Kaireche Panhe | How to make kaireche panhe | by prajaktas recipe | कैरीचे पन्हे

  • 4 years ago
Kairicha panha is a tempting and mouth wondering drink which mostly demanded in summer vacation as we get Raw Mangoes in summer season. It is also a better option for tea or any other soft drinks. Any age group people can drink this panha because it doesn’t not contain any artificially preservatives like soft drinks. We can also store it in fridge for 2 to 3 month in air tight container.

Wash and clean neatly raw mangoes.
Add water and raw mangoes in cooker and cooked well in 6 to 7 whistles.
Take out Raw Mangoes when cooker became cold and peel the skin of mangoes.
Remove pulp softly with the help of spoon of all mangoes.
Add pulp and sugar in grinder and make a fine paste.
Take out mangoes paste in bowl and mix it well.
Add, Rock Salt (Sendha Salt), Cumin Powder, Black Pepper Powder and mix well
Add some Cardamom Powder Lastly and again mix well.
Now store this kairi Panha Pulp in air tight container in fridge.
To make kairi panha add some panha pulp in bowl then add 3 to 4 ice cubes and chilled water.
Mix it well Here it Raw Mangoes’s Kairi Panha is ready to drink.