Today's Top-3 Breaking News

  • 4 years ago
Top-3 Big News:
1) British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson invite his girlfriend on his house during lockdown.Whereas, he suggesting britain people to stay at home and don't call any one at your home. In other words, he himself broke lockdown. At last, he resigned for his job.
2) Elliot alderson famous french hacker said Indian app Aarogya Setu is not safe. Moreover, he said through this app personal data can be share easily.After talking to Elliot alderson Indian IT ministry totally dismissed his statement and said Aarogya Setu app is fully safe and no personal information can be share by this app and developers team said we are upgrading more in it.
3)Director general of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom said those countries are planning to open their lockdown should take preventive measures in their country and keep tracking area especially Workplaces, schools public places etc.