Epidemiologist speaks on fight against COVID-19 in S. Korea

  • 4 years ago
"감염경로 찾아내 전파 막는다"...역학조사관에게 듣는 코로나19와의 사투

South Korea's management of bucking the trend and putting a lid of the coronavirus outbreak have mostly been attributed to its test, trace, and treat line of order.
Heroes behind the scenes. Tonight we meet with an epidemiological surveillance officer who has been tracking and tracing the paths of confirmed patients and their possible contacts.
Arirang News' Kan Hyeong-woo with his story.
Jang Hanaram is an epidemiologist.
He has been tracing confirmed patients in the city of Incheon since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in late January.
"The ultimate purpose of epidemiological investigation is to figure out how someone contracted the virus... to prevent the spread of the infectious disease and ensure people's safety."
With a heavy protective suit on,... Jang has talked to dozens of confirmed patients.
One of the biggest obstacles for him was that people did not remember where they had been during the two weeks prior to showing symptoms.
"Initially, interviewing confirmed patients to trace their movements and find out who's been in contact with them is very important. But It's also crucial to gather as much information as possible... including CCTV footage, GPS data and credit card records."
Jang said one of the biggest reasons for South Korea's success in containing the virus is the professionalism and responsibility of officials and experts.
"Medical staff at hospitals, testing center personnel, public health center workers and those in charge of infectious disease at city and provincial governments including epidemiologists like myself. Their jobs are highly professionalized... and I've learned that the level of human resources in these areas is excellent."
The epidemiologist said he feels like people are letting their guard down over COVID-19 as the weather gets warmer.
He warned that the virus has enough potential to take advantage of such slack and cause another pandemic.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News.
