【M直播撐你】澳門文創精品店 創意光點 Creative Spot | 賭場分店生意下跌100%? 推出Gift Card 吸引顧客使用3000元消費券?

  • 4年前
M直播今次訪問到Creative Spot嘅店主James, 今次新冠疫情有幾咁影響佢嘅生意? 政府扶助中小企嘅政策幫唔幫到佢? 3000元消費券又幫唔幫到佢? 佢又有冇咩妙招去吸引啲人喺佢間舖頭用消費券? 一齊睇下佢點講啦! #m直播與你共渡時艱 #m直播撐你

創意光點 Creative Spot
地址: 澳門順成街 18 號威利大廈地下 B 鋪; 澳門銀河「時尚匯」購物中心,K109
特色產品: 本土設計小物 (葡撻蠟燭, 大三巴蠟燭, 月餅蠟燭), 日本歐美創意產品

M Plus Live has an interview with the owner of the Creative Spot- James. Let's see how the corona pandemic situation has affected his business, how he thinks about the anti-epidemic measures of the Macau government, and whether the 3,000-pataca consumption subsidy scheme can help him with his business as well as how he attracts customers to use the $3,000-pataca electric card at his store. #mpluswithyou #mplussupportyou

#復甦澳門 #澳門復甦 #打氣為澳門 #pumpupmacau #macaurebound #澳門消費券 #齊消費 #促經濟 #促內需 #穩就業
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