Marvel's Spider-Man part 1- the main event

  • 4 years ago
The Main Event is the first mission in Marvel's Spider-Man. It serves as a tutorial of sorts for players, and must be completed before players can access any other part of the game.


The scene opens with Peter Parker asleep on his bed, awoken by the buzzing of his cell phone. Players get a glimpse of his apartment, including pictures of him with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, newspapers from the Daily Bugle, schematics for suit improvements, and even comic books. They also see he is notoriously behind on his rent.

Police Dispatch: All units, level four mobilization. Location--Fisk Tower. Peter: Fisk?

At this point, Peter quickly rises, donning his Spider-Man suit and hurrying out of his apartment.

Police Dispatch: SWAT is 10-84 at Fisk Tower. All units standby, warrant is en route.

Travel tutorial

Spider-Man then exits the apartment via the window, and at this point players take control, learning how to swing through the city.

Yuriko Watanabe comes over his coms: Captain Watanabe.
Spider-Man: Did you take him down yet?
Yuri Watanabe: No. We're at Fisk Tower but still waiting on the warrant.
Spider-Man: Mind if I join in on the fun?
Yuri Watanabe: You know how his lawyers are... this one needs to go by the book.
Spider-Man: C'mon, Yuri. I've been waiting eight years for this.
Yuri Watanabe: You really want to help? Head to Times Square, sounds like his guys are trying to keep my backup from reaching the scene...
Spider-Man: You got it - almost there!

Soon after, work calls, and the voice of Otto Octavius comes over the line, though players are not clued in to his identity as of yet.

Spider-Man: Hello?
Boss: Parker? Where are you? We must run through the demonstration at least once before the grant committee arrives.
Spider-Man: Uhh, yes. Sorry. Yes. Dealing with a... personal issue. I'll be in soon. Promise. hangs up Eesh, better wrap this up quick, then get to my *real* job. approaching Times Square Looks like Yuri called in the cavalry.

Taking down Fisk's men

Arriving at Times Square, players can see police officers under fire from Fisk's men, ducking behind their vehicles for cover.

Police Officer: We need more backup! 10-32. Times Square, Officers under fire!!

The enemy approaches, firing machine guns, but then their leader stops.

Fisk Thug: Bring in the hammer.

He waves them away, and the officers slowly emerge, confused. Then, a tanker truck speeds in from the side, smashing their cars before exploding in a ball of fire. The thugs resume their advance. Before they can shoot, Spider-Man arrives, disarming them all from above before landing.

Action phase
Spider-Man: Morning guys! Who's ready for their hot fresh cup of bodily harm?