• 4 years ago
Now let's simply see an example,
which should make this clearer for that attached you find
a simple project,
which has? Free folders or 2 folders in one file
assets folder at info folder and index.
HTML file the extra folders and files we see here.
Are just here in my local setup for version control
and for my editor settings.
We can ignore them right?
Now you don't need them,
they're not related to the web page so we get.
3 things in there to folders and the index HTML
file now you can simply double click that index HTML
And it will open up here in a new browser
window where it should at least have not open a
browser window.
And drag the index HTML file into it now.
This is a little dummy page.
I prepared for you. It holds some damning information about
your instructor all this information is valid by the way.
But of course, we're not building.
This web page here right now.
This is mostly HTML and CSS S or to be
It's pretty much all HTML and CSS S at this
and you can always go back to these files and
