Families evicted in the emergency village in Colegiales 1970

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Mónica Mihanovich comments: - "The inhabitants of the emergency villages Matienzo, Miter, Dorrego and Progreso, in Colegiales, are very concerned, their houses like the one you see now are mostly made of material. For many years they have been trying to organize what could already be called a small town. However, in a decree they have been informed that the lands will be expropriated for the University of Belgrano. " Report to a man, in which he is asked: -Lord, please, how many people live in these emergency villas? (Answer: Here there are 5 villas with a total of 12 thousand inhabitants) -When and how did you find out what you plan to do with these lands? - They say that they were going to donate the land, were they going to sell the land? -Have you been given any official information on this matter? -What do you want or what do you plan to do about this problem? -Will you have the possibility or intention of buying the land if you are given the opportunity? - The houses, generally as they are? -Is there already running water and electricity in all the houses or in some? -What do you plan to do? Images of the houses, children and people that inhabit the emergency village. Images of a police officer walking down one of the corridors. (Monica Mihanovich)
Date: 11/23/1970
Duration: 3 minutes 16 seconds
Film code: B-08946

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