COVID-19 Could Infect 70 Percent of
the Population, Disease Researcher Says The University of Minnesota's Dr. Michael Osterholm
says the current outbreak is just a preview
of what is to come. Michael Osterholm, via
'USA Today' Before herd immunity happens,
he explains that an effective vaccine is
the best way to control COVID-19. The coronavirus would be following patterns similar
to the flu if it starts to recede in warmer months. A return later in the year will cause cases
to peak and once again overwhelm hospitals. Michael Osterholm,
via 'USA Today' Osterholm explains that shutting down America for over a year is not a viable option. This is because there is not enough research on how much economic damage the coronavirus can cause. Michael Osterholm,
via 'USA Today' With the unemployment rate at 15 percent, some states
like Georgia and Texas have begun reopening. Others who have been hit harder, including New York
and New Jersey, have taken a slower approach.
the Population, Disease Researcher Says The University of Minnesota's Dr. Michael Osterholm
says the current outbreak is just a preview
of what is to come. Michael Osterholm, via
'USA Today' Before herd immunity happens,
he explains that an effective vaccine is
the best way to control COVID-19. The coronavirus would be following patterns similar
to the flu if it starts to recede in warmer months. A return later in the year will cause cases
to peak and once again overwhelm hospitals. Michael Osterholm,
via 'USA Today' Osterholm explains that shutting down America for over a year is not a viable option. This is because there is not enough research on how much economic damage the coronavirus can cause. Michael Osterholm,
via 'USA Today' With the unemployment rate at 15 percent, some states
like Georgia and Texas have begun reopening. Others who have been hit harder, including New York
and New Jersey, have taken a slower approach.