Man in BMW has testy exchange with protesters during Vanessa Guillen march in New York

  • 4 years ago
A man in a white BMW SUV had a testy exchange with protesters during the Vanessa Guillen march in New York. (July 5)

Filmer Jordy Ramirez said: "We were protesting to demand justice for Vanessa Guillen and on our way to Trump Tower when we saw another group protesting for Black Lives Matter. We got together and made a circle in the intersection for a few minutes and stopped traffic and some people in their cars understood what we were doing and were patient.

"One person in his car wasn’t patient and started yelling at [the protesters]. One guy with his bike noticed that he was driving his car toward us and he ran in front of the car to stop him and the angry man got out of his car and said “I'm gonna turn you guys over,” but I didn’t catch that part on video. I then started recording where we could see when the angry man gets out his car and start arguing with the guy in the bicycle; then we could see him get back in his car and try to drive forward but then another person with a bicycle comes and blocks him off."


