Short filmTranscript
00:00Have you ever had the feeling that you knew what someone was going to say just before he said it?
00:06Or have you ever walked into a strange room and had the sensation that you'd been there before?
00:12Well, if you have, you've taken a small step beyond.
00:17Now watch a giant step.
00:48I'm looking for Lieutenant Barnes.
00:51That's me. Oh, Mr. Newland, isn't it?
00:55Well, didn't you get my wire last night?
00:57No, just the letter.
00:59Oh. Well, I sent you a wire and told you not to come up.
01:02Well, that's strange I didn't get it. The letter said the house was being torn down today.
01:07Yeah, well, it's all a mistake. I acted on a... on an impulse.
01:12An impulse?
01:15All right, Lieutenant. That's kind of normal. We all have impulses.
01:19Look, I... I changed my mind, okay?
01:23I'm sorry to have brought you up here for nothing, and I'll be glad to pay your...
01:26No, that's not necessary, Lieutenant. I... I kind of enjoyed the ride.
01:30Believe me, this is not the first wild goose chase I've been on.
01:33Look, if I told you about the house, nobody'd believe it.
01:36I haven't got a scrap of proof.
01:40But you believe it, don't you?
01:43Do I look like a screwball or something?
01:45No, I wouldn't say so.
01:47I'm one of the most hard-headed guys you'll ever meet.
01:50I don't know. I just don't know.
01:54I suppose I owe Graham something.
01:56They all think he killed his wife, you know.
01:59I guess I gave him a hard time.
02:02Want a cigar?
02:03No, thank you.
02:05Well, in my book he had it coming.
02:08Fred Graham.
02:11He and his wife used to live in Bridgeport, and they rented this house here for the summer.
02:16She lived here, and he came up on the weekends.
02:19They had one of those marriages they were trying to patch up.
02:22It'd gone sour.
02:28They weren't doing a very good job of it, either.
02:31I didn't get to know him until later.
02:34But the neighbors complained more than once about the fighting that was going on up here.
02:42Fred, wait.
02:45What now?
02:47Go back to the city.
02:49I came up for the weekend, remember?
02:51Why? So we could fight some more.
02:53We didn't fight tonight. You were quiet as a mouse. It was a pleasure.
02:56We aren't going to fight anymore at all.
02:58The neighbors will be glad.
03:00I mean it, Fred.
03:03I want you to go back to town.
03:07We've no reason to fight anymore.
03:10People only fight when they're trying to save something, and we've nothing to save.
03:14No soap opera, please.
03:17We were much luckier than a lot of people.
03:19We had some wonderful years together.
03:23Now the only reason we stay together is that we're afraid to tell each other the truth, that's all.
03:28Which is?
03:30It's all over.
03:33We don't have one single reason to stay together one minute more.
03:44You want a divorce.
03:46Well, do you?
03:50Then what?
03:55I'm just going into the house.
04:00It's a remarkable house.
04:03A terrible house.
04:05I was sitting in the living room this afternoon thinking about how absolutely finished we were.
04:11And deciding it was all my fault?
04:13No, no, it's nobody's fault.
04:17I just fell empty and useless.
04:21I just wanted to die.
04:25I didn't have one reason to be alive.
04:28Not one single reason, not a child.
04:31And whose fault is that?
04:37Not a husband.
04:42I felt like this before.
04:44I've taken a sleeping pill or a drink and slept it off, but...
04:48But this afternoon in that house something happened to me.
04:52It was like I...
04:54Well, I don't know how to explain it.
04:58It was as if I could translate my not wanting to exist into actuality.
05:08I felt empty.
05:11As if I were being swallowed up.
05:14As if I'd reached the point of zero.
05:22I thought if I look into a mirror there won't be any reflection.
05:29And if I stand in front of the light there'll be no shadow.
05:33Come on, Ruth, it's late.
05:35All I have to do is let go.
05:38Really let go.
05:43It's the end of me.
05:49Then I heard your car in the driveway and I thought...
05:55Give it one more try.
05:59Maybe this time it'll be all right.
06:02Maybe this time it'll...
06:04It'll be like it was before.
06:17How silly.
06:25How silly.
06:31And stupid and boring.
07:52Why don't we stop all this nonsense and...
07:56Try to get along like grown-up people do.
08:24I think I preferred it when we had an honest-to-pete drag-out fight.
08:30Didn't you?
08:40What, are you three years old or something?
08:45Where are you?
10:06Well, Mr. Graham called and asked me to come over to his house at 9.30 that night.
10:10What'd he say?
10:12That his wife had disappeared.
10:14Did he have any idea where she'd gone?
10:17No, but he had a pretty wild theory.
10:20Well, he was kind of excited and upset and he didn't seem to make much sense, but...
10:25Well, the gist of it seemed to be that she had walked into the house and vanished into thin air.
10:30That's what happened, I swear!
10:32What did you do then, Lieutenant?
10:34Well, I looked the house over from top to bottom.
10:36I couldn't find her or her body.
10:38Your Honor, I moved the phrase, or her body, be stricken from the records.
10:45Well, all right, Henry, but again let me remind you that this is only the preliminary hearing, not a trial,
10:52and the prosecutor is allowed a little more leeway to develop his case.
10:56Go ahead, Lieutenant.
10:58Well, then I checked all the neighbors here in town.
11:03There seemed to have been some trouble in the marriage.
11:05A lot of fights.
11:06Your Honor, that's hearsay.
11:08I have ten witnesses who are willing to go into great detail.
11:12Your Honor, that's nobody's business but mine.
11:18I went to Bridgeport, to the apartment, checked the neighbors there.
11:21It was the same story.
11:23I have several sworn statements from the neighbors, Henry.
11:27What else did you do to try to locate Mrs. Graham besides going through the house?
11:33Well, we dragged the lake for three days and couldn't find a body.
11:37Sent wires to all her friends and relatives.
11:40We sent a missing person circular throughout the East.
11:44And no results?
11:48With all this evidence of motive piling up on my desk,
11:51I went over to the district attorney's office and asked him to swear out an indictment of murder.
11:56I didn't kill Ruth.
11:58Mr. Graham, you must not do that again.
12:06That's the case for the state at this time.
12:09Except that I would again like to point out that perhaps people disappear into thin air in India or places like that,
12:16but not in good old Connecticut.
12:21And I strongly believe that we have enough evidence to hold this man for trial.
12:26Based on what's been presented today,
12:28the court must find that the prosecution has failed to make any case at all
12:34in the important area of corpus delicti.
12:38Lacking circumstantial evidence that a crime has been committed,
12:42the charge of murder in the first degree is dropped.
12:49Does that mean I'm free?
12:51Sounds like it, doesn't it?
12:55Thank God.
12:56Let me urge the prosecutor to continue his investigations
13:00and let me assure him that should there be new evidence,
13:04this court will be very happy to cooperate to the fullest in the cause of justice.
13:18Well, Mr. Graham, you're free.
13:25You're absolutely certain I killed her, aren't you?
13:31Didn't you?
13:40Nice going, Graham.
13:48You know, I gotta admire a job well done, even if it is murder.
13:51Oh, look.
13:52You're clean as a whistle.
13:54So pack your suitcases, lock your house, go back to Bridgeport and have a big laugh.
13:57But let me warn you.
13:59If I so much as find one hair of her head,
14:02one bloodstain, one fingernail, I'm gonna get you if it's the last thing I ever do.
14:06I'll make it easier on you, Lieutenant.
14:08I'm gonna stay in that house.
14:09I'll bet.
14:10I'm gonna tear that house apart until I find out what happened to my wife.
14:14I am.
14:15I am! I am!
14:32I am!
14:33I am!
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18:53I am!
18:54Name is Agatha.
18:57What are you talking about?
18:59She taught school for 32 years.
19:02Who did?
19:06What are you doing in front of my house?
19:08Well, I like to see your here and hear you tell things of part.
19:11I reported you to the real estate man.
19:15That was my duty, you know.
19:17But he said you posted a bond to take care of all the damages so it was okay with him,
19:21You're going to tear this house down and build a highway through here.
19:25Look, when are you going to stop this foolishness and tell me how you killed her?
19:28You're going to feel a lot better about it when you do.
19:30Leave me alone!
19:31I'll never leave you alone.
19:36Where would the school records be kept?
19:38The city hall.
19:39Are they public records? Could I get to them?
19:43You're a citizen, aren't you?
19:52Where have you been? I called your office ten times!
19:54I have things to do. You decided to tell all?
19:57Ruth wasn't the first. There were two others.
19:59Two other what?
20:00This house. Something about it.
20:03Ruth said it was like being swallowed up.
20:05She said if she looked in a mirror, there wouldn't be any reflection.
20:08What are you talking about?
20:09I don't care what you think. Read this!
20:15It's a very old newspaper. October 24th, 1858.
20:18Read what it says about Agatha Dunlap under the headline, Strange Disappearance.
20:21All right, what's the name of the game we're playing now?
20:23She was fired for being an abolitionist. Yes! Right here in New England.
20:27So what's that got to do with anything?
20:29She lived in this house.
20:30Then when she had nothing to live for anymore, she locked herself in and nobody ever saw her again.
20:35It says so right here in black and white!
20:37I don't care if it says it in orange and blue. Nobody locks themselves in a house and then disappears.
20:45My wife did.
20:46My wife did?
20:47You killed your wife.
20:49I didn't! Somebody else disappeared the same way. It mentions him in the same article.
20:54Some of the older residents recall that a man named Harrison Frazier, who built the house in 1821 for his bride,
21:00only to lose her in childbirth a year later, also closed himself in the house and apparently was never seen again.
21:08You know, I got to hand it to you, Graham. You're good. You're very good.
21:12What are you going to all this trouble for?
21:15Is that what gave you the whole idea?
21:16What idea?
21:17How'd you come by it? By accident?
21:18I found it two hours ago!
21:20I mean before you killed your wife.
21:24You know, this is the screwiest alibi I have ever heard.
21:28But like I told you, you don't need it. You really don't need it.
21:33You're in the clear.
21:36Barnes, listen! I didn't kill my wife!
21:43Nobody will ever believe me.
21:44Nobody that's sane.
21:47I didn't believe Ruth. I thought she was out of her mind.
21:53But I didn't kill her.
21:58And nobody will believe me.
22:01And that's about all I had to live for.
22:07I guess... I guess this is how Ruth felt.
22:13That school teacher and the poor guy whose wife died on him.
22:21All I had to do was let go and that would be the end of me.
22:27That's what Ruth said.
22:42Good night.
23:13But he wasn't in the house. He wasn't there.
23:17It won't be logical. How can that be?
23:20Well, it's happened many times before, Lieutenant.
23:22People have simply vanished from ships, airplanes and houses just like this without a trace.
23:29Look, nobody in town knows about this. They all think he took off.
23:33So if you do decide to use any of it, change the name or change the place, change anything, will you?
23:38Aye, yes, sir.
23:43Where can he be?
23:46I haven't the slightest idea.
23:54Before Albert Einstein, men were positive that there were only three dimensions.
24:01Now we are equally positive that there are only four.
24:05That is until someone discovers a fifth dimension.
24:09A fifth dimension.
24:11Or perhaps it's already been discovered by people like Mr. Graham.
24:39The End