in the world to me.
28:44I know something I think will help you.
28:46Now, what do you know?
28:47A man they call Loco knows something of vital importance about this ranch.
28:51A man they call Loco knows something of vital importance about the murder.
28:55Oh, you can't pay any attention to Loco. He ain't right in the head.
28:58But you must take him seriously.
29:00I'm positive he knows who killed my uncle.
29:03Something is torturing his conscience, and I can't find out what it is.
29:06Well, if he knows anything, he'll tell it or I'll shake his teeth and...
29:09You're the one in my dreams. You're with me it seems.
29:26Down by the old Alamo
29:31Where we stood by the shore
29:34And we pledged love once more
29:38Down by the old Alamo
29:44River, keep a-rollin'
29:47And help me find my love
29:51I'm lonely, I miss her so
29:56And if you hear my plea
29:59Bring her back here to me
30:03Down by the old Alamo
30:08You're the one in my dreams
30:12You're with me it seems
30:16Down by the old Alamo
30:21Where we stood by the shore
30:24And we pledged love once more
30:28Down by the old Alamo
30:35River, keep a-rollin'
30:39And help me find my love
30:45I'm lonely, I miss her so
30:53And if you hear my plea
30:59Bring her back here to me
31:03Down by the old Alamo
31:14You know, you do as good a job singing as you do fighting.
31:17And it ain't often you find that kind of...
31:20Well, song has passed away to time.
31:22And there is none a-fighting to be done.
31:34I see you've stopped one.
31:36Yeah, but I don't know how bad he's hurt.
31:38Take him in the other room. We'll see what we can do for him.
31:44Mitch, come along.
31:46Watch out for Curly. He's poisoned.
31:48Well, he knows I'm not exactly harmless, you know.
31:51I suppose you've got eyes in the back of your head.
31:55He's all right. Come on.
32:00He's all right. Come on.
32:02Mitch, there's a job for you. See what you can do for him.
32:04All right.
32:06That makes you and me square. Now give us a drink.
32:37Come on.
32:52He's all right.
33:07Hey, take it easy.
33:09You act like you're a doctor and a horse.
33:11Listen, if I was a doctor and a horse, I'd be more careful.
33:14A horse is a son of a cunt.
33:17Can I come in?
33:19What do you want?
33:23Go tell your pa I've got a message for him.
33:25Oh, tell him yourself.
33:27Oh, I dare him to go in there.
33:29I don't want that fellow Tom Cameron to see me up here.
33:31Who's Tom Cameron?
33:33Who's Tom Cameron?
33:35He's a fellow of the law, aiming to hang for murder.
33:37But he escaped out of the calaboose.
33:39So that stranger's a killer with a rope waiting for him.
33:43I gotta see your pa. Go fetch him, will you?
33:46All right.
33:48And keep this buzzard bait company.
33:56He wanted out in the back.
33:58All right, you stay here and tell him, boy.
34:03All right.
34:21What do you mean by walking in like this?
34:24It's the only way I know how to walk.
34:27We're here to give you an invite to pay us a neighborly visit.
34:31That's very kind of you, but I don't believe...
34:33And you know I'm so prone for a hospitality that I can't take no for an answer.
34:44Who are you? Is this some sort of a joke?
34:47I'm Matt Malone from Wagon Wheel and I ain't joking.
34:57What have you got on your mind?
35:01I was aiming to ask you the same thing.
35:06I don't admire to have somebody moving on something I've staked out for myself.
35:12How do I know that you had anything staked out?
35:15I stamped into the horses and got rid of the J.B. Punchers.
35:18I didn't do that just to make things easier for you, you know.
35:22And I believed you, wanted to help you.
35:25And all the time you were planning to rob me.
35:27And all the time you were planning to rob me.
35:29And to rely on a thief as well as a murderer.
35:32I like to keep one man pretty busy.
35:35Now what are you planning to do?
35:37I'm going to take her to Wagon Wheel and you're riding with us.
35:41I'll cut you in for a share.
35:43Hey, wait a minute. What's the sense of cutting him in?
35:45If you just step outside, I'll explain that to you.
35:48Now you boys can settle your private quarrels on your own time.
35:51Not when we're on a job. Come on.
35:57Why are you doing all this?
36:00Because I want you in a reasonable state of mind so you can talk business.
36:04What business?
36:06I'm afraid I can't discuss it here. It's of a private nature.
36:10As I have an office in Wagon Wheel, I think we'd better go there. Come on.
36:17Cameron, I said you were riding with us.
36:19Yeah, I heard you.
36:21We're ready. What are you waiting for?
36:25Let's go. Come on.
36:31Don't let her throw you, Cameron.
36:55We must have missed him. Let's go back and see if we can pick up the train.
37:26There he is.
37:34Why don't you watch where you're going?
37:36Where's Cameron?
37:37I don't know. Just passed him a ways back.
37:40He's burning the road. He didn't stop to say where he was going.
37:43I'll get him this time if I have to trail him clear to the border.
37:46Did you say the border?
37:47Yes, the border.
37:48That's what I thought you said.
37:50When you get down there, give my regards to the boys in Mexico.
37:55Let's go.
38:07Anybody home?
38:15Hey, looks like there's been an argument around here.
38:26Mitch, take her outside and keep your eye on her.
38:29Come on with me.
38:38Make yourself at home.
38:45Can't you help me?
38:47No, I can't.
38:54Can't you help me?
38:56You're a woman.
38:58You must have pity in your heart.
39:00I can't help you.
39:02Why should I help you?
39:04I've got troubles enough of my own to keep me busy.
39:06I've lived in this place and been kicked around all my life.
39:09I've never had a friend.
39:11I never see anybody except the kind of men that decent people want to hang when they can catch them.
39:15Outlaws and killers.
39:17Scum of the earth.
39:19That ain't the kind of a life to make anybody feel big hearted.
39:27Oh, still carrying a chip on your shoulder, eh?
39:30What's it to you if I am?
39:32That's no way to act. Come on now, be friendly.
39:34I'm not being friendly with you or anybody like you.
39:36You know, I have an idea you don't mean what you say.
39:39Come on, let's sit down and talk this over.
39:42Hey, that'll give you an idea that I mean what I say.
39:48I knew if I made her mad enough she'd walk out.
39:52I had to talk to you alone.
39:55I want nothing more to do with you.
39:57Don't you understand I couldn't fight against those odds?
40:01My only way of being able to help you is to pretend to be friendly with Matt Malone.
40:05Can you expect me to believe that?
40:07When I can see that you're a member of the band of outlaws?
40:10Well, I'm safe here from the law until I can prove I didn't kill Bowen.
40:15I don't care if you believe me or not, but I owe you a debt and I'm going to pay it.
40:19I left a message for Fuzzy and he's pretty good at reading signs.
40:22If he gets it, he'll have the whole valley up here.
41:14Just a heart, and I lost his heart
41:22For a love that had ended too soon
41:31Now I try to pretend
41:39I cried when I went
41:47It was you when we parted in the garden
41:56For a love that had ended too soon
42:13Well, I didn't know you could sing.
42:16I heard what you said to her.
42:18You did?
42:20What have you got to do about it?
42:23But I think you're a fool.
42:27If that crowd stampedes up here to rescue her, what'll happen to you?
42:33I'll take care of myself, all right?
42:37You wasted your time going down there after Loco.
42:40He's around here someplace.
42:42He borrowed a message from someone.
42:44How do you know?
42:45I just saw him a little while ago.
42:47Well, I'd better go see him before he gets away.
42:49What do you want with him?
42:52I think he can prove I did not murder Jim Bowen.
42:56If you can prove that, you'll be leaving here, won't you?
43:00You won't be able to see me for the rest.
43:03I can give you...
43:05Just give me a chance to get away from here.
43:07That's all I ask.
43:08I won't be any trouble to you, I promise.
43:11I'll go anyplace you want to go.
43:12I'll work for you.
43:13I'll fight for you.
43:16I travel best alone.
43:18Yeah, you'd risk your neck for that high-tone owner of the J.B. Ranch.
43:21But I ain't worth bothering about, am I?
43:23You'll never get away from here.
43:25It's my job to see that you don't.
43:27And I'm not going to take a beating on her account.
43:29And no rescue party can get through that gap that they're being watched for.
43:33You haven't any reason to feel that way, Barbara.
43:36I've got reason enough.
43:38And as for you, I hope they catch you and hang you.
43:46Did you pull that back in?
43:50What are you doing up here?
43:52I don't think very good sometimes.
43:54There's a horse kicking in the head.
43:58I don't think you're half as loco as you make out to be.
44:02Who killed Jim Bowen?
44:04I don't know nothing.
44:06Now stop lying.
44:08Who sent you up here with a message?
44:10Nobody sent me.
44:11I don't think very good sometimes.
44:13Listen, you brought a message up here just before the raid on the J.B. Ranch.
44:17Now who sent you?
44:18He's not responsible.
44:19Don't be so brutal.
44:21He's crazy just like a fox.
44:23You keep out of this.
44:24Listen, according to the law, I've already killed one man.
44:29Another one won't make much difference.
44:33I don't know anything.
44:34You can't tell a man for that.
44:36I've got proof that you brought a message to Matt Malone.
44:39Now who's...
44:42Why didn't you tell me about the case?
44:45Why didn't you tell him you killed Jim Bowen?
44:53Case Murdock.
44:55A highly respected citizen.
44:58Jim Bowen's trusted friend.
45:01And murderer.
45:04Jim found out about my partnership with Matt.
45:07So I had to shut his mouth.
45:09It was a lot safer not to have any mystery about the killer.
45:12And you made a very likely suspect.
45:15On account of your quarrel with Jim.
45:17So I had Loco borrow your horse.
45:19That's all there was to that.
45:21You ain't mad at me, are you, Case?
45:25But I'm a little bit worried about you now.
45:28Take his gun.
45:30I'm glad you ain't mad at me, Case.
45:32I always do what you tell me to do.
45:35You've made yourself dangerous to me.
45:37And that's bad luck for you.
45:40I've been through a lot of bad luck.
45:42Don't say you always will.
45:44Come on, let's go.
45:46What are you going to do?
45:47No concern of yours.
45:48Let him go and I'll find the deed to my ranch.
45:50I don't have to trade with you now.
45:52Listen, sit tight.
45:54There's nothing you can do but don't sign any deeds.
45:56I'll talk to her about that after I get through with you.
45:59Loco, you see that she stays in here.
46:01Come on, let's go.
46:04Case said for you to stay here.
46:12I hope we can call friends.
46:15Don't cost anything to hope.
46:17You'll tend to it.
46:18It'll be a pleasure.
46:20All right, come on.
46:23Curly, what do you want?
46:27Curly, what do you want?
46:32I want you to put him where he won't do any talking.
46:35I've never heard no conversation come up from under six foot of ground.
46:39That's what I had in mind.
46:41You know, the law says he must hang.
46:43So why can't we do a neighborly chore for the law by way of variety?
46:47Do you have any final remarks you'd like to make?
46:54Give my regards to the sheriff when he hangs you.
47:03You know, I've always thought I'd like to depart in a cloud of powder smoke.
47:09Oh, come on, let's get it over with.
47:11Why don't you boys get a rope and pull it over that rafter and tie his hands?
47:14No, wait a minute.
47:16I want my hanging done according to oil.
47:18What do you mean?
47:20Well, doesn't a condemned man have a right to a last cigarette?
47:24Maybe we'd better give you a ten-course supper before we hang you.
47:27No, cigarettes all I need.
47:30If you're reasonably satisfied, go ahead.
47:37I'm sorry, have you got a cigarette?
47:44Now, uh, Matt?
47:47You don't want me to write it for you, do you?
48:01Oh, thanks.
48:20I don't like your brand.
48:29There you go!
48:42Nothing, I'm all right.
48:49Matt Damon, break that door down!
48:52See what you can do for us.
48:54Come on, you help me pass the furniture.
48:56I don't feel very good.
48:57Oh, come on.
49:06Get back to the corner and stay there.
49:11How's she doing?
49:13I always wanted to name a wagon for you.
49:17But I didn't expect it to go like this.
49:22We're going out to ride in a five-wagon Hanson right now.
49:27It's no use telling the places around us.
49:38Get out!
49:42Get out!
49:52We're going to have to smoke these after them.
49:54I don't smoke them often.
50:03Wait a minute, wait a minute!
50:06You'd better come over here.
50:08Now, keep low.
50:11The smoke, it smokes me.
50:13Keep your head close to the floor.
50:16You say my friend Buzzy might bring help.
50:19I'm not sure he got my message yet.
50:21I only hope when you get your belly full of smoke,
50:24come out of there with your hands in the air.
50:36I'm suffocating.
50:38I guess we can't stand much more of this.
50:40We'll have to make a break for it.
50:42I'll draw them away from the back of the house.
50:44You can't do that, you'll be killed.
50:46Be ready to go when I tell you,
50:48when they take after me.
50:58It's no use.
51:06Here comes Buzzy in the whole valley.
51:09I knew he could read messages.
51:25All right, drop those guns.
51:36All right, you gang, get over there.
51:39You heard me.
51:41All right, boys, take care of it.
51:44Come on, I may need you.
51:48You got that female tentacle up here.
51:50Now, where is she?
51:52I knew women would get us in trouble.
51:56There she is now.
52:00Hello, Buzzy.
52:01I had an idea you'd drop around.
52:03I feel like a smoked herring.
52:05I didn't expect you to be here when I arrived.
52:08Nice going, we got Jim Bowen's murderer.
52:10You sure have, and there he is.
52:12It's a lie.
52:14Loco, tell him the truth or I'll put you back in that smokehouse.
52:18Come on, who killed Jim Bowen?
52:20Come on.
52:23That's the truth, I heard him admit it.
52:26All right, round up this gang and show them to the sheriff.
52:28I think he can use most of them.
52:30We sure will.
52:31Come on, get out of here, get moving.
52:37I'm sorry, I guess I was mistaken.
52:40You were badly mistaken right from the start.
52:44Would you pardon us for a moment?
53:02She's gone.
53:09Well, she always wanted to leave the wagon wheel.
53:13Well, Miss Georgia, just turn all your worries over to Fuzzy.
53:17He isn't happy unless he's got something to worry about.
53:20Well, Fuzzy, so long.
53:22I'll be seeing you one of these days.
53:24If you get yourself into any trouble, you know where to find me.
53:28Goodbye, Miss Georgia.
53:31Goodbye, Tom.
53:32Boys, bye.
53:33So long, Tom.
53:55I was hoping that he'd stay.
53:58You can't keep town in any one place
54:00when you've got the itchiness feet of any man I ever know.
54:15The first job I'm going to do here is make that kitchen rack longer.
54:27THE END