• 5 years ago
Hope to have a great leader like him that can lead the entire Ummah to achieve success and triumph in dunya wa al-akhirah
1453 - Fetih
Can Atilla
1453 Sultanlar Askina
Licensed to YouTube by
SME (on behalf of Columbia); EMI Music Publishing, Muserk Rights Management, PEDL, UMPI, and 12 Music Rights Societies
Corner Stone Cues
Requiem For a Tower
Clinton Darryl Mansell
Licensed to YouTube by
HAAWK for a 3rd Party (on behalf of Corner Stone Cues); LatinAutor - UMPG, CMRRA, LatinAutor, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., UMPI, and 12 Music Rights Societies
Let us take a quick Eagle-eyed look at our Glorious History;
Abu Bakar: The First & Most Truthful Caliph of Islam
Umer Bin Khattab: The Most Just Ruler of Islamic Caliphate
Usman Bin Affan: The Most Generous Caliph of Arab
Ali Bin Abi Talib: The Most Valiant Warrior ever born
Hussain ibn-e-Ali: The Martyr Hero of Karbala and a fearless Mujahid
Khalid Bin Waleed: The Best Military General to walk on earth
Saad bin Abi Waqas: The Conqueror of Persia
Amrr ibn-e-Al Aas: The Conqueror & Victor of Egypt
Qutaibah bin Muslim: The Conqueror of Central Asia
Abu Ubaida ibn-e-Al Jarrah: The Conqueror of Levant
Uqba bin Nafe: The conqueror of Northern Africa
Umar Bin Abdul Aziz: The famous Ummyad Caliph and a Just ruler regarded as fifth Rashidoon Caliph
Marwan II: Last Ummyad Caliph and a fearless military leader
Haroon Al-Rasheed: A famous Abbasid Caliph and Military Leader
Najam ad-din Ayyub: The Pioneer of Ayyubid Dynasty in Egypt and Syria
Salah uddin Ayyubi: The Victor of Jerusalem and bad news for Crusaders
Saifuddin Qutuz: The Victor of battle of Ain Jalut against barbaric Mongols
Tariq bin Ziyyad: The Victor of Gibraltar and Al-Andulus
Muhammad Bin Qasim: The Young Victor of Sindh
Tugril Beg: Founder of Seljuq Dynasty and a valiant warrior
Aybak: The Founder of Mamluk Dynasty and a relentless warrior
Ertugrul Bin Suleiman: The Pioneer of Ottomon Empire
Usman Bin Ertugrul: The First Ruler of Ottomon Empire
Mehmed Al-Fateh: The Conqueror of Constantinople
Suleiman the Magnificent: A Sultan of Ottoman Empire and a famous military leader
Sultan Mehmood Ghaznvi: The Victor of Hind & Bad news for Enemies
Amir Taimoor: Conquerer of Middle East and founder of Timurid Dynasty
Shahabuddin Ghauri: The King of Ghazni and Pioneer of Delhi Sultanate in India
Zahiruddin Babur: The Pioneer and First Ruler of Mughal Empire in India
Aurangzeb Alamgir: A famous Mughal Emperor who extented Mughal Empire to its most
Ahmed Shah Durrani: The Victor of Afghanistan and founder of Durrani dynasty
Shams uddin Al-Tutmish: The Victor of Multan and Bengal
Sher Shah Suri: The Founder of Sur Dynasty and a bold military leader
Allauddin Khalji: Most Powerful Sultan of Khalji Dynasty who ruled Delhi Sultanate and defeated Mongols
Razia Sultana: A Turkish princess who ruled modern-day India
Sharifa Fatima: A female chei
