Blood Type movie trailer - Plot synopsis: When a deadly age-warping virus infects a race of vampires, the last remaining humans are forced to join them to save the innocent blood of a child.
Directed by: Kevin Wayne
2019 | NR | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Cast | Kevin Wayne, Don Swayze, Milorad Djomlija, Dallas T. Taylor, Maxwell Ross, Sadie LeJeune, Theresa Taylor, Guardian Michael, John Kap, Hallie Shepherd
Directed by: Kevin Wayne
2019 | NR | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Cast | Kevin Wayne, Don Swayze, Milorad Djomlija, Dallas T. Taylor, Maxwell Ross, Sadie LeJeune, Theresa Taylor, Guardian Michael, John Kap, Hallie Shepherd
Short film