Jorge Baeza - Martin Balza - Venta de armas a Ecuador 1996

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Cause for the sale of arms to Ecuador. Report to the Secretary of Military Affairs, Jorge Baeza: -What is the status of the investigation at the moment? - The Dr. Camilion is meeting with the president at the moment, do you have information about what topics they will deal with or is there talk of the possibility of resignation? -Was the part of the arms shipment sent or not shipped yet? -How was the complaint that took place in Ecuador regarding the quality of the weapons sold, respect for the shortage that exists, the payment in cash, as it may be that the Ministry of Defense has unknown this type of operation that good apparently is official from the government of Ecuador to the Argentine government? -But Minister Barra said that precisely Minister Camilion had been a victim, with this he is acknowledging that the sale existed? -But do you speak of active military personnel who are involved, can you speak of a third or fourth hierarchy of military personnel? - Can you confirm that an audit has been initiated within the armed forces to precisely detect these people? -What are you going to do then? Are those who did this third or fourth category? Minister Camilion should not resign for having overcome such a problem? -He is the highest authority and do your collaborators respond? -Mr. Baeza, this has been coming for a long time, you say that the last possibilities of the investigation are just here, but since you transferred to the head of Military Fabrications this has been a lot of investigation, in what situation is this investigation? -The suspicion existed on the sale of arms that occurred within the Argentine Republic that was at the time that Argentina was guarantor of peace and that the Defense Minister is precisely the area of ​​competence, as it may be that the ministry in which Is the area the same in the head of the minister Camilion that investigates the sale, is this logical, is it transparent? - On what does the president rely on placing his trust in Camilion and not in his collaborators, what evidence does he have? -Now should Minister Camilion ethically depart in any way and allow someone else to lead the investigation outside the investigation that is doing justice? -Does there have to be a parliamentary investigation? -What happens within the Baeza Armed Forces if an audit is not initiated as the subject is investigated within the Armed Forces? - With respect to the sale of Iranian arms also, Baeza? -Do you confirm this because there was also talk that they could be Iranian or Russian?
Date: 4/20/1996
Duration: 12 minutes 8 seconds
Code: UG-1635

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