Police fire rubber bullets into crowd of protesters in Richmond, Virginia

  • 4 years ago
Protesters gathered outside a temporary police headquarters in Richmond, Virginia were fire upon by police with rubber bullets on Monday (June 15).

Reportedly protesters arrived at the police HQ around 9:00pm, filmer Andrew Bayne said: "We were peacefully gathered outside of their temporary head quarters.

"Around 10:15pm while chanting the words, “peaceful protest” a cop shot down on the crowd from the roof with a rubber bullet, sniping a man’s phone out of his hand.

"A second rubber bullet was fired into the crowd for no reason. No one was armed or acting a fool. It was totally peaceful. We moved positions and as we were lining up against the police caution tape, they walked forward and grabbed a guy out of nowhere.

"It was then that they riot maced everyone in the front line and started trying to grab more people. The next thing we knew we had flash bangs and tear gas canisters raining down on us.

"We fought to stay as long as we could until we were forced to fall back, regroup, and come back about 10 mins after this event happened where we remained peaceful. It was college kids and youth lead by young community leaders, the police were totally unprovoked."


