• 5 years ago
Life With Elizabeth S1:E13 Sailing/Television/Ping-Pong
Not Rated | 30min | Comedy | Episode aired 1954
00:00Betty White in Life with Elizabeth, featuring Del Moore.
00:21Incident number one in the life of Elizabeth occurred the time she sent the message in
00:24Morse code.
00:25Then she sent it again.
00:27Would you say that's a form of remorse?
00:32No, I guess you wouldn't.
00:36Elizabeth, shouldn't you be cooking dinner?
00:42You threw the dinner out?
00:46Oh, you're going to eat out.
00:49Well, now's a good time to tell Alvin. Here he comes with a lot of packages.
00:57Hi, sweetheart.
00:58Hi, honey.
01:00What's the matter? My slip showing?
01:03I guess I was a little startled. I didn't expect... I didn't know you'd been drafted.
01:07Hi, matey. What is cooking in the galley?
01:11There's nothing cooking in the alley. We're eating out.
01:14Galley, not alley.
01:16You don't mind, do you, darling?
01:18This is the sextant.
01:20I didn't think it was the vicar.
01:22Hey, look, honey. Look.
01:25How do you think I'd look in a sailor suit?
01:30Well, fine, darling.
01:32Of course, we could always take the cloth from the bell-bottom trousers and sew it up higher where you need it.
01:40Are you going to start that again?
01:44Well, suppose you waddle over here on your sea legs and you clean the yachting cap.
01:50Hey, that's right. I didn't tell you, did I?
01:53Well, a sailor's wife is always the last to know.
01:56Oh, now, look, honey. Ted Simpson called me this afternoon, and guess what?
01:59He's going into the Navy, too.
02:02Well, don't ask me to guess if you don't want me to guess.
02:04I don't want you to guess. He called to tell me he bought a schooner.
02:08A schooner?
02:09It's a boat. Yeah, he bought it from a Danish sea captain, and he wants us to share it with him.
02:14Alvin, let's sail to Catalina, just the two of us.
02:16Exactly what I had in mind. That's why I borrowed all the stuff.
02:21Well, what do you have?
02:22Oh, look at it.
02:24All sorts of goodies here. What are these? Maps? Sharks? Instruments?
02:29How are we going to sail to Catalina? Through the Panama Canal?
02:33Look, honey, you don't understand.
02:35Look, a good sailor should be able to box a compass, take an azimuth reading, shoot the stars, and stuff like that.
02:40If we go by nautical procedure. And I'll wait.
02:45Wait for what?
02:46The hilarious jokes, you know, about boxing the compass, shooting the stars, and all the rest of it.
02:54What is this thing, darling? Looks like a telescope with a handle.
02:57I told you before, it's a Saxton.
02:59Now, look, honey, a schooner's a big sailing boat, and if we're going to borrow it...
03:02It's a mirror.
03:03Wait. Elizabeth, honey, stop clowning. If we're going to borrow it, we've got...
03:07Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out to be a boat in a bottle?
03:09Elizabeth. Now, look, if we're going to borrow the boat, we've got a lot to learn in a very short time.
03:14So let's do it like good sailors, okay?
03:17Aye, aye, sir.
03:18Aye, aye.
03:19Did aye, aye tell you, you, that you, you, and aye, aye are going out to dinner, dinner?
03:26Now, look, what's the first thing you do when you go aboard ship?
03:30I don't feel so good.
03:32You charge the course.
03:35Would you do what you want to do? I don't feel so good.
03:40Wait. You look exactly like Humphrey Bogart.
03:46Elizabeth, I refuse to let you get under my skin, and furthermore, I intend to retain control of my every faculty.
03:53Well, don't let your student body get out of hand, either.
03:58Seriously, darling, what's this used for?
04:01A sextant, my dear, is used to obtain the angle between two objects, terrestrial or celestial.
04:06By bringing into coincidence with the observer's eye a ray of light from two objects.
04:10One ray direct the other ray by double reflection.
04:13Thus, one is able to determine one's position by latitude or longitude.
04:19You mean you have to go through all that to find out where you are?
04:22That's the way navigators do it. Do you have a better way?
04:25Sure. Ask a policeman.
04:28Oh, fine. I suppose there's always one riding by on a seahorse.
04:33Alfred, we're going to sail the Catalina. We have to...
04:36You can't afford a clown ride.
04:37Look, honey.
04:40Well, I'm going to mark my little course here.
04:42I'll pretend the lamp is a star, the wind is the horizon.
04:45Bring the objects into coincidence here.
04:48Let's see.
04:49Well, the object should be on the arc.
04:51Hey, honey, look, I got it.
04:53Look. Take a look.
04:55Here, look too.
04:56Right here.
04:57Aye, aye.
05:00I don't know which channel I've got, but Liberace is smiling at me.
05:04Elizabeth, you're looking at the Venetian blinds.
05:07Look, I lined it up in there.
05:09See, it's right there.
05:10Well, what's our position?
05:11Well, we're right in the center of the room.
05:14You had to go through all that to discover we're in the den?
05:18Bring the objects into exact coincidence.
05:21We're only pretending and practicing.
05:25Now, see.
05:26Well, don't bother.
05:27With you at the helm, there's only one direction the boat can go.
05:30Straight down.
05:33Elizabeth, come here.
05:38Elizabeth, you'll disobey me and I shall put no mutiny aboard my ship.
05:43If you do it again, I shall have you hanged from the highest yard arm.
05:47Honey, do you know something?
05:48Just like Charles Lawton, huh?
05:49No, when you do that, you look exactly like Humphrey Bogart.
05:53All right, let's back to the maps.
05:55Now, let's leave San Pedro Harbor and head straight to Catalina.
06:01Did I tell you we're eating up?
06:02Get a pencil and mark this down.
06:04The scale is one inch to the 100 miles.
06:07Longitude, 87 degrees.
06:10Longitude, 87 degrees.
06:13Latitude, 42 degrees.
06:16Latitude, 42 degrees.
06:18West by southwest.
06:20West by southwest.
06:22By southwest.
06:24Okay, draw your lines, get your reading by cross...
06:27No, draw your lines and get your...
06:28Well, draw your lines.
06:31Now, draw them off and find your position by using cross bearings.
06:45Okay, what's our course?
06:47Well, according to this, we're sailing by a surplus store on Hollywood and Vine.
06:54You're kidding me, aren't you, Elizabeth?
06:56You goofed and you're covering up?
07:01I'll do the navigating.
07:04Now, look, you were a Girl Scout, do you remember the Morse Code?
07:07A little, why?
07:09Well, so far you can't fix a position and you can't navigate,
07:12so I thought I'd let you operate the radio.
07:14You know, the thing that scared me is there isn't a surplus store at Hollywood and Vine.
07:19Now, we'll brush up on our Morse Code.
07:21I'll send a message, you decipher.
07:23Stay right there.
07:25All righty.
07:27Here we go.
07:36You go wash your mouth out with soap.
07:38I didn't say a thing.
07:40Well, then wash your hands with soap.
07:41Oh, for goodness sake, you send me a message.
07:52Got it?
07:55Man's soul is equal only to his eternal spirit.
07:58What does that mean?
07:59How should I know?
08:00I'm no philosopher.
08:02Send me another message.
08:07Got it?
08:09Got it?
08:12Not sauce.
08:15I'll get it.
08:16If you lose your way, call the Coast Guard.
08:19My character's sauce.
08:26This just arrived.
08:27Yeah, I figured that out myself.
08:28What's in it?
08:29Open it up.
08:36Dear Alvin,
08:37had to leave town but knew you'd want to see Spooner.
08:40Don't break it.
08:41It's from Ted Simpson.
08:42Don't break it.
08:43That turns out to be a soap in a bottle.
08:47You know it couldn't be, honey.
08:53We've been scuttled.
08:54This is Spooner.
08:55Well, the least he could do is fill it.
08:58Wait a minute.
08:59One more message here.
09:01Last call for dinner.
09:04Let's go.
09:06Come on.
09:07That's what I want to do anyway.
09:10have a nice dinner.
09:13Thank you very much.
09:14Incident number two in the life of Elizabeth
09:16occurred when they got their first TV set.
09:19Inasmuch as they were among the very first to buy a set,
09:22their problems may have been a little bit different
09:25from what yours were when you got one.
09:28Remember the early days of TV?
09:33Elizabeth, I'm home.
09:35Honey, I'm home.
09:38It's here.
09:39Alvin, the television set's here.
09:41That's what I said.
09:42Look, I know that's what I just said.
09:43I've been watching it all afternoon.
09:44It's the most fascinating thing I've ever seen in my life
09:46for the last three hours I've been sitting there.
09:48Honey, they brought it about three o'clock this afternoon.
09:51Just when I'd given up hope,
09:52I was going to take those bottles back to the market.
09:54And this cop pulled up out in front
09:55of this nice-looking fella,
09:56jumped out all stricken,
09:57stand in a white uniform and everything.
09:59Honey, let me tell you about it.
10:00And he comes up to the door
10:01and he gives this little bow
10:02and he says,
10:03is this the fortunate family that's about to have
10:04the first TV set in this part of town?
10:06Well, I almost sent him away
10:07until he explained the TV was short for television.
10:10It took three men to carry it in.
10:13Well, honey, how can you be so blasé?
10:15But I couldn't wait to see it.
10:17Well, honey, you didn't have a magpie
10:18blocking you every time I wanted to get a chance.
10:20Oh, honey, look.
10:21Isn't that beautiful?
10:23Look at that.
10:25Oh, honey, look.
10:26The picture's here, honey.
10:28I know, honey.
10:29I'm just taking it off.
10:30Oh, this.
10:32What is this thing?
10:33Oh, that's the Mount Wilson pointer.
10:35Oh, that got past me.
10:38Well, he said if you point this at Mount Wilson,
10:40they send us a signal.
10:42Send us a signal?
10:44I think I made a fool of myself.
10:46I told him we didn't play with trains.
10:50Well, honey, what I think he meant was that
10:52the signal comes from a transmitter
10:54on top of Mount Wilson.
10:55What's in here?
10:56What's this?
10:57Oh, that's just full of light bulbs.
10:58Don't you want to see the picture?
11:00Yeah, but I want to see how it works, honey.
11:01You're not supposed to touch it.
11:06Oh, honey, it's fantastic.
11:07Look, just fantastic.
11:08That's all.
11:09And just think that's going on right this very minute.
11:13You turn off the lights, it gets even clearer.
11:15Honey, this is going on right this very minute.
11:19Right while we watch it.
11:21This wasn't filmed three months ago, you know, honey.
11:23This is happening right this minute.
11:26I know, and I've been watching it all afternoon.
11:30Gee, look, I'll turn off the lights.
11:32Did you see this?
11:34This little knob gives you light and dark.
11:35No kidding?
11:36Let me try it.
11:37Let me try it.
11:38Huffle about that.
11:40The thing that knocks me out is that's happening
11:42right this very minute.
11:44Not an hour ago or not 10 minutes ago,
11:46but right this very minute.
11:55What is it?
12:00Well, anyway, whatever it is,
12:02it's happening right this very minute.
12:04Why didn't you ask Spick and Span Harry
12:05when he was here what it was?
12:07I did.
12:08He said it's a test pattern.
12:11Test pattern.
12:14I didn't want to ask him what a test pattern was.
12:17I made such a fool of myself about the train signal.
12:20Well, I'd say right offhand,
12:21not knowing too much about it,
12:22that a test pattern is
12:24sort of a pattern for testing.
12:30It's not supposed to move or anything.
12:34Do you realize this is happening this very minute?
12:38Look at that.
12:39Well, it's been happening this very minute
12:41for the last three hours.
12:43Shouldn't a picture come out?
12:45Probably at 6 o'clock.
12:46What station is that?
12:47They call them channels.
12:49This is W6AVX3LATV channel one.
12:54Sounds like a canyon.
12:55Let's try another one.
12:56It's no use.
12:57That's it.
12:58One channel?
13:00Well, maybe there's not much room
13:01on top of Mount Wilson.
13:04Are we supposed to be this close to the set?
13:07You mean we're spending all of that money
13:09for just...
13:10Hey, hey, look.
13:11Test pattern flickered.
13:12Look at that.
13:13No, no, he explained that, honey.
13:14There's a weird chew on the cables up on Mount Wilson.
13:17Are we supposed to be this close to the set?
13:20No, not with that big five-inch screen.
13:21Come here.
13:22That beauty is important.
13:24Let me show you how clear it is.
13:26See that?
13:29Clear as a bell.
13:31Good evening.
13:32This is channel one.
13:33Turn it down.
13:34Station W6AVX3LATV.
13:39Which one is it?
13:40The seventh now.
13:41One, two, three, four.
13:42Cut it.
13:43We are telecasting from our downtown studios
13:45with our transmitter atop Mount Wilson.
13:50We would appreciate a card or letter
13:52telling us how well you receive our program.
13:55The test pattern you are looking at right now is...
13:57It's clear as a bell.
13:59Honey, you can't do that.
14:01Well, I know it.
14:03But it just seems like magic.
14:05We'll send them a card or something.
14:07We'd like you to stand by for just one moment
14:09for the telecast of our visual playlet, Cambodia,
14:12as soon as they're ready in studio one.
14:14Visual playlet.
14:16Take it away, studio one.
14:18Just think, honey, we're going to see a picture
14:20right in our very own room.
14:21Yeah, yeah.
14:23Take it away, studio one.
14:27They seem to be having strain in studio one.
14:29You have to remember this is new media.
14:32Will studio one kindly take it away?
14:39You have to remember that this is a new medium, you know.
14:43Oh, sure, sure.
14:45Everything's set now, ladies and gentlemen.
14:47Channel one invites you to enjoy
14:49tonight's visual playlet, Cambodia.
14:52Take it away, studio one.
14:56Are we on the air?
14:57I don't think so, but I can go on.
14:59Are we on the air, Harry?
15:00How do I know?
15:01We're still getting the test pattern.
15:03Honey, maybe I better go call them
15:04before they start swearing at each other.
15:06Yeah, listen.
15:07Will studio one kindly take it away?
15:10We took it away.
15:11The chief camera's busted.
15:13Shut up.
15:14We're on the air.
15:15Who cares?
15:16If somebody feeds a stupid deer up on Mount Wilson,
15:20we'd be...
15:22Due to conditions beyond our control,
15:24the visual part of our program has been thoroughly gummed up.
15:27Try again tomorrow.
15:29Good night, all.
15:31That's television, huh?
15:34Elizabeth, we're taking this set back
15:37first thing in the morning.
15:41Well, honey, I can't argue with you.
15:43It's just a big, expensive toy.
15:48We're going to have to eat out.
15:49I spent all afternoon watching the test pattern.
15:51Elizabeth, if I thought television had a future,
15:53I would say eat.
15:55Where are we going to eat?
16:01Mama said television was nothing but stereoptic and was sound.
16:04I wouldn't listen to her.
16:06Oh, how right she is.
16:08Couldn't possibly amount to anything.
16:10How's Tony's Italian restaurant?
16:13They have television.
16:14Oh, television.
16:19Thank you very much.
16:21Incident number three in the life of Elizabeth
16:23occurred the day of the ping-pong war.
16:25Oh, yes, there was a ping-pong war at 123 Elm Street
16:28on a certain Sunday a couple of months ago.
16:30Want to see it?
16:35I win 21-17.
16:37You really did it to me.
16:39I'm glad it makes you happy.
16:41Iced coffee for all hands.
16:42What do you think?
16:43I just beat Bulldog 21-17.
16:45Had him floundering around like a sick walrus.
16:47Well, I love the modest way you announce it.
16:49Oh, brother.
16:50Give him credit, Elizabeth.
16:51He beats me fire and square.
16:54He had me 17-12.
16:55All of a sudden, I gave him the old reverse English
16:58That's one good thing about Alvin.
17:00He may not be able to back the car out of the garage,
17:02but he sure can reverse his English.
17:05Hey, where's the sugar?
17:07I put it in the coffee.
17:10There you go.
17:11Ah, what a game, huh?
17:14Yeah, any old time.
17:17Hey, not enough sugar.
17:18Oh, here, I'll get it.
17:19No, sit still.
17:20No, no, you stay right here.
17:21Wait a minute.
17:22I'll get it.
17:23One of the rules, loser gets the sugar.
17:24Yeah, I know.
17:25Boy, did I wallop him.
17:27No kidding.
17:28He had me 17-12, and all of a sudden, ka-wham.
17:31You know, that's another thing I love about you, darling.
17:33You're not only a bad loser, but you're an insufferable winner.
17:36Oh, never mind.
17:39That's the most wonderful disposition I've ever...
17:41Doesn't he ever lose his temper?
17:42Nope, even in the army.
17:43Over here, Gorkon.
17:44Here you are, Elizabeth.
17:46What was that about the army?
17:48Oh, Alvin was just saying you never really lose your temper.
17:51Well, I fight it doesn't pay.
17:53Where'd the name Bulldog come from?
17:55Oh, I used to fight a little, but I never really got mad.
17:58Remember how happy you were when you threw the sergeant in the ditch?
18:02I still think you're well and done much nicer named than Bulldog.
18:06Elizabeth, I can't reach the bottom of this glass with a stupid spoon.
18:10Well, any other time, you wouldn't think twice about getting your knuckles wet.
18:13Here, wait a minute.
18:14We have the same problem at our, uh, tall glasses and short spoons, you know.
18:20There we are.
18:22Now, stir.
18:23Clever, huh?
18:25You're not a ruffled temper.
18:29Hi, Richard.
18:30Hi, Richard.
18:31Come on in.
18:32Join us for some short spoon coffee.
18:33Okay, but I can only stay for a few hours.
18:38What'd he do?
18:39We never know with Richard.
18:41Look, he helped me build the fence, and at the time, there was no gate.
18:45He just forgot, that's all.
18:47Well, the gate has been there for four years.
18:50Llewellyn, have you ever met Richard?
18:52I don't believe so.
18:53Oh, you have a treat in store for you.
18:55We love him, but...
18:56He's not stupid.
18:57If so happens, you keep him so mixed.
18:59Oh, hi, Richard.
19:00Oh, hi, kid.
19:01Hi, Alvin.
19:02Hello, Elizabeth.
19:05Richard Munch, Llewellyn Smith.
19:07Nice to know you.
19:08How about some coffee, Richard?
19:09I'll get some.
19:10Uh, no thanks.
19:11I don't drink.
19:13We were about to get a classic remark.
19:17Dimes says he makes sense.
19:19You're on.
19:26Say, that's a cute idea.
19:29What is, Richard?
19:30Dishes with handles on them.
19:36Is he kidding?
19:38Just kidding.
19:40Is he kidding?
19:41Just so happens he's never seen a ping pong set before.
19:44That's all.
19:45It's just a game, Richard.
19:46It's kind of like tennis.
19:47You have the net and the ball, and this is sort of like a racket.
19:51Would you like to learn to play?
19:54All right.
19:55You stand right over there.
19:56Now, this dish with the handle on it is a paddle.
20:00It's sort of a bat.
20:01Pick it up.
20:04No, no, no, no.
20:07Now, not around and around.
20:08Just, just around.
20:13She gets him so mixed up.
20:15He's really pretty smart.
20:16Alvin, look at this.
20:18Face the table, stupid.
20:20Now, easy now.
20:21You don't have to yell, Alvin.
20:23Look, Richard, let's, let's say you and I are on the same team.
20:26See, we hit the ball over there, and they hit it back.
20:29Who hits it back?
20:30Alvin and Llewellyn.
20:32From over there?
20:34No, they'll be over there.
20:36Elizabeth, the only way to teach him is to play a game.
20:38I'll be his partner.
20:39Go on.
20:40You don't have the patience.
20:41Well, you're the one who yelled at him.
20:42Come on, Llewellyn.
20:43Yeah, you're the one who yelled, Alvin.
20:45All right.
20:46I'm sorry.
20:47We'll beat him, huh, partner?
20:48Let's go.
20:49All right.
20:50Here we go.
20:51Say, this is fun.
20:53Here we go.
20:55I never had so much fun in all my life.
21:01You hit the ball back, didn't you?
21:03I didn't count.
21:04He didn't understand.
21:05Yes, I did, Alvin.
21:07Here we go.
21:08All right.
21:09Here we go.
21:12Hit the ball back.
21:14Alvin, it's not that important.
21:16Hit the ball back.
21:17This is the back.
21:19I'm going home.
21:21Llewellyn, he didn't mean anything by that.
21:23Alvin, will you control yourself?
21:26All right.
21:27Now do you understand what I mean by back?
21:32All right.
21:33Here we go.
21:34All right.
21:36Here we go.
21:39What the?
21:40What's the matter?
21:41Get out of here.
21:42Come on.
21:43Hit me.
21:44What do you mean, I'm game?
21:45Alvin, you get over there.
21:46He's dangerous.
21:47I'll be Victor's partner.
21:48Now go on.
21:49Is Alvin mad at me, Elizabeth?
21:51He just irritated his sunburn a little.
21:52That's all.
21:54Look, Spud, you told me yourself the guy was just learning the game.
21:56Give him a break.
21:58Well, I don't have your self-control, bulldog.
21:59All right.
22:00Now we'll serve.
22:01Now hold the paddle like this and serve the ball to them.
22:04I don't mean serve it like on a table.
22:06Just hit the ball.
22:11Oh, Llewellyn, are you all right?
22:14Yeah, it was very light.
22:16I'm sorry, Lulu.
22:19And you're supposed to hit the table first before the ball crosses the net, Richard.
22:22Go on, try it.
22:23Now hit the table first.
22:25Ready, Alvin?
22:27Ready, Lulu?
22:29Ready, Mabel.
22:32My name is Richard.
22:34Oh, Richard, never mind that.
22:35Come on now, hit the table first.
22:39Oh, that's great.
22:40Quiet, Alvin.
22:45Richard, you're not supposed to hit the table with your hand.
22:48You're supposed to hit the table with the paddle and the ball is on the table.
22:54Oh, right.
22:57All right.
23:02Look at that.
23:03If it was a grape, we'd have wine.
23:05I'll get the glasses.
23:08You march right back to this table.
23:09I'm going to teach you to play ping-pong with the last thing I ever do.
23:11Easy, buddy.
23:12Come on, Richard and I will play the two of you.
23:15All set, partner?
23:16I'm sorry, Richard.
23:17Thank you, thank you.
23:19What's Elizabeth sorry about, Helen?
23:23Now, all set, partner?
23:24Sure am, Critter.
23:25Okay, here we go.
23:29Oh, I get the idea now.
23:31Will you take the paddle out of his face?
23:35Honestly, don't worry.
23:36He's just a little over-anxious, that's all.
23:38Yeah, I'm just a little over-anxious.
23:40All right, here we go, partner.
23:42All right, here we go.
23:45That's one for Alvin.
23:47You were supposed to hit it.
23:48She was serving to you.
23:50Oh, I'm sorry, Helen.
23:55I don't think we ought to count that, honey.
23:56Richard didn't...
23:57No, no.
23:58It's one to nothing.
23:59Go ahead.
24:00One to nothing.
24:01Well, all right.
24:02Here we are.
24:04Two for Alvin.
24:06She was serving to me that time.
24:07You see, we take turns.
24:09Yeah, this time it's your turn, Richard.
24:11Okay, but it doesn't make sense.
24:13Sure it does.
24:15Now, you all ready?
24:16Let's go, partner.
24:17Okay, Maverick.
24:21Hey, good shot!
24:22Hey, good one!
24:24There we go.
24:25Now, I'll get this one.
24:26Come on, get out of the way.
24:27Come on.
24:28I'll get the next one.
24:29I'll get it.
24:30Come on.
24:32Quiet, Alvin.
24:33Llewellyn, are you all right?
24:34I'm sorry, Helen.
24:39All set.
24:41Come on, partner.
24:42Go get them.
24:45Alvin, this man is too good to be true.
24:47Yeah, it makes me kind of ashamed.
24:48All right, it's my serve.
24:49Can I have a ball?
24:51All right, we'll get you this time.
24:53All set, partner?
24:54You bet, old faint.
24:57Now, the minute I serve the ball,
24:58you get ready to smash it back.
25:00All right, here we go.
25:03You broke my wrist!
25:04I'm sorry, Lulu.
25:06Don't call me Lulu!
25:08This isn't the way you play ping pong!
25:10You're not digging fishes!
25:11This isn't the anvil!
25:12Chorus is strings!
25:15Stupid Kong!
25:16Take it easy.
25:17This is my table.
25:18There's nothing wrong with his wrist.
25:20What are you giggling about?
25:22Oh, I'm sorry.
25:23Forgive me.
25:24Well, welcome to the human race!
25:26That's what I thought you were talking about!
25:28Honestly, I thought you were talking about us!
25:30I told you about those guys!
25:33Say goodbye to the people.
25:35Goodbye, everybody.
25:36Goodbye, everybody.
25:40Thank you, everybody.
25:44You know, Richard told Elizabeth
25:45that after all, stupidity is only relative.
25:48The only trouble is
25:49you should see some of his relatives.
25:52Be with us again next week, will you?
25:54And in the meantime, once again, goodbye, everybody.
