• 5 years ago
Viral News
The Shocking History Of The Bikini.

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Most women love lying under the sun and tan. So, they often choose to wear the trendiest and in some cases, the most revealing outfits like Kim Kardashian-West. It’s been this way for years. From the invention of the two-piece bathing suit in 1913 to the first string bikini that French Designer Louis Réard introduced in the 1940s. Swimsuits have changed a lot throughout the last hundred years.

So it’s safe to say, that if there’s one style of clothing that’s evolved drastically, it’s the swimsuit. Even the name has changed. Some call it a bathing suit. Others call it a bikini. But there’s one thing everyone can agree on and that’s the fact that swimwear has defined each decade with unique styles. Of course, the first swimsuits weren’t exactly swimsuits at all. The earliest bathing suits made their debut back in 1855, and they were made out of bloomers, black stockings and drawers to prevent exposure, because modesty was very important back in those days.

But over time, swimwear has become super bold, super stylish, and in some cases, barely there. Of course, if Kim Kardashian were to go out in a modern-day swimsuit in the early 20th century, she’d probably get arrested. In those days, the law chastised women who wore swimsuits that showed too much skin. But over time, society became more lenient. And ultimately, women were able to wear the sleeveless, skirtless beachwear they wear so freely today. So, check out how women’s bikinis have changed over the last hundred years.


