Apertura Juegos Panamericanos de Invierno en Las Lenas - Mendoza 1990

  • hace 4 años

Mendoza: Opening of the 1st Pan American Winter Games in Las Leñas. Images of the delegations with the athletes. Mr. Nestor Lowel, President of Las Leñas received from Colonel Antonio Rodriguez, representative of the Argentine Olympic Committee, the Olympic flag. Then Aristeo Benavides, Argentine Olympic representative in 1948 entered the stadium with the Olympic torch until he reached the cauldron where he climbed the steps and lit the Olympic flame that will remain throughout the duration of the Pan American Games flaming in Las Leñas. The governor of the province, Jose Octavio Bordon, officially declared the games inaugurated. The representative Carolina Eiras of the Argentine Olympic team takes the oath, then Mr. Ricardo Solvente does it, representing all the judges and authorities of the games. Images of the release of pigeons and the parade of the delegations. Note to Colonel Antonio Rodriguez, Carolina Eiras and other Argentine athletes. General views of the athletes performing the ski slalom training tests.
Date: 9/16/1990
Duration: 5 minutes 10 seconds
Code: UG-2447

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