Lylith and Mara trailer for Indiegogo

  • 4 years ago
Lylith & Mara: Sisters of the Dark is now available Only on IndieGoGo!

“LYLITH & MARA” are twin sisters and the original Vampire and Succubus from who all other vampire races were evolved from. Born and raised in “The Dark”, their destiny seemed clear cut until on the age of their “becoming” when something within them stirs. A conflict between power and desires struggles with a morality of a soul they didn’t realized existed.

Written by Jason Dube with Artwork & Colors by Frederick Allison Jr. with Cover Art by Summer Dale
Variant Covers by Noel Serrato

This is a 1-shot storyline about the origins of the Vampire & Succubus sisters from our "Shadow Hunters" comic book series. This is also a more "Mature Readers" comic as we delve deep into the dark and forbidden underworld. A great read for fans of horror and the supernatural.

Get your copy today on INDIEGOGO-


