Make A Budget And Stick To It The best way to take control of your finances is to make a budget. Not only do you need to write down everything but you need to make a plan to tackle your debt and reduce your spending. There are four major factors in budgeting:
• Fixed Expenses
• Variable Expenses
• Debt Reduction
• Savings
Track your fixed expenses so you know precisely what must be put out each month.
Track your variable spending to see how much you’re spending.
Write down all your debts and plan to tackle them one at a time above and beyond the minimum payment.
Plan to save money for a rainy day.
If you cannot balance your budget, it’s time to cut costs somewhere. Most likely, this will be in your variable spending. Set a strict budget for yourself so you can get ahead of the game. This may take sacrifice and discipline but is the surest way to get out of debt fast.
• Fixed Expenses
• Variable Expenses
• Debt Reduction
• Savings
Track your fixed expenses so you know precisely what must be put out each month.
Track your variable spending to see how much you’re spending.
Write down all your debts and plan to tackle them one at a time above and beyond the minimum payment.
Plan to save money for a rainy day.
If you cannot balance your budget, it’s time to cut costs somewhere. Most likely, this will be in your variable spending. Set a strict budget for yourself so you can get ahead of the game. This may take sacrifice and discipline but is the surest way to get out of debt fast.