President Moon's approval rating tops 70%

  • 4 years ago
대통령 국정지지도 7%p 올라 71%…1년10개월만에 70%선 돌파

President Moon Jae-in's approval rating has hit a record high topping 70-percent,... just days before he marks his third year in office this Sunday.
According to Gallup Korea's survey of over one-thousand people released Friday,... 71-percent were in support of the president,.. up seven percentage points from a week earlier.
It's the highest approval rating since July 2018 after the two inter-Korean summits and the first North Korea, U.S. summit and can largely be attributed to be the administration's management of the COVID-19 outbreak.
The figure is higher than that of any of his predecessors' at the same point during their term in office.