00:05:31Quaint custom he has to mark his wedding day.
00:06:19Scarlett, my boy.
00:06:21I prayed you'd return.
00:06:23I'm glad to see you.
00:06:25Good to be back, Father.
00:06:26You may not think so.
00:06:27This has become an unhappy land.
00:06:29Sounds like the usual confusion that follows a war.
00:06:31No, this is different.
00:06:33Duke de Corley and his henchmen
00:06:35convilliers a running roughshod over the country.
00:06:38Anyone who raises a voice against them
00:06:40is accused of being a traitor and thrown in prison without trial.
00:06:43You worry too much, Father.
00:06:45Why should I worry about my people?
00:06:47I remember you telling me that I was too wild.
00:06:49I should settle down.
00:06:50No, I'm ready.
00:06:52I'm ready for any part of other people's quarrels and dirty deals.
00:06:57Each of us does what seems best.
00:07:00Cheer up, Father.
00:07:01We'll sit around the fireplace and argue these things out
00:07:04on cold winter nights like old times.
00:07:06The old times are gone.
00:07:09Well, I'm on my way home now.
00:07:11Will I see you tomorrow?
00:07:12I'll be there tomorrow.
00:07:14But I don't think you will.
00:07:17Your state has been confiscated.
00:07:22That I didn't bargain on.
00:07:24It was taken over last year by convilliers.
00:07:29I'd better persuade him to give it back.
00:07:32How can there be a homebody without a home?
00:07:43State your business.
00:07:44Where can I find convilliers?
00:07:46Your name?
00:07:52Captain Scarlet.
00:09:24Who are you?
00:09:25What do you want?
00:09:26The name is Scarlet.
00:09:29That's what I want.
00:09:31You mean, what did I want when I climbed in here?
00:09:34What do I want now that I've seen you?
00:09:36Get out.
00:09:42I'd be happy to.
00:09:44I need help to get away from here.
00:09:46I'm not going to let you go.
00:09:48I'd be happy to.
00:09:50I need help to get away from here.
00:09:52I can pay you.
00:09:54Let's hope we become very close friends.
00:09:56That way we won't have to think of payment.
00:09:58I'm not interested in your clumsy gallantry.
00:10:02I wish there was somebody I could rely on.
00:10:05Not someone whose sword is probably rusty.
00:10:08My sword hasn't had a chance to get rusty.
00:10:10I used it only this afternoon helping a lady who was attacked by highwaymen.
00:10:15That was you on the road?
00:10:17Thank you very prettily.
00:10:19For what?
00:10:21I'd have preferred those bandits to be yours.
00:10:24It's going to be difficult pleasing you.
00:10:26However, I can only try.
00:10:27Come along.
00:10:38Good evening, my dear.
00:10:40Captain Scarlet.
00:10:42I heard you were killed in Arabia.
00:10:44Not as far as I know.
00:10:46A mistake in Arabia will be corrected in France.
00:10:54Sleep well, my dear.
00:11:01I understand my estates were confiscated because of my crimes.
00:11:05I understand my estates were confiscated because of my crimes.
00:11:10Quite correct.
00:11:11Would you mind telling me what I was found guilty of?
00:11:15The one crime which is unpardonable.
00:11:17You were guilty of having something I wanted.
00:11:21There will be a double celebration after the wedding tomorrow.
00:11:29Rest well, Captain Scarlet.
00:11:35Captain Scarlet.
00:11:37No wonder I thought you were a wizard with a sword.
00:11:41You handle yours too well to be an ordinary highwayman.
00:11:44Highwayman by courtesy of Count Valiers.
00:11:47When my uncle died, I came here to take over his estate.
00:11:49I can guess the rest.
00:11:51You were found guilty of something and the estates confiscated, huh?
00:11:54Pierre Duclos at your service.
00:11:57Ours may be a short friendship, Pierre.
00:12:00But a warm one.
00:12:45Pierre, what is it?
00:12:48Not me, you fool, him!
00:13:04Better hurry, my friend.
00:13:06Valiers has imported some Spanish dancers to keep the Princess Maria happy.
00:13:11That music, unless I miss my guess, marks the beginning of wedding festivities.
00:13:15I'd just as soon not be around to share it.
00:13:18Stretch your fingers and you may not have your neck stretched.
00:13:22Stretch your fingers and you may not have your neck stretched.
00:13:52Father, how are you?
00:14:00My children?
00:14:40How are you doing?
00:14:42Pierre, for heaven's sake, are you mad?
00:14:48The homebody.
00:14:51I see you met Pierre.
00:14:53We shared a dungeon last night.
00:14:55Did you talk about old times in front of the fireplace?
00:14:58No, we talked about new times and how to bring them about.
00:15:01What a night in chains will do for your point of view.
00:15:03What about getting involved in other people's troubles?
00:15:06They're my troubles, too.
00:15:08My boy.
00:15:10But if I do the right thing to urge you into this decision,
00:15:13it means danger, perhaps death, one man against hundreds.
00:15:17We'll talk about this, too, on some cold winter's night when this is all over.
00:15:21You can't be seen here. Go to the church. I'll join you there after the wedding.
00:15:24With your help, there'll be no wedding.
00:15:26I'm to marry them.
00:15:27What a thief to a girl who hates him.
00:15:29I'm not asking my opinion of the marriages I perform.
00:15:31I have my duty. I do what I must.
00:15:34Do you know higher duties?
00:15:36Would it be against your principles to help a girl
00:15:38who is being forced into a marriage like this one?
00:15:41I don't know what you're talking about.
00:15:45Even if you'd explain, I doubt if I'd understand it.
00:15:59But the good father...
00:16:06I've enough stomach to go anywhere with a military escort.
00:16:10You pick up our two horses and one for the Princess Maria.
00:16:59You still want to get out of here?
00:17:01You know, my mother always used to say...
00:17:03Do you think you will succeed as well this time as you did last night?
00:17:11I don't think so.
00:17:13I don't think so.
00:17:15I don't think so.
00:17:17I don't think so.
00:17:19I don't think so.
00:17:21I don't think so.
00:17:23I don't think so.
00:17:25I don't think so.
00:17:27You know, we never did process all the question of payment.
00:17:31You were very concerned about that last night.
00:17:34I'll pay you any amount...
00:17:36of money.
00:17:38What more could I ask?
00:17:40What time does the ceremony commence?
00:17:42I don't know.
00:17:44I didn't expect to attend.
00:17:48If we get out of here, you know, Villiers should thank me, even if you don't.
00:17:52Who is it?
00:17:54Aunt Villiers.
00:17:56The wedding guests are here.
00:17:58Please, wait.
00:18:11Pierre is waiting.
00:18:15The princess!
00:18:18Break it down!
00:18:20Why don't you join? You trust Pierre.
00:18:22What about you?
00:18:24Don't wait for me. I don't want that.
00:18:50Come on!
00:18:54Come on!
00:19:20Come on!
00:19:50Come on!
00:20:42Your hat and cape.
00:20:44We leave them off. It's our only chance.
00:20:46You're close.
00:20:50Come on!
00:21:20Come on!
00:21:43Well, I seem to have been a little more successful than last night.
00:21:45Any complaints?
00:21:49I never collected that the job is finished to the satisfaction of the customer.
00:21:52I said I had no complaints.
00:21:54The job isn't finished. You're not home yet.
00:21:56As a matter of fact, getting you home the way you look poses certain problems.
00:22:00I didn't ask your opinion of the way I look.
00:22:02I've no complaints, but that dress isn't the best disguise.
00:22:06I neglected to bring a trunk.
00:22:08I didn't.
00:22:15Here you are.
00:22:51Think you're a fool to be taken in by a switch and riders?
00:22:54Fool or not, very soon it'll make little difference, except on your gravestone.
00:23:21Come on!
00:23:51Come on!
00:24:07I've never had my life saved by anyone so beautiful before.
00:24:10Come on.
00:24:18Well, next we take Maria to Spain.
00:24:20And then ride back to attend to some unfinished business with others like him.
00:24:24I'll saddle your horse.
00:24:31I'm not going to Spain.
00:24:33We'll take you anywhere you like.
00:24:35Spain means my guardian and another marriage arranged like this one.
00:24:39What's your choice?
00:24:41You needn't concern yourself.
00:24:43Well, that's true.
00:24:44Yeah, shall we ride on?
00:24:47If the lady wishes.
00:24:54Oh, there's just one thing.
00:24:56My job's finished.
00:24:59If I don't go back to Spain, I can't pay you.
00:25:02I haven't any money.
00:25:03Now, that's a real problem.
00:25:05I might have a solution.
00:25:07Turn around.
00:25:13She looks like a man.
00:25:15She saved my life.
00:25:18I'll leave it to you.
00:25:21You could work out your debt.
00:25:22I wouldn't want to.
00:25:23By joining us.
00:25:24Then there'd be three comrades instead of two, riding together for whatever the future holds.
00:25:30Oh, yes.
00:26:25Captain Scarlet.
00:26:26You're so right.
00:26:35We surrender.
00:26:36We surrender.
00:26:37Given the fact that you have no choice, I'd say it was a wise move.
00:26:42Get down.
00:26:47I'm innocent.
00:26:48Of what?
00:26:49Of anything.
00:26:51You're the newborn babe, no doubt.
00:26:54Are you innocent?
00:26:55Yes, sir.
00:26:56We just follow orders.
00:27:01Wonderful country we live in.
00:27:03Nobody's guilty of anything.
00:27:05What about you?
00:27:06The colonel of the guards arrested me because I wanted to move away from here without paying my taxes.
00:27:11That's very serious.
00:27:12How can the vouchers feed if the people don't pay taxes?
00:27:15I paid until I had nothing.
00:27:17And then when I was moving to my relatives in Roulon, they arrested me for not working to make more taxes.
00:27:23I was only following orders, I swear.
00:27:25And I.
00:27:26And I.
00:27:30Never an evil thought in their ugly heads.
00:27:33How are you going to get to Roulon?
00:27:35I have no money for a horse.
00:27:37Now you have a carriage.
00:27:38Not very stylish, but it's better than walking.
00:27:40And to give you a start, two swords to sell, given to you by these two heroes out of their love of humanity.
00:27:49Yes, sir.
00:27:52Thank them?
00:27:53They just realized that it's more blessed to give than to receive.
00:27:55Bless you.
00:28:04Pleasant journey.
00:28:10Now, don't go away.
00:28:11Getting laid out, we wouldn't want you to get lost.
00:28:13Your mothers might worry.
00:28:31Pigs, worse than pigs, stealing a poor woman's cow.
00:28:34Be still, or you'll go along with them.
00:28:36Not a bad idea.
00:28:40Touch me, and I'll scratch you right out.
00:28:49That's all for you, son.
00:29:04That's as far as you go.
00:29:12And who are you?
00:29:14Captain Scarlet.
00:29:16These the tax collectors?
00:29:17They're getting more courageous.
00:29:18Only two sent to handle one defenseless woman.
00:29:21Defenseless, am I?
00:29:22Steady now, easy.
00:29:26Listen, you two.
00:29:27I'm letting you go.
00:29:28Now, the idea may seep into your thick skulls
00:29:30to come back after I'm gone.
00:29:32It's a bad idea.
00:29:34I'll know if you ever try this again,
00:29:35and I promise to make you very sorry
00:29:37you were bad little boys, understand?
00:29:39Yes, sir.
00:29:40Pierre, will you escort these gentlemen on their way?
00:29:50I'd like to thank you.
00:29:53It's quite all right.
00:29:54But I'd like to show my gratitude.
00:29:57I've put the cow in the stable.
00:30:02Oh, you're a woman.
00:30:05Uh, Princess Maria, Mademoiselle...
00:30:08Josephine Trenet.
00:30:10Thank you, too.
00:30:11Don't mention it.
00:30:14Isn't there some way I could repay you?
00:30:17Are we staying here all day?
00:30:21I don't think those two will be back.
00:30:23Will you?
00:31:21Get out!
00:31:43Get out!
00:31:45Get out!
00:31:47Get out, everybody, you hear me?
00:31:49Get out!
00:32:01Am I the Duke of Coeur d'Alene or an upstart beggar
00:32:03that my orders are ignored and my wishes thwarted?
00:32:07Well, then, answer me!
00:32:08What would you like me to say?
00:32:10That you're the Duke?
00:32:11I'm sure there's no doubt in your mind.
00:32:13This man, this Captain Scarlet,
00:32:15why hasn't he been killed as I ordered?
00:32:17Possibly Captain Scarlet disagrees with your theory
00:32:20that he should submit to the guillotine.
00:32:22Two men and a girl.
00:32:23And they've made fools of all the troops that I've sent.
00:32:28He's killed Villiers,
00:32:29interfered with the collection of taxes.
00:32:31Villiers was a fool.
00:32:32And troops can't always trap a fox.
00:32:35A smarter fox is sometimes required.
00:32:37Is Colonel Hugo stupid?
00:32:39Is Major Renaud an idiot?
00:32:41They and others have tried.
00:32:42And failed.
00:32:44And so, my fox, are you smarter?
00:32:48If conceit were shrewdness,
00:32:49you'd be the wisest man on earth.
00:32:52The state originally owned by Scarlet,
00:32:54and later by the unlimited Count Villiers,
00:32:57it appeals to me greatly.
00:33:04Bring me news of Scarlet's death,
00:33:07and it's yours.
00:33:09I do not know if the Captain's life was a merry one,
00:33:12but I'll guarantee it'll be a very short one.
00:33:27Post more men.
00:33:28Put guards at every road.
00:33:30He's only a man.
00:33:31He could be captured and killed.
00:33:33Well, don't just stand there.
00:33:34Go on.
00:33:46You're a nervous man, Colonel Hugo.
00:33:51Who wouldn't be nervous with that?
00:33:53Why don't...
00:33:54Why don't you come in through the front door,
00:33:56and what are these rags you're wearing?
00:33:58I didn't want to be seen with you.
00:34:00Nor recognized as a denturette.
00:34:03What are you talking about?
00:34:04Don't I have enough troubles without playing a game of riddles?
00:34:07I'm interested in Captain Scarlet.
00:34:10You've come to the right place.
00:34:12Here, everybody's interested in the same man.
00:34:14Your effort to capture him has not been crowned with great success.
00:34:19Have you ever tried to capture a phantom?
00:34:21Why, he slips through your fingers like smoke.
00:34:24All the blasted peasants in the country think of him as a saint.
00:34:28Each time I send out a troop,
00:34:29he learns of its advance an hour before we get near him.
00:34:32Cheer up, Colonel.
00:34:33I propose to take care of the elusive Scarlet.
00:34:36You'll take care of Scarlet while the rest of us have failed?
00:34:39I will.
00:34:40I'll need your cooperation, however.
00:34:42You've got it.
00:34:44Name what you want.
00:34:46Foot soldiers.
00:34:47A troop of horsemen.
00:34:48You've tried those.
00:34:49I prefer to bait my own trap.
00:34:51I want you to arrange my execution.
00:35:12For failure to pay taxes,
00:35:14for treason against the Duke of Corleone,
00:35:17and for resistance to an officer,
00:35:19Etienne Dumas is sentenced to die in the guillotine.
00:36:01Get your horses!
00:37:06Well, we seem to have lost our friends.
00:37:08And I'm a half hour older than I thought I'd live to be.
00:37:11Thank you all.
00:37:12Your future didn't look exactly bright
00:37:14when that knife was hanging over your head.
00:37:17You're Captain Scarlet, of course.
00:37:19Princess Maria, Pierre Duclos.
00:37:23You are free to thumb your nose at the soldiers
00:37:26and go wherever you like.
00:37:27Good luck.
00:37:30I've nowhere to go.
00:37:31I'd be recaptured if I went home.
00:37:33Besides, there's only one thing I want to do.
00:37:35Join you.
00:37:36We don't have a band of followers.
00:37:38There are just the three of us.
00:37:39Why not four?
00:37:40I can fight.
00:37:41I can cook.
00:37:42I can do anything.
00:37:43Try me.
00:37:44No, friend.
00:37:45Too many of us would make it harder.
00:37:48You heard.
00:37:49I'm sorry.
00:37:50I ask not only because I'm grateful,
00:37:52but because I want to fight as you're fighting.
00:37:54There must be some way you can use me.
00:37:56Why not?
00:37:58He comes with the best references.
00:37:59The shadow of Coraline's guillotine is still around his neck.
00:38:02Are you a good cook at least?
00:38:05I can make a venison stew sing like the angels of heaven.
00:38:08Friend, if you just make it hum a tune, I'll be satisfied.
00:38:10Welcome to whatever is in store for you.
00:38:12It would be welcome indeed.
00:38:38It sings.
00:38:40Very sweetly.
00:38:41Like the angels.
00:38:47Well, what about continuing that part of your education that was neglected?
00:38:51I'm ready.
00:39:00I'll go.
00:39:02All right.
00:39:05No, Harry.
00:39:06Harry, this one.
00:39:08Harry, Harry, this one.
00:39:14Now, to me.
00:39:21I've always wondered why princesses weren't taught something useful like curling.
00:39:33My word, so many swords thrust at me.
00:39:36With that, I might make a good pincushion.
00:39:39It's good to see you, father.
00:39:40Maria, my child.
00:39:41Hello, father.
00:39:43You look well.
00:39:44Etienne, cook, swordsman, and all around good fellow.
00:39:49I came because I have a message for you from Josephine.
00:39:52From whom?
00:39:54The shy little violet you met yesterday.
00:39:57The cow with the cows.
00:39:59She wants to see you.
00:40:00She wouldn't tell me what it was.
00:40:01I'm not surprised.
00:40:03Thank you, father.
00:40:04I don't think you should go.
00:40:05This might be a trap.
00:40:06Oh, I doubt it.
00:40:08I doubt it too.
00:40:10You seem eager.
00:40:11Go ahead.
00:40:13No, let me go.
00:40:14Then if it's safe, I'm...
00:40:15Why shouldn't I go?
00:40:16I'm the newest and least important member of the group.
00:40:19Let me prove I can be useful.
00:40:21I don't think it's worth arguing about.
00:40:22But if you wish, it's the first house on the Hill Road.
00:40:25You remember the house.
00:40:27I'm amazed.
00:40:34Would you like to see how Maria's education is progressing?
00:40:54You've shown amazing enthusiasm for the sword all of a sudden.
00:40:57I wonder why.
00:41:04What do you want?
00:41:08Do you have a message for Catherine Scarlet?
00:41:11What if I have?
00:41:12Give it to me.
00:41:15You didn't think he'd come himself?
00:41:18And why not?
00:41:20Princess Maria.
00:41:22Princess Maria.
00:41:24Personally, I think he's a fool to be rude to a woman as beautiful as you are.
00:41:28And what would happen to you if you were to call him a fool?
00:41:31I don't care.
00:41:33I'm fed up with the great hero and his high and mighty airs.
00:41:36Too good for the likes of you and me.
00:41:39You needn't sit around here boring me with your complaints.
00:41:43Captain Scarlet means nothing to me.
00:41:45Of course he doesn't.
00:41:46You're young and beautiful.
00:41:48You should be thinking of how to get out of this big stack.
00:41:51How to get fine clothes and a good job.
00:41:53You should be thinking of how to get out of this big stack.
00:41:56How to get fine clothes instead of homespun.
00:41:59And fine food instead of slops.
00:42:01And I suppose if I listen to you, I'll have all of those things?
00:42:05You might.
00:42:06I've heard many pretty words.
00:42:08But I've never seen one of them turn into a gold piece.
00:42:16Listen twice as much again if you'll do as I tell you.
00:42:26Come on.
00:42:44Usually I can persuade women to confide in me.
00:42:47But this one.
00:42:48She refuses to talk to anyone but you.
00:42:50I wonder why.
00:42:52I wouldn't know.
00:42:53I'm sure it's no trap.
00:42:55All right.
00:43:25Come in.
00:43:33I'm sorry.
00:43:34I hoped you'd come.
00:43:36I've developed a great curiosity about this secret that you'll tell to no one but me.
00:43:40Maybe I wanted you to be curious.
00:43:42I'm sure you did.
00:43:43Now that I am.
00:43:44Easy, not so fast.
00:43:46I've prepared dinner.
00:43:48Very thoughtful of you.
00:43:49Though I have so little time.
00:43:52And then we'll talk.
00:43:55Life's too short to refuse present invitations.
00:44:19You were not seen?
00:44:21No, we waited until after dark and then each of us came from a different direction.
00:44:25Do you think four of us will be enough?
00:44:27Five with you and me, Colonel.
00:44:28Any more might have been spotted by some present who'd want him.
00:44:31What about the woman?
00:44:32Don't worry.
00:44:33Move in closer and when you hear my signal...
00:44:35And what'll that be?
00:44:36A cat crying three times.
00:44:38He's alone?
00:44:41And here on the princess?
00:44:42Far away.
00:44:43I'm the sole protector of Captain Scarlet.
00:44:54You've been pacing for an hour.
00:44:56I like to pace.
00:44:58Forgive me.
00:45:03No, Pierre.
00:45:04Forgive me.
00:45:05You and I, we worry about him, don't we?
00:45:09Am I so obvious as all that?
00:45:12Only to me.
00:45:16I'm sorry.
00:45:17I'm sorry.
00:45:18I'm sorry.
00:45:19I'm sorry.
00:45:20I'm sorry.
00:45:21I'm sorry.
00:45:22I'm sorry.
00:45:23You're a good friend, Pierre.
00:45:26Pacing's all very well, but I'd feel easier if I rode in the direction of Josephine's house.
00:45:31Just to relieve my mind.
00:45:33You understand.
00:45:34I'm going with you, too.
00:45:36Just for the ride.
00:45:38You understand.
00:45:50I must say, I didn't expect such food.
00:45:52And the wine.
00:45:53I've never tasted better.
00:46:00Poor Tabby.
00:46:02I forgot all about her.
00:46:03I'll be right back.
00:46:22Good work.
00:46:23Now keep out of the way.
00:46:26You're going to...
00:46:28Colonel Hugh is moving in with...
00:46:33Perhaps alone, after all.
00:46:43It's fine.
00:46:44Don't have a peasant girl serve food and wine that she can't afford without blood money.
00:46:52Come on.
00:47:22Come on.
00:47:52Thanks to both of you.
00:47:53To Maria, it was her idea.
00:47:55Well, thanks to Maria, then.
00:47:57Did Etienne get away?
00:48:03And you don't have to worry about Colonel Hugo anymore, either.
00:48:06And the charming lady?
00:48:09She's unimportant.
00:48:17Where's she going?
00:48:18I could make a pretty good guess.
00:48:20The soldiers?
00:48:21They've gone by now, I'm sure.
00:48:24We'd better follow her.
00:48:25But at a discreet distance, an angry woman is nothing to trifle with.
00:48:29I feel better now.
00:48:59Ten francs, Cole.
00:49:01I came by only last week, and I didn't pay anything.
00:49:04Last week is not the week.
00:49:05Come on, ten francs.
00:49:06Oh, I'll turn back.
00:49:07You've used the road, and you have no cash.
00:49:10Well, that's too bad.
00:49:28That's too bad.
00:49:30Wait a minute, I'm just a poor man.
00:49:44Ten francs, Cole.
00:49:45For what?
00:49:46For being so pretty, maybe.
00:49:48A kiss might make me forget the toll.
00:49:53Pay or I take what's in the cart.
00:50:07Did I frighten you?
00:50:09I'm so sorry.
00:50:11But I thought anybody as brave as you are with girls and old peasants wouldn't be afraid of anything.
00:50:17Nice work, princess.
00:50:21He's all yours, Pierre.
00:50:25What are you going to do with me?
00:50:27I eat three of the Duke's soldiers for breakfast every morning.
00:50:35You can be on your way.
00:50:36Thank you, sir.
00:50:38No thanks are necessary.
00:50:41Thank you, sir.
00:50:57You don't look quite so heroic now.
00:51:00I swear I...
00:51:01I was only doing what my lieutenant told me to do.
00:51:04My friend, you're old enough to have learned that a man only does what sits well with his conscience.
00:51:08Were you told to kiss every girl you stopped?
00:51:10Please, Maria, Matt can figure that out for himself.
00:51:13Some men can.
00:51:15Ten francs for a kiss, little expensive.
00:51:17Still, everything's going up.
00:51:19As a matter of fact, if I had ten francs...
00:51:22Not if you had ten thousand.
00:51:25Not if you had ten thousand.
00:51:51We've got company.
00:51:55We've got company.
00:52:25We've got company.
00:52:45We'll separate and meet at the usual place.
00:52:48How about that kiss?
00:52:50Not even for ten thousand francs?
00:52:55That way.
00:52:56Follow him.
00:52:58After me.
00:53:25After me.
00:53:55After me.
00:54:25After me.
00:54:55After me.
00:55:25After me.
00:55:40Not yet.
00:55:41I think she's angry with me.
00:55:43And staying away to punish you.
00:55:45That could be.
00:55:55Your move, your grace.
00:56:11Put that back.
00:56:13Make another move.
00:56:14Make another move.
00:56:31Lieutenant of the guard reporting to the Duke of Collin.
00:56:34I beg to report the capture of Princess Maria.
00:56:36Wonderful, wonderful.
00:56:39No one I'd rather see.
00:56:41Except perhaps Captain Scarlet, eh?
00:56:43Oh, with her I shall have them both.
00:56:47Be it known, sentence of death has been passed on Captain Scarlet and Pierre Duclos.
00:56:52By the Duke of Collin.
00:56:54Unless they surrender themselves to the Duke by August 14th.
00:56:58The Princess Maria, now a prisoner, will be publicly executed at sunrise.
00:57:11But I'm alone.
00:57:14He has no weapon. It may be a trap.
00:57:19Collin has no need of traps now.
00:57:22Time out.
00:57:24It's getting to be monotonous.
00:57:29As you can well see, my dear Duke, I have provided for all eventualities.
00:57:40Good morning, my dear.
00:57:42Untie the lady.
00:57:47That's all.
00:57:49As we both know, Scarlet will make an attempt to rescue you in the next two days.
00:57:54But what I alone know is that he hasn't a chance.
00:57:58You shiver with fright at the mention of his name.
00:58:02True, because I respect his ability.
00:58:04As a result, I don't underestimate him.
00:58:07But as a further result, he's as good as dead right now.
00:58:11Each town between here and Mato Forest is filled with soldiers.
00:58:15Every road is guarded.
00:58:17And this castle is an armed camp.
00:58:22The Count de Granville, my military aide.
00:58:25He suggests I let you go free.
00:58:28You know Scarlet's tactics.
00:58:30Perhaps you could tell us how he would plan an attempt at rescue.
00:58:35When would I go free?
00:58:37As soon as Scarlet is dead.
00:58:39He'll be killed anyway.
00:58:41It can't matter, my dear.
00:58:43It would be a shame to execute so lovely a lady.
00:58:58Tie her to this chair.
00:59:08I want you close to me for the next few days.
00:59:10I'd like a chance to teach you manners.
00:59:12Is this all right, de Granville?
00:59:14The map.
00:59:24There are several routes Scarlet can take and they all lead to Jantiers.
00:59:28You'll know we have the roads watched.
00:59:31But he's smart enough to realize that he can't go through fields all the way
00:59:34without attracting attention to himself.
00:59:36No, the captain will follow one of the roads.
00:59:40I think he will travel by night with his friend de Blue.
00:59:44They will be in disguise.
00:59:46Yes, I'm quite sure of that.
00:59:49At least that's what I would do if I were a foolish romantic
00:59:53bent on risking my neck to save a woman.
00:59:56The Duke's expecting us and has prepared a warm welcome.
01:00:00Two guillotines made to measure, waiting in Jantiers.
01:00:03Shall we be good guests and not keep them waiting?
01:00:06With luck, we could get through the patrols, but we'll need more than luck
01:00:09getting through Jantiers.
01:00:10How shall we enter the town, Miss Peasants?
01:00:12Or soldiers?
01:00:13I make a good friar.
01:00:15I'll make a good friar.
01:00:17I'll make a good friar.
01:00:19I'll make a good friar.
01:00:21I'll make a good friar.
01:00:23I'll make a good friar.
01:00:25I'll make a good friar.
01:00:26Take your choice.
01:00:28Let's see what Lady Luck has to offer.
01:00:37Open the gate.
01:00:55Your men are all alerted?
01:00:57Yes, sir. One troop is just inside the town gate and squads at every corner.
01:01:00If we don't stop them on the road, Scarlet should reach here tonight.
01:01:03He'll be disguised.
01:01:04Several of my men have seen him. They'll know him no matter how he's disguised.
01:01:07Hold everyone you're not sure of.
01:01:09Watch particularly for strange peasants, soldiers you don't recognize.
01:01:12Or friars who are new to this section.
01:01:15Yes, sir.
01:01:25Well, dear, it's just around the bend.
01:01:27A reception committee, no doubt.
01:01:55We might travel in style.
01:02:15Can you recognize the coach?
01:02:17Yes, sir.
01:02:24The Granville.
01:02:47The Granville.
01:03:08Three seconds from now, the Countess de Granville will be a widow.
01:03:11Unless you drop that sword.
01:03:25Open the gate.
01:03:59Now what?
01:04:00Just through that cut and then it's open country to the Duke's castle.
01:04:04There's bound to be a roadblock between here and there.
01:04:07But who would think of stopping the Count de Granville's coach?
01:04:12The horses.
01:04:36They're moving too fast to be on ordinary patrol.
01:04:38They must have found our friend de Granville.
01:04:40That means they'll be watching for this coach.
01:04:42It was nice traveling in style.
01:04:45Let's hope they won't be so interested in a couple of peasants.
01:04:50We must pass the roadblock to reach the castle.
01:04:53He may not know that we've discovered that he's taken de Granville's carriage.
01:04:57In that event...
01:04:58You're sure?
01:04:59But you pace back and forth.
01:05:01Too nervous to sit still.
01:05:03This time I've left nothing to chance.
01:05:05Any man that comes to the roadblock will be held in chains.
01:05:08Even though he might be the Duke of Corlaine himself.
01:05:26You know I've done nothing.
01:05:28Why are you holding me?
01:05:29You might be Captain Scarlet.
01:05:43Well, Granny, are you hiding Captain Scarlet under your skirt?
01:05:47Mind your manners.
01:05:48And be more respectful to an old woman.
01:05:50If you had a pretty granddaughter, I'd be very respectful.
01:05:54You got a pretty girl for a soldier like me?
01:05:57Deaf and dumb, my sister.
01:05:59That way from birth.
01:06:02She wants a drink of water.
01:06:04Over there.
01:06:27Before you drive on, you'll have to get permission from the captain.
01:07:17I'm an old woman.
01:07:19Have the captain come out here.
01:07:21Get down.
01:07:24No respect for age.
01:07:26Hurry up, hurry up.
01:07:32My bones creak.
01:07:36Let me see your hand.
01:07:39I got a glimpse and saw no wrinkles.
01:07:41Let me see your hand.
01:07:43And there better be wrinkles.
01:07:46Take a good look.
01:07:57Start off, Captain Scarlet.
01:08:13Two hours.
01:08:15Then sunrise.
01:08:16Before that, a visit from Captain Scarlet.
01:08:19You know he'll come, don't you?
01:08:22Any person setting foot on the grounds will be killed before he can move to the steps.
01:08:26Every inch of the wall in the palace is guarded.
01:08:29You said no man could get through the roadblock.
01:08:31Those guys won't help here.
01:08:33Captain Scarlet might as well come up to the door and knock.
01:08:36He's a dead man the moment he approaches.
01:08:42That's it.
01:08:54Obviously the Duke's expecting us.
01:08:56No disguise would help.
01:08:58We march right up and knock on the door?
01:09:07That small village that we passed, do the people hate the Duke?
01:09:11Everyone hates the Duke.
01:09:13Would there be a few men who would help us?
01:09:15Certainly a few, but what good against hundreds of soldiers?
01:09:19I want company when I knock on that door.
01:09:28Guard out!
01:09:29Captain Scarlet!
01:09:53Captain Scarlet!
01:09:57Captain Scarlet!
01:10:01You heard?
01:10:02Half an hour before sunrise.
01:10:04He arrived on time, he'll die on time.
01:10:30Follow him!
01:10:46Right here, this way!
01:11:05Come on!
01:11:34Come on!
01:11:44And where is your captain now?
01:11:46Dead in the ditch?
01:11:47Trapped in the fields?
01:11:49Or a prisoner being brought back for execution?
01:11:56After him!
01:11:57You wait!
01:12:24Get out!
01:12:38Sorry I was delayed.
01:12:40I was trying to raise 10,000 francs for that kiss.
01:12:49All right, Captain Scarlet, drop that sword.
01:12:55As you see, I always keep one trick in reserve.
01:12:58Even if you reach me with a sword, he would have killed the lady.
01:13:02This time there will be no slip-ups.
01:13:38I'll get the horses.
01:13:52You could owe me the 10,000 francs.
01:14:22The End