• 5 years ago
Passed | 20min | Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror | 1 March 1931 (USA)

American adventurer Richard Grant is falsely accused of murdering an Indian noble and escapes to Africa in search of diamond field and the real culprit.

Director: Richard Thorpe

Writers: Wyndham Gittens, Ford Beebe

Stars: Walter Miller, Nora Lane, Tom Santschi
01:00a man of terrific strength, captured in the African jungle and trained to obey an animal
01:05hunter named Harris, has led its master to an Arab camp. Harris had set the monster on
01:10the trail of Tom Armitage, who knows the location of a rich diamond deposit. Armitage, weakened
01:16by a bullet wound, has been held prisoner by Mustafa, the Arab chief, who thinks he
01:22has outwitted Harris in the race to get the secret of the diamonds. But Robert Grant,
01:27a young American disguised as an Arab, has rescued Tom and hidden him in a pit which
01:33the Arabs dug to capture a tiger. Meanwhile, Tom's sister Muriel has reached the camp and
01:39is bargaining with Mustafa to free her brother, offering to tell him the location of the diamonds.
01:45A mysterious man wearing black glasses, who has already menaced Muriel when she discovered
01:51the diamond deposit, steals up outside the tent to listen. And during Grant's absence,
01:58Mustafa's men begin to fill in the pit where Tom lies hidden.
02:22Jungle, boy, find it.
02:45All right. To protect my brother, I'll tell you where the diamonds are. Go back along
02:50the trail toward the Matabele village. They're on the right of the trail, partly hidden behind
02:54some vines.
03:20We must be quick. Now is the time to escape.
03:24But I can't leave knowing that Tom is here and in danger.
03:27Tom isn't here. He's wandering out in the jungle. Harris and that beast are trailing
03:30him. We must follow immediately if we are to help him.
03:35There's one horse here. Be ready when I come by with another.
03:38But what about Peterson and Mrs. Colby? We can't leave them behind.
03:41They'll be safe. Mustafa has no quarrel with them.
03:44Somewhere in this camp there is a killer loose. He tried to shoot me. You seen him?
03:50No, I didn't.
04:01Hey, there he goes!
04:09Help! Help! Help!
04:12I think I seen him running.
04:14So you did. And he pulled me over. He ran out through the tent there.
04:42You take the other trail and meet us later.
04:45All right.
04:46You take the other trail and meet us later.
04:49All right.
04:50You take the other trail and meet us later.
04:53All right.
04:54You take the other trail and meet us later.
04:56All right.
04:57You take the other trail and meet us later.
05:00All right.
05:01You take the other trail and meet us later.
05:03All right.
05:25Just in time, my friend.
05:27Just in time, my friend.
05:29You think you can stay on this horse until you get to Lubanga?
05:32All right, then give me your clothes and you take mine.
05:34All right.
05:49Why, Muriel! What brings you here?
05:51She can explain to you as you arrive. Here's Muriel's gun.
05:54Now you'll be perfectly safe if you head straight for Lubanga.
05:56But what's to become of you?
05:58I've got business with Harris.
06:00You know enough of my story to understand.
06:02Now please, both of you, hurry.
06:26Come on.
06:38Come with me, baby.
06:51Back off, both of you.
06:53You had better hand over that paper, Harris.
06:56Don't you know all I have to do is speak to Beamey?
06:59And that would be your last wallet, Harris.
07:02You don't look like anyone who would shoot a man down in cold blood.
07:05Don't I?
07:06You'd better look close, Harris, and you'll see that I'm serious.
07:11Bob Grant!
07:13After all that time I spent in prison for you,
07:15you still think I wouldn't shoot?
07:18Come on, hand over that wallet.
07:20Come on, hand over that wallet.
07:40Now I expect you to follow.
07:42But don't try any tricks because I'll be ready for you.
07:45And I advise you not to show up again in Lubanga.
08:14Would it be possible to have an audience with the esteemed agent
08:19Yes, it's important.
08:21I'm a busy man.
08:28You perhaps recall an American's attempt some time ago
08:32to take the throne of the Raja of Rampur?
08:35What can you possibly know about that?
08:37Since you know the case,
08:39you must recall that the American protested his innocence
08:42and swore there was a letter that would prove his word.
08:45Yes, yes, I know.
08:47I have that letter.
08:52Recovered from the man who withheld it.
08:57It's in Hindustani.
08:58Do you know what it says?
09:02It was written on the Raja's deathbed
09:05and proves that the American was taking his place for a few days.
09:10How could an American expect to pass for a native Raja?
09:14Save for the color of their skin.
09:16They were alike.
09:18It was this likeness that brought them together and made them friends.
09:23How do you possibly know so much about this affair?
09:27I am that American.
09:30That's impossible.
09:31You expect me to believe that?
09:36After I escaped from prison, I assumed the disguise
09:39so that I might remain at liberty until I proved my innocence.
09:42Now I'm ready to go back and stand trial.
09:45You mean to say you didn't kill the Raja?
09:47His death was an accident which occurred
09:49while we were hunting tigers in the jungle.
09:55Who's that power-looking bird back there with the Raja?
09:59Why, that's his cousin, Prince Decker.
10:01Why, that's his cousin, Prince Decker.
11:04No one must know that this is happening.
11:08At least alone, my cousin Decker.
11:12Give me a leaf from your notebook.
11:17I'll have strength to write.
11:23You must use your time in bearing this to my brother in Crabona.
11:30And you, my friend, for the next 48 hours, you must be the Raja of Rangoon.
11:47You've got to go through with it now.
11:49You think you can get away with this Raja stuff?
11:52I'll try, for his sake.
11:56There's no time to lose. There's a bull of whoosh right outside the tent.
11:59Get me some of the berries so I can stain my face and have me change clothes with the Raja.
12:06Harris proved false to his trust, sold the information to the pretender Decker,
12:10and was prevented from taking the throne only by the arrival of troops.
12:14And to cover themselves, they accused me.
12:18What proof have you that this fantastic story is true?
12:22My only proof is the Raja's letter.
12:24To get it, I escaped prison and hunted by the police of three continents and trailed Harris ever since.
12:29Now that I have it, I surrender myself to you.
12:43It will be necessary to consider yourself under arrest.
12:48However, you will have the freedom of my quarters
12:51until I've communicated with the authorities of Rangoon.
13:14You'd probably like a chance to clean up.
13:16Yes, I should say I would.
13:36Mr. Wainwright, I'm Tom Armitage and this is my sister, Muriel.
13:41Won't you take a chair?
13:44I stumbled on some diamonds in the old volcano crater near the Metabili village.
13:48I wanted to turn the information over to you.
13:56That is interesting.
13:58There are people in this district who would not report a diamond find to the government,
14:03but would try and work it themselves, illegally.
14:08You know, this is the first time I felt safe in several days.
14:11Somebody heard about my discovery and tried to get the information from me.
14:15I was carried through the jungle for days.
14:17I only managed to escape yesterday.
14:19Did they get the information from you?
14:21No, but a woman named LaSalle shot at me when she saw I was growing suspicious of her questioning.
14:27Are you sure the shot was fired by Mrs. LaSalle?
14:31We were struggling for possession of the gun at the time I was wounded.
14:34I thought as much.
14:36Mrs. LaSalle would not have shot an innocent man.
14:40She was a trusted agent of the police.
14:43An agent of the police?
14:46Yes, and you may be sure that this department is leaving no stone unturned to solve the mystery of her murder.
14:59Wainwright speaking.
15:01Number 62 talking.
15:03Information regarding the death of Mrs. LaSalle.
15:07Yes, yes.
15:11Oh, thank you.
15:12Check in again later.
15:22I guess we'd better not take any more of your time.
15:24Just a minute.
15:26That phone conversation had a strange bearing on the murder of Mrs. LaSalle.
15:31Did you find the guilty party?
15:35You were on the boat the night of the murder, I believe.
15:38Yes, my stateroom was almost directly opposite hers.
15:43May I ask what took you on board, Miss Armitage?
15:47I received an anonymous note saying that Mrs. LaSalle could explain my brother's disappearance.
15:53Did you speak to her?
15:55Yes, I had rather an unsatisfactory interview with her.
15:59Rather stormy interview, wasn't it?
16:01And you were found in her stateroom shortly after she was killed, were you not?
16:06Are you hinting that my sister had something to do with the killing of Mrs. LaSalle?
16:10All the dead.
16:11Under the circumstances, I must put her under arrest for murder.
16:15This is ridiculous.
16:17An outrage.
16:18Come on, Muriel.
16:23Get out of my way!
16:25Take your hands off.
16:26My sister's innocent.
16:27Where do you get your authority?
16:29You can't handle a lady like that.
16:31Just a minute, old man.
16:32This kind of a scene won't help Muriel.
16:35Now, hold on.
16:36We know that she's not guilty.
16:37But you can help her more by going about it peacefully instead of losing your head.
16:40I guess you're right.
16:42This is outrageous.
16:44It's things like this that makes outlaws of men.
16:52I think you'll find, sir, that Miss Armitage is not guilty of the crime.
17:08Hello, Mrs. Comerby.
17:10Good evening, my dear.
17:12I know how troubled you are.
17:14But town will soon have you out of here.
17:17I want to caution you not to tell anyone of the location of the diamond mine.
17:22Not even your authorities.
17:24But I've already told Mr. Wainwright.
17:26Oh, dear, oh, dear.
17:28Thank you, Mrs. Comerby.
17:30I'm sorry.
17:31I'm sorry, Mrs. Comerby.
17:33But I've already told Mr. Wainwright.
17:35Oh, dear, oh, dear.
17:37That's unfortunate.
17:39I don't know.
17:40Has Tom been here?
17:42Well, when he comes, tell him not to mention the diamonds to anyone.
17:46Oh, diamonds.
17:48I wish I'd never heard of them.
17:50They're the cause of all of our trouble.
18:04Why, this is the same handwriting as the note that warned me against Mrs. LaSalle.
18:09Give me that note.
18:16With this to wipe from, I may be able to help you.
18:20I'm connected with the police.
18:22But don't tell anyone.
18:23Your authorities here don't know me.
18:25I'm working out of Calcutta.
18:28Now get this.
18:29And I'll come in tomorrow and tell you the progress I've made.
18:34Good night, dear.
18:35Good night.
18:59Is that you, Grant?
19:40That's where you are.
19:59Wainwright has been killed.
20:01Yes, and we have the murderer.
