Palestine and Muslim World

  • 4 yıl önce
Decades of Arab failure

The official Arab order has failed miserably in dealing with Israel since its foundation as a "Jewish state" on the ruin of the Palestinian homeland seven decades ago.

They initially tried but failed to impose a solution by force, losing one war after another. Then they tried to reach a diplomatic resolution of the Palestinian question with Israel and failed again.

For over a quarter of a century, they entrusted the United States, Israel's closest ally, with managing the "peace process", and continued betting on Washington's goodwill despite its dishonest management and utter failure to bring peace.

And today, as fanatic Zionists Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt, and David Friedman spearhead the Trump administration's diplomacy and boast about their total and complete acceptance of Israel's most radical policies in Palestine, all the while refusing to share the details of their plan, Arab regimes are jumping on the Trump bandwagon against the advice and pleas of their Palestinian brethren.

In other words, having failed at solving or resolving the Palestinian issue, a number of Arab regimes are today willing, grudgingly or not, to eliminate the Palestinian cause once and for all.

But why would they betray Palestinian freedom so flagrantly, so cheaply, so humiliatingly?

Well, some like the Saudi, Emirati and Bahraini leaders are enthusiastically supporting the US deal in order to clear all hurdles to a trilateral strategic Gulf alliance with the US and Israel against Iran. Others, like Jordan and Egypt, are unable to say no to their US patron for fear of isolation or retribution, especially, when the Trump administration is offering financial rewards.

But mostly, it is because the predominantly undemocratic Arab regimes are primarily motivated by self-preservation, not national unity, security and interest. Palestine is a constant reminder of their utter failure. Having lost all popular legitimacy, national credibility and regional clout, these regimes are turning to the US for support and protection. And that comes with a hefty price tag.

Thankfully, the people of the Arab world share a different sentiment and different loyalty.


