Gun Sales Amid COVID-19 Spike 71% in April

  • 4 years ago
Gun Sales Amid COVID-19
Spike 71% in April According to data released Monday by Small Arms
Analytics and Forecasting (SAAF), April gun sales
increased 71.3% compared to this time last year. Approximately 1,797,910 guns
were sold in April 2020. March had an even higher surge
in sales with 2,583,238 guns sold,
an 85.3% increase versus last year. Mark Olivia, a spokesperson for the National Shooting
Sports Foundation, agreed that this has been
"the strongest April on record" for gun sales. Mark Olivia, via statement According to the 'New York Post,'
Americans are also hunting more as
reports of possible food shortages surface. As COVID-19 continues to plague the country,
Second Amendment advocates and
gun control activists continue to clash.