坂本龍一 (Ryūichi Sakamoto) - 14 Part 2 - 1984 - 音楽図鑑 (Music Encyclopedia) [full album]

  • 4 years ago

01 - M2 Bill - 00:00
02 - M4 Tod - 05:51
03 - Self Portrait - 04A feat. 吉田美奈子 [-- Minako Yoshida] - 10:57
04 - 両眼微笑 -0011-02 [Ryōme bishō / Smiling with Both Eyes] - 15:37
05 - M11 Bruc - 20:32
06 - M23 Ballad - 25:42
07 - マ・メール・ロワ -0014-02-MAY16 [Ma Mer Roi (?)] - 31:02

Disc Issue Info
Year: 2015 (remaster)
Catalogue Number: MDCL-5035
Media: CD
Album Dynamic Range value: 15 (Good)


All rights reserved to the original authors/composers/publishers of this album.
By posting this here I intend no malice to any of the aforementioned individuals/groups/companies. If you feel that your rights have been breached by posting this video please contact me.
I'll take immediate action in removing the content from this channel.

The above translation of song names/lyrics may not be accurate, if you want to help translating the songs, please contact me!

kayōkyoku, kayoukyoku, フォークソング, ニューミュージック, new music, ポップ・ミュージック, pop music, pop, ポップ, POPS, j-pop, 作曲家, lyricist, 作曲家, composer, ボーカル, ピアノ, ギター, guitar, vocals, piano, 1984, 鈴木茂, shigeru suzuki, 歌謡曲, 山下達郎, tatsuro yamashita, シュガー・ベイブ, 大貫妙子, taeko onuki, funk, ロック, rock, folk, フォーク, reggae, レゲエ, とびらのふゆ, 細野晴臣, haruomi hosono, 佐藤博, hiroshi satoh, hiroshi satō, jake conception, jake h. conception, ジェイクコンセプション, ジェイクFコンセプション, 矢野誠, makoto yano, 坂本龍一, ryuichi sakamoto, summer nerves, ohnuki, 高橋幸宏, 高橋ユキヒロ, yukihiro takahashi, YMO, yellow magic, orchestra, solid state survivor, ショーボート, victor entertainment, ビクターエンタテインメント, RCA, RVC, MIDI, GM, School,
