• 5 years ago


00:29Hollywood Escort Bureau.
00:31A young lady for this evening?
00:33Why, yes, we can take care of you.
00:34Just a moment.
00:36I beg your pardon?
00:38I understand, madame.
00:40Oh, yes, indeed.
00:41We run a highly respectable bureau.
00:43Our male escorts are...
00:45Oh, David's with your own brother.
00:47The charges will be $10 for the escort,
00:49plus transportation, and you pay all bills.
00:51And he'll call for you any time you want.
00:53Yes, madame, we have a young man.
00:56Dark hair, good character,
00:59Just a moment, please.
01:01Oh, I'm sorry.
01:02You're a girl?
01:04Oh, yes, sir.
01:05Our girls are so beautiful,
01:06the motion picture producer
01:07always trying to sign them up.
01:09You know,
01:10the most beautiful girls in the world.
01:14Just a moment, please,
01:14and I'll give you the appointment desk.
01:19Hollywood Escort Bureau, hello.
01:22You have a complaint?
01:24Oh, one of our...
01:27Oh, no, you must be mistaken.
01:30Oh, oh, you want to speak to the manager.
01:33Well, just a minute.
01:35Mr. Nolan, I have a complaint.
01:38I don't care who it is.
01:39I'm out.
01:40Take the number.
01:41Yes, tell him I'll call.
01:43And tell Rita when she comes in.
01:44I want to see her.
01:45It's a second complaint this week.
01:46And don't bother me again.
01:48I'm busy.
01:49There, you see what I mean?
01:50Never, the customer's always right.
01:52But Mr. Nolan,
01:54you told us not to let anybody get fresh.
01:57Sure, sure.
01:58This is a very respectable business.
02:01Oh, yeah?
02:03Of course, every now and then,
02:04a girl has to think on her feet.
02:07But when should a girl say no to a fella?
02:09When they stop being gentlemen.
02:12All right, Professor Quiz, now you answer one.
02:14What is a gentleman?
02:16You wouldn't know.
02:19Say, who do you think you're talking to?
02:21Listen, dearie,
02:22the boss doesn't like temperamental dames,
02:23and if you like...
02:24All right, skip the lecture.
02:25And what I said goes for you, too.
02:27Oh, I think you're wonderful, Mr. Nolan.
02:30But I still don't know.
02:33What is a gentleman, not a gentleman?
02:36Look, honey, if you don't know that by now,
02:37you're never going to find out.
02:41Oh, give me that.
02:42I told you not to bother.
02:44Oh, yes, I'm sorry, boss, I didn't...
02:47There's your boss at Hollywood Escort Bureau.
02:50Oh, Mr. Smith.
02:51You bet we can, Mr. Smith.
02:53Hey, but I can't.
02:54I've got to attend a director's meeting tonight.
02:56But I was counting on you.
02:58Here it is, I have a free...
02:59My hands and everyone I call
03:00is either busy or out of town.
03:06I have it.
03:07Call this number and ask for a beautiful blonde.
03:11All right.
03:20Hollywood Escort Bureau.
03:22Just a minute, now connect you with the appointment desk.
03:28Yes, boss.
03:32Yes, boss.
03:33Don't call me at my apartment
03:34unless it's absolutely important.
03:37If you want me, call Ruth.
03:39She'll contact me.
03:41Yes, sure, I understand.
03:42Oh, look, there's something I...
04:09If she doesn't do better with the cafe,
04:10I'm gonna get somebody else.
04:12You haven't anything to complain about?
04:14No, for your information,
04:16I had to pay another $2,500 yesterday.
04:19We have to have protection.
04:22Now listen, Ruth.
04:23Listen to me.
04:24In 10 years, we bought the Palace Hotel
04:26and the Cafe Martinique.
04:28Recently, we set up a chain of escort bureaus.
04:31The boys and girls keep the cafe filled
04:34and business hasn't been at the hotel.
04:36Aren't you ever satisfied?
04:38Oh, it's true.
04:39We haven't done bad, but we've got to do better.
04:42Money has to roll in,
04:43especially to keep this place of yours up.
04:46This place is an investment.
04:48Think what it's done for me socially.
04:50That's right.
04:52It's given you an entree into all the best homes.
04:55That is to us.
04:56Well, just so no one suspects who we really are.
05:00Don't try to make all the money in the world,
05:01and they won't.
05:03Who's the latter from?
05:05How is she?
05:06She's good,
05:07but wondering what to do during summer vacation.
05:09She's not coming out here, is she?
05:11Are you mad?
05:12It's none of your business.
05:15It's shabby and pretty low.
05:17That's the best you can say for it.
05:19Good, don't you, Ruth?
05:21June's all I have.
05:23All you have?
05:25You know what I mean.
05:27I want her to keep thinking I'm tops.
05:30You know, I think I'd die if she ever suspected
05:32her mother ran an escort bureau.
05:34Well, how could she?
05:36You've spent a fortune on her,
05:37sending her to Europe on her vacations,
05:39keeping her away from here in fashionable schools.
05:52Miss Perkins' school for young ladies.
05:55Nothing but the best for my little girl.
06:00You know, Greg, I think she's in love.
06:03In love?
06:04With whom?
06:05The boy she met through Miss Perkins.
06:07His father's, his name's Drake Hamilton.
06:10Mm, I like him.
06:13You like him?
06:14How do you know?
06:15You haven't seen him.
06:15Oh, but I have.
06:17She sent a snapshot in a letter.
06:24She's getting better looking every year.
06:26Yes, isn't she?
06:28Boy's a nice-looking youngster, too.
06:30He'd have to be very nice for my baby.
06:32Oh, he would.
06:33You're leaving tonight, Drake?
06:35I have to.
06:36My father's arranged for me
06:37to do some special work on the coast.
06:40It's going to be lonesome without you.
06:42Then you will miss me?
06:44You know I will.
06:46Drake, how will I ever be able to live
06:49so far away from you?
06:50You'll write every day, promise me?
06:53I will.
06:54If you'll do something for me.
06:55Of course.
06:56What is it?
07:01It was my mother's.
07:03She would have loved you.
07:05And I know she'd want you to wear it.
07:08Oh, Drake.
07:09It's beautiful.
07:13But you're so cruel.
07:15Yes, for making me love you so much
07:17and then going away.
07:19But it's only for a short time.
07:20Whatever it is, it'll be too long.
07:23Wait, I have an idea.
07:26Mother intended spending a month here with me.
07:28I'm going to Hollywood and surprise her instead.
07:32You mean...
07:34Then we can be together and I can meet your mother.
07:36It's all settled then.
07:38Only I hope Mom's won't raise a fuss.
07:41She shouldn't when she finds out how much we're in love.
07:44Darling, I never dreamed I could be this happy.
07:55This night's receipts weren't bad.
07:57Café sold over 200 bottles of champagne.
08:01All the girls were busy and the boys...
08:04Say, that reminds me.
08:05We've got to get a new male escort.
08:08Jack's got himself a wealthy widow.
08:10Oh, I see.
08:12I think he'll be busy for quite a while.
08:21Hello, Mom's darling?
08:25June, baby.
08:27Where are you?
08:28Right here in town.
08:29I'll tell you all about it when I see you.
08:31But I had to call you first.
08:33But I thought...
08:35But I thought I told you to...
08:36Please, darling, don't scold.
08:38Now that I'm here, aren't you just a little bit glad?
08:41Well, of course, only I'm so surprised.
08:45I'll be right down.
08:46No, wait.
08:47There's something else.
08:48Drake's with me.
08:51Drake Hamilton, you remember.
08:53I wrote you about him.
08:55You're not married?
08:59Not yet, but soon.
09:02I'll tell you everything when I see you.
09:04You don't have to come down for us.
09:06We'll take a cab and be right out.
09:17Greg, June's here.
09:20So I heard.
09:24Come on, take it easy.
09:26Want a drink?
09:29I'm so frightened.
09:31If she should find anything out...
09:35I'm going to send her right back.
09:37And spoil her fun?
09:39You'll do nothing of the sort.
09:41But Drake's with her, the boy in the picture.
09:43Oh, what about it?
09:44Nothing like having young romance around to pep us up.
09:48Come on, control yourself.
09:49I can't, but I'm worried.
09:52I'll give you something really important to worry about.
09:55Pinky Colony and Tiffany Armstrong's
09:56new district attorney is starting
09:58an undercover investigation
10:00to find out who's the head of the escort bureaus.
10:03But Greg, you told me you've been paying protection.
10:06I have.
10:08Same old story, though.
10:09New DA trying to make the front page.
10:12This time, we're the goats.
10:14Or so he hopes.
10:16I knew it.
10:18I knew this would happen sometime.
10:21But Greg, it mustn't happen now.
10:23You've got to do something.
10:24Oh, quit acting like a schoolgirl.
10:26Nothing's going to happen to us.
10:28What do you think we got Breezy for?
10:30But you told me they were looking
10:31for the head of the bureaus.
10:33The real head, not Breezy Nolan.
10:35I know, sure.
10:37But first, they've got to find us, haven't they?
10:39Pinky's the greatest little listener in the world.
10:41He's got an inn where he can report
10:43every move to me well in advance.
10:45I tell you, I'm scared.
10:47Scared's silly.
10:48Come on, forget it.
10:50Just leave everything to me.
10:52When June and young Hamilton get here,
10:53you want to look happy.
10:56Chin up?
10:57I'll try.
10:59That's a good girl.
11:00I'll be back to help you if the going gets tough.
11:03Where are you going?
11:04Oh, just downtown to my apartment.
11:06Be back in time for lunch.
11:08And you better have something pretty nice.
11:10Those kids are probably starved.
11:13You're not running out on me.
11:14Remember, I'm depending on you.
11:16Well, I've never let you down yet, have I?
11:18Yes, you have.
11:19But if you let me down this time, I'll...
11:21Oh, I won't.
11:23So long.
11:25Of a hard winter.
11:26Oh, what a night.
11:28My head.
11:29You'd better pack that stuff.
11:31I'm going to pull yourself together and get dressed for me.
11:33What time did you stagger in this morning?
11:34Oh, I don't know.
11:36The hands on the clock were stuck.
11:38Well, from what I saw, that's the only pair there were.
11:41Say, did you see the present her playmate left her?
11:43Say, your boyfriend certainly didn't have
11:45the paws that refreshes.
11:47Sure trademarked you plenty.
11:49And look at that beauty on your shoulder.
11:52Looks to me like you were out with a tattoo artist.
11:54Oh, when did that happen?
12:07Excuse me.
12:10No, he's still a live one and a good spender.
12:13Keep your arms laid back.
12:15Excuse talk, doc.
12:20Oh, hello.
12:22Didn't I see you someplace?
12:25Shoot, you're dizzy.
12:27Yeah, honey, in your little red riding hood.
12:29Straighten yourself up.
12:31Who are you with?
12:32A gentleman whose wife don't understand.
12:36Honey, that's what they all say.
12:38You better pull yourself together before Breezy sees you.
12:40What's the matter?
12:41Ain't I doing what he said?
12:43He said the customers always rise.
12:47Yes, honey, but you're supposed to say no once in a while.
12:50Ditch said no.
12:52Said no, no, no, no.
12:56But he said yes, yes, yes.
12:59Well, it's your party, but you're paid in advance.
13:06Oh, that's funny.
13:09How funny.
13:11You're a smart girl.
13:14Honey, you're a smart girl, but you better go back and get it.
13:16And this time, put it someplace where it's safe.
13:19Well, look at that wolf of yours.
13:20I don't know where that would be.
13:27Evening, mister.
13:35Hello, pal.
13:37Well, mister.
13:39Come on, let's dance.
13:41Now, wait a minute.
13:42Why don't you go up and wash your face?
13:46My face is clean, see?
13:48Yeah, but go and wash it anyhow.
13:50Because you're such a pretty.
13:52That's a good boy.
13:54When you come back, we'll have a drink.
13:57It's the best coffee of the day.
13:59Now that's going for all that giggle water, I'll have to take it home.
14:12Look at him.
14:13He's lost in the jungle.
14:15I hope I can find the doctor the letter, son.
14:24Let's go.
15:54Did you say just got into town today, mister?
16:13Elmer Antwistle is my name.
16:15You come up to Hollywood for movies?
16:18No, I'm just on a sort of a pleasure trip.
16:22Got a little tired of sticking around the French girls, eh?
16:25Well, say, maybe...
16:28Yes, sir, there's Fifi now.
16:35Fifi, I want you to meet mister Antwistle.
16:38He kind of likes that hula-la stuff, Fifi.
16:42Elmer, this is Fifi.
16:44You're on your own, Elmer.
16:46Oh, you like the French girls, no?
16:49Très bien.
16:51I like them, but I don't understand that French lingo.
16:54That is nothing.
16:55But Fifi talks all the time.
16:57Maybe you'll buy her a drink, no?
16:59Oh, sure.
17:01Champagne cocktail, Joe.
17:02Champagne, yeah.
17:04Yeah, a fella sure can raise egg money here, can't he?
17:08Now we drink to our friendship.
17:12Ah, now there's music to make it even more perfect.
17:15Sure is exciting, but Paul has told me...
17:17Ah, sure, you know nothing yet.
17:19I'd like to come with me and we'd be alone, maybe, no?
17:23Well, yes, but...
17:24You'll come with Fifi.
17:25Well, I guess it could stay in a little air.
17:27It's kind of warm and hot and stuff like that.
17:30It's so nice.
17:37Well, Paul always said never to go out with girls that you didn't know.
17:40Especially a little black beauty.
17:42Poor Fifi.
17:43She's so what you call, um, hot?
17:46She's warm.
17:48You wore these for me, no?
17:50Yeah, but Paul always said that...
17:54Oh, he... Paul...
17:57Oh, Paul!
17:58Oh, wait for Fifi!
18:00No, no, you don't need Fifi.
18:03Well, just...
18:04It's hot, it's warm.
18:06Yes, I know, but Fifi cool you off.
18:08Oh, I know, but Paul said that I...
18:10You don't like Fifi?
18:11Well, yes, sure, but it's...
18:13Why you don't kiss her?
18:16Well, uh...
18:19Is that a kiss?
18:21Come, Fifi, show you.
18:32Let me.
18:33Which one?
18:34I've hardly had time to look at you.
18:36You've grown so tall.
18:41Getting to be quite a young lady.
18:43I've known her since she was Hamilton.
18:45Growing to be more like a mother every day.
18:47Am I really?
18:48I can't think of anyone I'd rather be like than Mom.
18:52Well, of course, that's the matter of the day.
18:54Come on, let's have our coffee.
18:58Now, what do you plan?
19:00Sure you're not angry with me anymore for barging in?
19:03Of course she's not, June.
19:05As an old friend of your mother's, I can answer for her.
19:08She's tickled to death to see you.
19:09What about Drake?
19:10Anybody glad to see him?
19:13You will forgive us for neglecting you.
19:15Don't pay any attention to her, Drake.
19:16That's perfectly all right.
19:18I'm sure we're going to be good friends.
19:20Thanks, Miss Ashley, I hope so.
19:22In a way, I feel responsible for June being out here.
19:25He is not.
19:26It was my own idea.
19:28No matter whose idea it was, you're out here now.
19:31I'm afraid you'll be lonesome.
19:33With you?
19:35What your mother means, June, is that she's frequently out of town.
19:38Real estate, you know.
19:39Keeps her quite busy.
19:40Drake will keep me company then.
19:42As much as possible.
19:43But don't forget, I have a job to do.
19:45What sort of work are you doing, Drake?
19:47It's pretty confidential.
19:49Well, you mustn't tell us that if you don't want to.
19:51It's terribly important.
19:53He's investigating the escort bureaus.
19:56Oh, how clumsy of me.
19:58Allow me.
20:00Tell him about it, Drake.
20:02Go ahead.
20:03Yes, tell us about it, Drake.
20:05June's far too impressed with its importance.
20:07It's really nothing.
20:08My dad wangled me an appointment in the district attorney's office.
20:12The district attorney's office?
20:13Isn't it wonderful?
20:15Oh, I'm so thrilled.
20:16Blame you for being proud of him, June.
20:18Drake, go ahead.
20:19Well, that's all there is.
20:21We're investigating some evidence we have on escort bureaus.
20:23They're not operating on the up and up.
20:28Pardon me, Hamilton.
20:30You were saying?
20:32Well, that's about it.
20:34That's it.
20:35My job now is to find the head of the escort bureau.
20:38Isn't that exciting?
20:39Oh, yes.
20:40Very exciting.
20:41Well, if I can ever be of any help, let me know.
20:44I'm in favor of the move.
20:46It's time we got rid of those places.
20:49It is.
20:51Now, if you can bear it,
20:52Drake and I have the whole afternoon planned.
20:55Oh, where are you going?
20:56Drake's going to take me to the horse races.
20:58You know, I've never seen one.
20:59Then we're going for a long drive, come home,
21:01get dressed and go out dancing.
21:03I'm a bit rusty on my nightclubs.
21:05Any suggestions?
21:08I'd suggest the Café Martinique.
21:10Excellent little show, nice dance floor.
21:12I think you'll find it a cozy place.
21:15Oh, no.
21:17Well, of course, it is very nice.
21:19Well, thanks. We'll try it.
21:20Ready, June?
21:21All set.
21:22Bye, Mom.
21:25Have a good time.
21:27Of all places,
21:28why did you have to suggest the Café Martinique?
21:31I told you!
21:32Oh, why not?
21:33You know perfectly well what goes on there.
21:35Oh, I think that young man will be able to handle any situation.
21:40It's been quite a day.
21:43The most trying day I've ever known.
21:47I'm more frightened than ever now that Drake's after us.
21:51It was thoughtful of June's little lamb
21:53to let us know who the special investigator is.
21:56Now we'll know exactly what he's doing
21:58because he'll tell us all about it himself.
22:00I tell you I won't have June dragged into this.
22:03I don't care what happens to us,
22:05but I'm warning you, her happiness comes first.
22:09Oh, I'm so worried.
22:12Don't you think I am?
22:14I don't know.
22:15Where she's concerned, I don't trust you or anyone else.
22:18Wait a minute.
22:20We can lead Drake on a wild goose chase
22:22until both he and the DA give up.
22:24We're perfectly safe now.
22:26June will never find out a thing.
22:28What more do you want?
22:29Oh, I don't know.
22:31I'm so worried.
22:34Greg, I'm getting out of this business.
22:36It was all right when June was small, away from me.
22:40But now she...
22:41You'll do nothing of the kind.
22:43But I must get out.
22:45I'm afraid of what my baby might discover.
22:47And if she ever found out her mother was a Neskort operator, I...
22:51There's too much involved for you to get out now
22:53unless you want to see the whole thing blow up.
22:55Then June will certainly find out.
22:58That's what I'm afraid of.
23:00That's why I must get out and take her away from all this.
23:03You make one move without my permission
23:06and you'll wish you never had.
23:09Now, come on, fuck up. Everything's gonna bite.
23:12Just do as I say.
23:20Who'd you bet on for this race?
23:22Number five, special investigator.
23:24Special investigator?
23:25I'm playing hunch.
23:28Why, he's a long shot.
23:30Sometimes long shots come in.
23:35Come on, investigator.
23:37It's Bromlingwell first.
23:39Goldenboy second.
23:40Imperial third.
23:41Death investigator.
23:43Come on, investigator. Come on.
23:45At the corner, it's Goldenboy high ahead.
23:48Bromlingwell second.
23:49Death investigator.
23:52Come on, investigator. Come on.
23:54Stay right in there, boy.
23:59Starting for home, it's Goldenboy behind the net.
24:02Investigator second.
24:03Investigator moving up.
24:05Second place.
24:06Come on, investigator. Come on.
24:10Coming into the stretch, it's Goldenboy and investigator.
24:13It's Goldenboy and investigator.
24:15It's investigator on the road.
24:16Investigator wins.
24:17Three to one. Investigator won.
24:19Three in a row. Do I know how to pick them?
24:21You sure do.
24:22Well, should we go?
24:23I want to take a ride before we go to the Café Martinique.
24:28Let's go.
24:58Is it a mirage or are you more beautiful than ever?
25:02Would you like to dance?
25:04Let's just sit here and feel sorry for all the people who aren't as happy as we are.
25:08Shall we?
25:09Such heavenly music.
25:11And you do dance so divinely, dear boy.
25:14Only because you follow like a breeze.
25:17You're not only saying that.
25:19Oh, you really think so?
25:23I'll bet you say that to all us girls.
25:25Don't you believe me?
25:26Oh, yes, dear boy.
25:28I do. I do.
25:31Well, shall we seal the champagne?
25:35Oh, by all means.
25:37To romance.
25:39Ah, romance.
25:42To romance.
25:43Ah, nurse.
25:56Ah, nurse.
26:26Ah, nurse.
26:27Ah, nurse.
26:28Ah, nurse.
26:29Ah, nurse.
26:30Ah, nurse.
26:31Ah, nurse.
26:32Ah, nurse.
26:33Ah, nurse.
26:34Ah, nurse.
26:35Ah, nurse.
26:36Ah, nurse.
26:37Ah, nurse.
26:38Ah, nurse.
26:39Ah, nurse.
26:40Ah, nurse.
26:41Ah, nurse.
26:42Ah, nurse.
26:43Ah, nurse.
26:44Ah, nurse.
26:45Ah, nurse.
26:46Ah, nurse.
26:47Ah, nurse.
26:48Ah, nurse.
26:49Ah, nurse.
26:50Ah, nurse.
26:51Ah, nurse.
26:52Ah, nurse.
26:53Ah, nurse.
26:54Ah, nurse.
26:55Ah, nurse.
27:20Isn't she lovely?
27:22That's a masterpiece of understatement.
27:24a beautiful silly I mean the dancer. She's not good not bad but maybe I'm
27:31prejudiced well people I can pay attention.
27:54The. One
28:10more dance. So early it's not early it's quite late but that isn't the reason
28:18what. I want to hold all my happiness and dream about it.
28:27Why do all the things have to end but I'll see you tomorrow tomorrow and all the
28:48Pretty good business and I think that's right that's what I was up new little
28:51blondie. Bottles of champagne so far. I still wish you
28:57a gal came in the jack table in the alcove see I've never had such
29:02a wonderful time and you are the cause of it you feel sweet. Let's have some more
29:09anything you. Want to be nice and we just sat and talked
29:17drank champagne and that is if you can spare. Of course.
29:24I have to be that we.
29:33Will champagne. I don't know what's come over me I'm so
29:38excited. Something wonderful is about to happen.
29:45I just can't figure it out I have the same feeling that I had when my dear husband
29:51died and left me a hundred thousand dollars in cash what
29:58I mean.
29:59We had. Something awfully nice
30:05is going to happen to me more something especially nice.
30:12Where he's sweetheart it will. Believe me.
30:19I'll call me.
30:24Oh sorry Mr Nolan's got the day.
30:28To. May I help you
30:34maybe I just came in town I'm looking for
30:37a job as an escort. Well it's always a place for a good looking fellow you think
30:43I do I'm sure you would have
30:45a desperate before no but I think it's easy to catch on to the dancer passable
30:50wardrobe. Not for the present. Of your photograph not with me but I'll bring some
30:56down well pick some romantic ones Mr. I didn't catch the name.
31:02Just call me speed speed Gibson. I could do that no kidding no kidding.
31:09Who do I say about a job Mr Nolan Nolan. Names familiar.
31:15What's his first name breezy breezy Nolan. Maybe could be the same one.
31:22Is he the real owner not a not he don't ask too many questions. Could I see him
31:28now I'm sorry he's got the day but he'll be in tomorrow. I'll tell you what what
31:34are you doing tonight Hey wait a minute wait I get
31:36a job that's a promise but that isn't what I meant why don't you drop in at the
31:41cafe Martinique about nine o'clock tonight he's always there thanks a lot I'll
31:46forget it I'm always glad to lend a hand I know what it is to be job hunting in
31:50a strange town you're a pal cafe Martinique is that connected with the escort
31:55bureau I said no question OK where is it right downstairs in the hotel just ask
32:02anyone for breezy Nolan everybody knows him a sure and good luck thanks and don't
32:09forget that promise I won't.
32:12If I could get a discount I'd sure date him up for an evening myself.
32:24Thanks boss.
32:27That hits the spot. Sure but a swell week boss everything's going great guns.
32:35Really yeah.
32:36Piggy call this morning again yes I told you sure I remember the day Ruth's kid in
32:42a Hamilton fellow came to town. Say but you know that fellas must not be on the
32:46cafe asking a lot of funny questions yeah yeah he thinks he's an investigator I
32:52don't suppose he's found much so far. I don't know breezy might have. That is a
32:58pig he's right why I don't know why I don't know why I don't know why I don't
33:04know that is a pig he's right why what did you say. I was going to call the escort
33:09bureau he's going to hire a girl for the evening I get it business and pleasure
33:15combined a no just business breezy just business is going to try to find out if
33:21the escort bureaus are. Well shall we say flexible.
33:26You're killing me flexible and. What else just a little more trying to pump
33:33whoever would may send up trying to find out who controls this business. That is
33:38if a girl knows and talk those things don't know anything. Suppose when I'm
33:43didn't know something suppose when I'm new and saying. That the A.
33:49Could hang Ruth and me in five minutes but that's something in mind. Maybe.
33:53Maybe. He said the call would come through under the name of Mason Grant Mason
34:00Grant I get it you didn't know the time of place but as soon as he found out it
34:05was no so what. Just this.
34:12We're going to fix Mr Drake Hamilton or Mason Grant up with something extra
34:17special. Something. Well there we were wrestling in the cab
34:25so finally I said to him you know gentlemen you big gorilla I keep telling them
34:29that all the time but it never does any good all the pipe down go on through the
34:35valley finally broke the half now I freeze and then he started to be but plenty
34:40who always get frightened when they get angry well someone's trying to weaken
34:45women before I commit murder you know sometimes they even try.
34:53Well I mean there we were so funny I said to him look what do you want for ten
34:57dollars and before I could do
34:58a thing about it he laid a twenty right in my life with his hands still on it no
35:03doubt now look honey live and let live as my mother he said he wasn't such
35:07a bad guy but you got to know it but if he wasn't a gentleman when did you say
35:13no. Who said no. But what I was with last night was certainly no gal I had
35:20all know how would you know I was there I was there.
35:30I don't. Know wait a minute the appointment that's the actual date of mine let's
35:35have it. This is ready to shoot.
35:39You. Were going to be. Six sixteen to pick up a gun seven thirty tonight.
35:47I'll sing or anything what did you say his name was that's what I thought you said
35:53right killing. Like that I'll murder him that's what I'll do what's eating you the
36:00first night he's home in six months and as he asked me to go out well does he know
36:06no no he's right instead he called an escort bureau for
36:09a date so guys a guy on a date today who is he who is he who do you think he is
36:15he's my husband.
36:32Come in. June. And right on time so that's what you
36:40want to drink you know I haven't been drinking but if I knew who sent up here I
36:45don't drown myself in it what do you mean if you knew who was. Darling are you
36:50talking about I'm only here because you sent for me but I didn't know they'd send
36:55you I didn't know I'd see you on out of your mind Drake Hamilton if I had you can
36:58thank yourself I asked you to marry me I didn't ask you to get I know I was
37:04a fool who offered it but it without knowing you were
37:07an escort girl the kind of belongs to whoever has
37:09a price on escort how dare you say that to me what else is a girl from an escort
37:14bureau expect but I didn't know why I swear there is listen to me don't lie you
37:20sunk low enough without adding lies I'm not the only one who lied then what about
37:24you you told me you'd be busy and I believed you is that why you were available
37:29tonight is that why they were able to send you when I called for
37:32an escort you little cheat how many others have been before me keep your hands off
37:36me now I know you're insane escort beers to become
37:39an obsession with you when you answer me I won't because no matter what I said
37:43you'd only believe what you want to answer me don't you dare touch me I never want
37:48to see you again.
37:52And you can have your own.
38:33I never knew anyone could be as low as you. You'll find you're just saying I didn't
38:40come here to visit well then if I don't was it you know perfectly well what I'm here
38:44for Drake all Drake so I'm to thank him for the pleasure of your company that's
38:51considerate don't try evading it's true isn't it now that all depends what you
38:57know perfectly well what I mean you tricked me into going to Drake sweet he wasn't
39:01expecting me but he believed what his eyes told him well can you blame it I did
39:07then I don't know at first I was too stunned to understand after I left him he
39:12believed the worst when you knocked at his door well too bad for my heart which you
39:17broke because you'll never believe now sure. After all a girl from an escort bureau
39:23don't you dare say that you know it isn't true but I do know something that is true
39:29it's so clear I wonder I couldn't see it before you're the man Drake's been. May I
39:35ask how you arrived at it who wanted to think the worst of me who want to stop his
39:39investigation the only way you thought it could be stopped who knew he was going to
39:43call for an escort it was you Gregory stone. A rare combination intelligence and
39:51beauty or now that you've added up to and to I'm going to see the Drake gets far it
39:56won't give him back to me but his success is far more important. Not that it's any
40:01of my affair but just how are you going to pin metals on Drake if he won't do it
40:05himself by exposing you to the district attorney you're the man Drake's been
40:10searching for. Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are when your eyes spark
40:17I will I tell you I just wanted you to know your little plot up in your face that's
40:22all. One last thing before you go there's nothing I want to hear from you but
40:29well let me out of here not until you've heard the rest then you can present the
40:33complete solution to the district attorney let me go as soon as you've heard the
40:38name of my partner whom the district attorney is equally anxious to discover you're
40:43lying it's
40:43a trick to shift the blame to somebody else I don't want to hear it but you will I
40:48won't listen you will and so will the district attorney my partner is
40:54your own mother that's
40:56a lie a lie. Your own mother I said.
41:18That's the truth your mother and I've been partners for years why do you think
41:22she's kept you away in fashionable schools where you think the money came from to
41:26keep you there to buy her beautiful home her clothes your clothes are jewels I don't
41:31believe it I can prove it by your mother. It isn't so it couldn't be.
41:38My mother I don't believe it you're right said is my partner. She started as
41:45an escort girl or so ten years ago I won't believe it I'll go ahead and tell the
41:50district attorney tell him who I am and tell him who your mother is.
41:57Go ahead.
41:57Oh mom. You. Now there's nothing left to live for.
42:03Oh mom. You. Now there's nothing left to live for.
42:34The law operator get me
42:35a taxi I want to go to the palace hotel.
42:59You know that I'm not. I wish to die. Everything's smashed it's not quite that
43:06bad it isn't the end of the world might as well be I know how you feel.
43:13All that inside everything burned out. You're going to learn to face facts June.
43:21Your mother couldn't keep you in ignorance forever. Yeah I don't want anything
43:26come on break this and put some heart back in your heart. What good would that do
43:32I don't want to get it back so I can be smashed again it may be you've got your
43:37eyes open now. I know you've been hurt. Smart girl doesn't get hurt twice.
43:45I know you think that life isn't worth living right now you're young you're
43:50beautiful. Time heals everything will never heal this never just because you lost
43:58faith in your mother and don't talk to me about her. I hate her. Maybe it wasn't
44:05all her fault it was. Whether it was or not you still have to go on living.
44:12Living. There isn't anything left to live for oh yes there is you listen to me.
44:20You've got to stop thinking about others and start thinking about yourself. Forget
44:25your mother if she hadn't forgotten you you wouldn't be in this position now.
44:30No you're right. Of course I'm right. You listen to me and everything will be OK.
44:38How about another little drink? Why not?
44:44Hollywood escort. Yes we have both men and girls. Just a minute.
44:50Is Breezy Nolan in? Why I don't think so I'll see just a minute. Never mind.
44:56Wait you can't. Wait a minute. You can't go in there.
45:03You tell that little devil if I have one more complaint I'll throw her out in her ear.
45:06I'm saying. Hello? Hello? Hey what's the big idea? How'd you get in here? Never mind how I got in
45:14here. You start talking before I throw you. Hey what's the big idea?
45:19Hey wait a minute you got the wrong guy. But the right guy for my purpose.
45:22You're supposed to be the head of this escort bureau aren't you? Yeah sure but let's. Shut up!
45:26You sent a girl off to 1224 Augustine Hotel? Yeah sure but hey you're Mason O'Hamilton.
45:32You're the guy. I'm the guy all right.
46:07Now will you talk? All right I'll talk. What do you want? Who's the brain to this outfit?
46:14I know I'm. You're lying. You're only the front for someone higher up.
46:18If you don't talk I'll break every bone in your body. Who is it?
46:23It's Gregory Stone. Gregory Stone. Where is he? Freddie's apartment.
46:31404. Where did June go after she left me? I don't know. Tell me or I'll choke it out of you.
46:38She's with Greg in his apartment.
46:43Oh yeah I know all about that. Get me a line quick.
47:02Mr. Nolan I'm awfully sorry that the van got by. I couldn't do anything about it.
47:14See how much better you feel now? Better.
47:32I'll show you how to get all you can out of life June.
47:35Life is hard and pitiless and you have to face it the same way.
47:40That takes courage. I haven't any left.
47:44Oh of course you have. There are ways to beat life and come out on top.
47:50Are you cold? Cold inside. Yeah I'll fix that.
48:02Now you just relax. Forget about everything.
48:06District attorneys, me, your mother. I don't want to talk about her I said.
48:11All right we won't talk about her. Shall we talk about Drake?
48:14I don't want to talk about him either. He said I was no good.
48:19No but you are. No no.
48:22He's right. I'm no good just like my mother. I don't want to talk about nothing.
48:30Trouble with you is you're sobering up. Have another drink.
48:34I don't want another drink. Come on.
48:37Come on. This is the stuff that'll fix you up.
48:55Now now now listen Ruth. So that's why you sent me out of town.
49:00Wait a minute. You you don't understand.
49:03I understand plenty. I understand why you wanted the key to your apartment back.
49:09Never mind that. What's the idea of walking in here like this?
49:12Don't pull any of that on me Greg Stone. You didn't think I'd come back so quick did you?
49:16Who is that over there? I wouldn't Ruth.
49:19Get out of my way. Wait a minute I can explain everything.
49:22As if I'd believe you. I want to know who.
49:25You want to know who it is eh? Well take a good look.
49:32June. Yes little June.
49:35Your sweet little daughter. Take a good look so you won't forget.
49:40You stay out of this June. Let me handle it.
49:42Let me alone. Oh June darling.
49:44Keep your hands off me. I'm no good but you're worse.
49:48Do you hear? Worse. June what are you doing here?
49:51What is the matter? What's happened to you?
49:53Didn't think you'd find me here did you? Why shouldn't I be here?
49:58Oh June baby. Baby.
50:02What have you done to her?
50:07Greg. What have you done to her?
50:10What do you care? What's wrong with my being here?
50:14Am I any better than you? I guess I can be an escort girl if I want.
50:19Escort girl? June baby.
50:21Baby. Not anymore.
50:24From now on I'm little June. Like mother like daughter.
50:29Oh June dear. He hasn't been telling you.
50:34Oh no dear. You mustn't believe him. Listen to me. It isn't true.
50:38It is. I know it. You know it.
50:41Greg knows it. Don't try to lie out of it.
50:44Oh no. No not Greg. If he doesn't know by now.
50:47He will sooner or later. He'll find out how low you are.
50:52Well no matter what I am dear. You're sweet and good.
50:56Greg couldn't believe it. When he finds out.
50:58Who's at the head of the escort bureaus. Oh listen to me honey.
51:03You don't understand. There's no use lying Ruth.
51:07She knows everything. You told her.
51:13You told her. Well I had to.
51:15She was going to expose us. You told her.
51:19Don't you understand? She was going to tell the DA.
51:22Greg thinks she's in with us now. What made him think that?
51:26Answer me. How did Greg. I'll tell you how.
51:29Greg wanted evidence. He called for an escort.
51:32He knew Greg was going to call. He talked me into going as one of your girls.
51:36And Greg thought that. Yes.
51:39That I was an escort girl. I hate you.
51:43Oh no honey. No you don't know what you're saying.
51:46You've been drinking. Sure I've been drinking.
51:48To try and forget my broken dreams. And you.
51:51Who helped break them for me. I didn't. I swear I didn't.
51:55I tried to keep it away from you. You tried. I did.
51:58But not hard enough. So I haven't anything left.
52:02Nothing. June baby.
52:04I swear I'll straighten out everything. Only believe me again.
52:08Trust in me. Trust you.
52:10I never want to see you again. I hate you.
52:16June. I want you to get out of here.
52:19Go home. I won't go home.
52:21And I'll keep drinking until I forget I ever had a mother.
52:23Do anything you want but get out of here.
52:25You mustn't be found here if anything happens.
52:27Now get out. All right. I'll go.
52:30I'm glad to get rid of the sight of you. I never want to see you again.
52:34Never. Never as long as I live.
52:45Greg. Doesn't do much I suppose.
52:50No. Never.
52:53Well I had...
52:59Are you crazy? Put down that gun.
53:02Not until we've had a little talk. It's time.
53:06Are you out of your mind? I am.
53:11But you're not June's life. Well I had to save our necks.
53:14I'm not thinking of Drake. Oh she'll get over it. She's young.
53:18Yes and she has a right to a youngster. She gets it.
53:20That's what mothers are for. Will you put down that gun?
53:24Not until you're out of it. Not until you're Drake.
53:27Now you, June, Drake are all put together. I'll give you Greg. Just one.
53:33Greg. June.
53:35That's a good girl. That's a good girl.
53:37June. Greg.
53:38Tell them everything and have them swoop down on us?
53:41Oh there's nothing up there you've worked for.
53:43I've worked for June. To give her in.
53:45That's why I'm scheming to ensure her happiness.
53:47Then I won't have you. Why don't you use your head Ruth?
53:51If Drake didn't know the truth he wouldn't have her now.
53:54Not when he finds out her mother's running after him.
53:56Don't you say it. Well it's the truth.
53:59You know it. What good would it do to tell now?
54:02It'd help Drake understand the truth about my daughter.
54:05Well maybe. Why don't you put down the gun and talk sense?
54:11Have a cigarette. Keep back Ralph.
54:13Let go of my arm. You're breaking it.
54:20Let go of my arm.
55:13Mrs. Ashley. You're hurt. I'll call a doctor.
55:35It's no use Drake.
55:44You must believe me. Believe me Drake.
55:47June never was an escort girl.
55:53I realize that now.
55:55Greg. Greg checked her into seeing him.
55:59It was all his work.
56:01Please. Don't I'm talking now.
56:03I love her Drake. Make her happy again.
56:09Please promise me. You'll take care of her.
56:13You know I will.
56:23I promise.
56:39I promise.
56:57Drake. Yes.
57:01Your mother's ring.
57:03This will never leave my finger.
57:08It's more than that. Much more.
57:12It's only one ring.
57:14But it encloses the love of two months.