The adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Five Orange Pips

  • 4 years ago
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes The Five Orange Pips the best audio book in English.
The story begins when a friend of Dr. Watson's wife arrives on Baker Street, frantic because her husband has disappeared and has become addicted to opium. Watson helps her out of an opium den and sends him home. Watson is surprised to discover that Sherlock is also there, in disguise, trying to obtain information to solve a different case about a man who has disappeared. Watson stays behind to listen to Holmes tell the story of the Neville St. Clair case.

The case involves Mr. Neville St. Clair, a prosperous, respectable and punctual man, who is missing. His family's home is in the country, but he visits London every day on business. One day, when Mr. St. Clair was in London, Mrs. St. Clair also went to London separately. He happened to pass through Upper Swandam Lane, a "fel alley" near the London docks, where the opium lair is located. Looking up, she saw her husband in a window on the second floor of the opium den. He disappeared from the window immediately, and Mrs. St. Clair was sure there was something wrong.