wgj 26 All Sub

  • 4 years ago
00:00Subtitles by AnimeXin [www.animexin.xyz]
03:25Episode 26 "AnimeXin"
03:32Tiexue Wushang
03:45Tiexue Wushang
03:55Our fight
03:57Must always remember that our brothers pay attention to it
04:21My brother
04:25Now I will not cry for you
04:28Will only move forward
04:30Eventually we will be reunited somewhere
04:36before defeating the enemy
04:39I cannot die
04:44His eyes radiated a strong desire to fight
04:52Your body can't stand it anymore
04:54Burning soul power
04:57First it will turn to dust
05:00I cannot defeat you without sacrifice
05:03This nightmare will come from my imagination
05:07Can be reborn without limits
05:16Nightmare bite
05:22The strength of his soul suddenly jumped a hundredfold
05:25Guimei Senlin
05:29This is a world where the strong eat the weak
05:33Ever since I was very little
05:34I know how to survive
05:37The boy there
05:40This is very delicious food
05:44I was the first to find it
05:45He is mine
05:48No need to fight
05:49How about us?
05:54No, I want everything
06:09I'm a genius fighter
06:11I easily understand life weapon techniques
06:14But do not understand the meaning of life
06:16Subtitles by AnimeXin [www.animexin.xyz]
06:17Always feeling bored
06:20I'm always alone
06:23Until one day
06:27Guimei Senlin, I need your strength
06:30Help me rebuild Mingzu
06:32The previous Mingzu tribe, I don't know
06:37Not interested
06:38But I promised him
06:41Because bored
06:44In this way, I can become a member of the Mingzu general
06:48I heard that they are very strong
06:50Have lots of friends
06:53Whereas I'm alone
06:55Looks like you are very shy
07:01From today, we are all brothers
07:05what Is that brother?
07:06Xiao Gui, you don't even understand brother?
07:10Whatever the situation
07:11Never betray each other
07:13You trust each other
07:15You can trust your life to brother
07:18Subtitles by AnimeXin [www.animexin.xyz]
07:24Maybe that's the meaning
07:26Unconditionally give your life to another party?
07:33I'm Xingxing Youlei
07:35I'm luanwu kuangdao
07:45I have more than ten siblings
07:49We will be siblings in the next life
07:58Zhen chan, die with me
08:09You surprised me
08:12Do not choose to save yourself
08:15Save your friend
08:26If we meet in another situation
08:29I might be able to teach you
08:41Subtitles by AnimeXin [www.animexin.xyz]
09:00This stone disease, does it recur again?
09:06We are from the underworld
09:08Death is our closest friend
09:11Suifeng Qiwu, continue to fight with the sword
09:38Fight the sky
09:40I will be your opponent
09:42Block me, just die
09:48Bailian God, don't we have to do it immediately?
09:52Use your brain to fight
09:58Let the monkeys continue to grow
10:01Wait for my men to separate them
10:07My sin, I will make it up
10:10I must attack, join the battle
10:26I can not see you
10:29But I know
10:32You will come
10:37They treat you very cruelly
10:45Don't waste your time
10:47I have no hope
10:50Don't forget, you have more important tasks
11:01Tell me the task
11:03Years ago, my divine power told me
11:07When all parts of destiny are gathered
11:11Divine power, it will collapse
11:15But on the other side
11:16That fate can still be changed
11:20Change destiny?
11:22How can?
11:23There is strength
11:25Who is strong enough to fight fate
11:28As long as this terrible power exists
11:32Wugeng and Mingzu people might be destroyed
11:52Quickly attack them before the stone statue disappears
12:05Where are you going?
12:09Crystal Mountain
12:12You can step into this hall
12:15Already get a qualification for us to appreciate
12:19But it will stop here
12:37Bailian Great God, Great God Zhen Chan
12:42Also, god xuan feng
12:48bad, the formation of four holy kings
12:51Siji Formation
13:17Can't see other people at all
13:24What happened, the land seemed to want to drown me
13:27My feet can't be pulled
13:32Thank you for watching on AnimeXin [www.animexin.xyz]