Protest against hare coursing - 4th February 2009

  • 16 years ago
* * * * PROTEST CANCELLED * * * *

We regret to announce that due to poor weather conditions, the protest against coursing has been cancelled. We would be grateful if you could pass this update on to any of your friends who were planning to travel to Clonmel on Wednesday. Please help the hares - respond to our latest action alerts now at

* * * * PROTEST CANCELLED * * * *

Please join us for a peaceful protest against hare coursing on Wednesday, 4th February 2009. The protest will be held outside Powerstown Park (coursing finals venue) in Clonmel, County Tipperary from 12 noon to 2pm.

Please make a special effort to be at this important event which is being organised by the Animal Rights Action Network and the Irish Council Against Blood Sports.

For more information visit: and

Ask Minister John Gormley to stop licensing this cruel blood sport:
Email "Stop licensing coursing" to

Thank you for your support!
