No계란 식빵으로 소세지 치즈볼 만들기 - making sausage cheese ball with one bread

  • 4 years ago
No계란 식빵으로 소세지 치즈볼 만들기 - making sausage cheese ball with one bread

Today, we don't use flour or egg water! I simply made a hot dog out of bread. All I need is bread and water and cheese and sausage.

* Mini cheese hot dog recipe*
-Cut the edges of the bread
-Push with a rolling pin and coat with water (until water does not flow when bread is pressed!)
-Fold sausage and cheese into moist bread and press firmly.
-If you make it round, it's complete.
-Use a blender to make bread crumbs around the edges of the bread.
-Put a round hot dog in the bread crumbs.
-Fry in oil for the last time. About 4 minutes on medium heat!
(Please remove the hot dog when it is golden brown with the naked eye rather than the time.)

Ketchup or mustard, it's really good together.