कुरुक्षेत्र की पृष्ठभूमि में ५००० वर्ष पूर्व भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने अर्जुन को उपदेश दिया जो श्रीमद्भगवदगीता के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है | यह कौरवों व पांडवों के बीच युद्ध महाभारत के भीष्मपर्व का अंग है। सर्वज्ञोभगवान् गीताख्यैः सप्तभिः श्लोकशतैरु पनिबन्ध
The Bhagavad Gita often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of Bhishma Parva)
Lord Krishna Initiated Holi Geeta at moment time is stop for some moment, while After that time is never stop or wait for anyone
The Bhagavad Gita often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of Bhishma Parva)
Lord Krishna Initiated Holi Geeta at moment time is stop for some moment, while After that time is never stop or wait for anyone